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DigitalOcean joins as Django Girls’ global partner!


As we begin our fundraising campaign for 2024, we are excited to announce another great company joining us as a global partner - DigitalOcean!

DigitalOcean simplifies cloud computing so businesses can spend more time creating software that changes the world. With its mission-critical infrastructure and fully managed offerings, DigitalOcean helps developers at startups and growing digital businesses rapidly build, deploy and scale, whether creating a digital presence or building digital products.

DigitalOcean combines the power of simplicity, security, community and customer support so customers can spend less time managing their infrastructure and more time building innovative applications that drive business growth.

DigitalOcean is pleased to support the Django Girls’ mission to empower women and girls with technology. They are joining us at the Diamond sponsor level.

For more information, visit

Thank you DigitalOcean!

OddBird joins as Django Girls Global Partner!

Happy New Year!

We are excited to start the year by announcing a great company joining us as a global partner - OddBird!


OddBird collaborates with teams at mid-size and large companies to plan, design, and develop custom web applications and design systems. As thoughtful experts, they love to help their clients improve team workflow, lower maintenance costs, and solve problems with technology that help people. They provide the full range of services from brand design, user research, and project management, to Python on the backend, CSS/Sass on the frontend, and JavaScript.


OddBird was founded in 2008 by three siblings with a vision for human-centered software design and development on the web, especially focused on accessibility, performance, integrated design systems, and long-term sustainability. Since then, OddBird has become an industry leader – from our work on Django, Sass, and Susy, to the W3C, Mozilla Developer Channel, Object-Oriented UX, and in-depth conference talks on front-end architecture, workflow, component libraries, testing, and documentation. 


Their clients get to know their tight-knit team on a first-name basis. OddBird is intentionally small, enabling them to move nimbly and integrate with teams at larger companies like Adobe, Google, Mozilla, and SRAM for a big impact. They all learn what makes each project special, and strategize together – keeping the backend, frontend, and design integrated for a shared understanding of each company’s goals and user needs.


OddBird staff frequently give conference talks and workshops, write articles and speak on podcasts to teach people how to create more resilient web applications and design systems – improving team processes, communication, site performance, and accessibility.


OddBird has supported us in the past for years through Patreon and we are excited to have them back as our Silver sponsor. 

Thank you OddBird!

Django Girls Foundation is looking for more corporate sponsors to join as global partners. For more information on our corporate sponsorships, please see our sponsorship deck or email You can also visit our Patreon page for monthly donations. 

RunCode joins as Django Girls Global Partner!

We are excited to announce another excellent company joining us as Django Girls’ global partner, RunCode!


Software development is made easy with the emerging Cloud Development Environment systems. is always trying to make developer lives easy by providing pre-built ready-to-code workspaces. Now anyone can start coding with the click of a button.

They mainly focus on: 

  • Live collaboration
  • Isolated development environment
  • Security first
  • Code from any device
  • Pre-built environment ready to code with the click of a button
  • Connect with your favourite git hosting (GitHub GitLab, BitBucket).

Developers around the world spend hours setting up their development environments, laptops, and machines, resulting in expensive upgrades, and all the efforts may be for nothing if a single hardware error occurs. The solution to this problem is the - ”Cloud”! Imagine how wonderful it would be if we have the same development tools in the cloud, with almost zero installation/setting-up efforts at a very attractive and economical price.

RunCode has taken up this challenge, and brings the “RunCode cloud development environment”. RunCode is a cloud-based, robust, secure, ready-to-code developer workspace, that provides a high-performance & fully configurable coding environment to developers. Their browser-based platform enables seamless collaboration between teams across operating systems and devices on a real-time basis, at the click of a button. 

RunCode Workspaces support over 40+ Linux-based programming languages, 11+ databases, and 22+ frameworks thereby opening up a world of opportunities for the code-indulgent folks. RunCode Workspaces are powered by 8 core CPU, 16 GB RAM, 30 GB cloud storage, and VS Code IDE or Jupyter lab for data science and more to come.

Spinning up a workspace is straightforward, the user simply has to open and click on the pre-configured templates, or by adding one line anchor tag to the file, users can open their repositories on RunCode Workspaces. Real-time collaboration and access from any device are the added advantages of the platform.

They are investing heavily in the open-source ecosystem by offering unlimited access to eligible developers under our open-source contributor program. Likewise, they have students, educational institutions, startups, and incubators programs.

Thank you RunCode!

Django Girls Foundation is looking for more corporate sponsors to join as global partners. For more information on our corporate sponsorships, please see our sponsorship deck or email You can also visit our Patreon page for monthly donations. 

PostHog joins as Django Girls Global Partner!


We are excited to announce another great company joining us as a global partner in 2022 - PostHog!

PostHog offers a suite of product analysis tools, including funnels, heat maps, session recording, and experimentation, all in one easy-to-use platform. They are open-source, so you can host it on your own infrastructure. This means you have greater control over who has access to your data, and makes regulatory compliance a breeze because you don’t need to send user info to third parties.

PostHog’s plugin system works seamlessly with tools such as data warehouses, both for importing and exporting data. This allows you to bring data across your tools into one place and easily understand user behaviour across a range of touchpoints.

PostHog joined our Patreon campaign in March 2022.

Thank you PostHog! We are happy to have you support our work.

Django Girls Foundation is looking for more corporate sponsors to join as global partners. For more information on our corporate sponsorships, please see our sponsorship deck or email You can also visit our Patreon page for monthly donations.

Flatirons Development joins as Django Girls Global Partner

We are once again excited to announce another great company joining us as our global partner - Flatirons Development!


Flatirons Development is a software development and full-service design firm that specializes in moving early-stage software companies from point A to point B. They are focused on building SaaS products, multi-user applications, marketplaces, and complex systems that balance user needs with critical business goals.

In 2020, Flatirons Development launched their investment arm, Flatirons Fund, to encourage innovation during a troubled economic climate and the years beyond. They are dedicated to supporting and advancing a new wave of software developers and founders, particularly women and people of color who have traditionally been underrepresented in the space. By investing product development and design talent in early-stage companies, their goal is to get founders to a place where they can go out and successfully raise funds or hit their next big milestone.


Flatirons Development is about to release their first consumer-facing product built for developers, Flatirons Fuse. Flatirons Fuse fixes the headache of data onboarding with an embeddable CSV import tool. With just a few lines of code, developers can provide their customers with a powerful data onboarding experience, including AI-powered column matching, frontend data validation and cleaning, and backend data validation support.

They joined our Patreon campaign this month. We are so excited to have them on board, supporting our work.

Thank you Flatirons Development!

Django Girls Foundation is looking for more corporate sponsors to join as global partners. For more information on our corporate sponsorships, please see our sponsorship deck or email You can also visit our Patreon page for monthly donations.

Six Feet Up joins as Django Girls Global Partner


As the year ends, we are excited to be introducing another great company joining us as a global partner for Django Girls - Six Feet Up!

Six Feet Up, Inc. is a Python and cloud expert consulting company that helps innovative tech leaders build apps faster, innovate with AI/ML, simplify Big Data, and leverage Cloud technology.


Using modern technologies and processes, their mission is to Make Anything Possible™ for their clients. They are committed to completing 10 IMPACTFUL Projects by 2025. IMPACTFUL Projects are defined as projects that are impressive, purposeful, and transformative. To date, Six Feet Up has had the privilege to work on 4 IMPACTFUL Projects — ranging from space exploration to lightning strike predictions, forest fire management, and genetic engineering. The company is well on its way to achieving this goal.


At Six Feet Up, their can-do mindset keeps the team focused on making anything possible for their clients. Whether they’re learning new tools or collaborating with competitors to combine thier expertise, they will explore every avenue to meet joint goals. After completing an especially complex project, one client gave them a toy pig with wings saying: “With Six Feet Up, pigs truly can fly.”

They work hard at promoting best practices and automation. To this end, They have founded industry-leading events including the Python Web Conference, the largest worldwide event for web developers; IndyPy, the largest Python meetup in Indiana; and IndyAWS, Indiana’s fastest-growing cloud meetup.


Six Feet Up is a certified Women-Owned Business. They are also a gender-balanced software company and we couldn’t be happier to partner with such a great company!

Thank you Six Feet Up.

Django Girls Foundation is looking for more corporate sponsors to join as global partners. For more information on our corporate sponsorships, please see our sponsorship deck or email You can also visit our Patreon page for monthly donations.

Free coding lessons for Django Girls alumni from Webucator starting January 2022

Are you a former Django Girls workshop attendee? We have great news for you. One of our global partners, Webucator, is offering free Python, Django, and HTML lessons to former Django Girls workshops attendees through a partnership with Django Girls.


The aim is to provide follow-up workshops that supplement the content in our Django Girls tutorial and provide more content for free for those who wish to continue learning to program after attending one of our workshops.


These follow-up workshops will be 100% remote, with the first one scheduled for January 22, 2022, from 10:00 to 16:00 ET, and will be facilitated by Noah Alorwu.

Noah Alorwu is a Software Engineer based in Ghana. He has been involved with Django Girls since 2017. He has coached and organized numerous Django Girls across Ghana and beyond. Currently, Noah is part of the Django Girls Foundation Advisory Board which helps to shape the future of Django Girls.


Noah loves to contribute his quota to the development of the tech ecosystem. He believes in bridging the gender disparities in tech and loves working on projects that help solve a problem. He is excited to be leading these fantastic workshops with Webucator and hopes to see you there!

For more details on the course content, please visit this link. Click here to apply for this amazing opportunity.

Best wishes with your coding journey!

Webucator joins as Django Girls Global Partner

We are very excited to announce another awesome company joining us as Django Girls global partner, Webucator!


Webucator provides high-quality onsite and online training on technologies such as Python, Django, SQL, JavaScript, Java, SharePoint, Microsoft Office, Azure, Windows, Adobe, and much more.


Webucator’s Chief Information Officer, Nat Dunn, is the author of two books, Actionable Python and Actionable Django. Webucator is also a proud sponsor of The Python Software Foundation and The Django Software Foundation. You can read more about that and other things they support here.


Join the 14,985 organizations that have trusted Webucator with their training needs.

Django Girls Foundation is looking for more corporate sponsors to join as global partners. For more information on our corporate sponsorships, please see our sponsorship deck or email You can also visit our Patreon page for monthly donations.

Caktus Group renews as Django Girls Global Partner


We are once again excited to have Caktus Group renewing their sponsorship as Django Girls global partner!

Caktus Group builds sharp web apps and prides itself on doing development the right way with a diverse and talented team. Using agile processes, they innovate, iterate, and deliver on time and on budget. Check out their blog for a variety of Django tips and helpful how-to’s.

Caktus is proud to support DjangoGirls and its mission to empower women and increase diversity in the tech industry. They are always on the lookout for talented Django developers to add to their close-knit team. Current job openings are listed on their careers page. Before the COVID pandemic, the team enjoyed working together at the Caktus headquarters in Durham, North Carolina. While all their work is done remotely, they regularly connect online to collaborate and have fun! 

Founded in 2007 by Django developers, Caktus specializes in custom web app development for a variety of businesses as well as healthcare, higher education, government, and nonprofits. Their projects positively impact millions of people worldwide.

Caktus Group supports the local community through a charitable giving program and by sponsoring tech meetups. They contribute to the broader tech community with various open source projects and by annually sponsoring events such as DjangoCon and PyCon. If you ever run into them at a conference, stop and say hello! You can also engage with Caktus on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and GitHub.

Django Girls Foundation is looking for more corporate sponsors to join as global partners. For more information on our corporate sponsorships, please see our sponsorship deck or email You can also visit our Patreon page for monthly donations.

Potato joins as Django Girls Global Partner


We are so excited to announce another awesome company joining as Django Girls global partner, Potato!

Potato is an award-winning digital product development studio with offices in London and San Francisco. They strive to build a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can learn and grow while building and launching innovative, scalable products. 


Open Source and Django are fundamental to the architecture of their products, and Potato regularly releases and maintains the Open Source tools and libraries at the core of the highly scalable apps they build on Google’s Cloud platform.

Potato is currently looking for experienced Django developers to join its agile development team Read more here on the Potato jobs page.


Django Girls Foundation is looking for more corporate sponsors to join as global partners. For more information on our corporate sponsorships, please see our sponsorship deck or email You can also visit our Patreon page for monthly donations.