About Brad

Brad Snyder is an essayist and humor writer whose nonfiction work has appeared or is forthcoming in HuffPost Personal, River Teeth’s Beautiful Things, Sweet Lit, Under the Gum Tree, The Maine Review, and The Gay & Lesbian Review, among other outlets. His humor work has appeared in Points in Case, Little Old Lady Comedy, Frazzled, and beyond.

He holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing from Bay Path University.

Brad is also an experienced grant writer for causes he is passionate about, including LGBTQ rights.

He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his husband, daughter, son, and sometimes-warring cat and dogs.


Please take a moment to read Brad’s writing and follow him on the social things using the links at the bottom of the page.

Me with baseball.jpg

Brad circa 1983…

This photo was taken by Brad’s babysitter during the second or third grade. She received a B+ on it for her photography class (apparently the image is overexposed, but whatever). No single childhood image has captured more of Brad’s adult reflection than this one. One day, he hopes you will read why in the coming-of-age memoir he is at work on.