When you think of the words Independence Day, a few things probably come to mind. Fireworks, freedom, outdoor barbecues, fun in the sun, Will Smith, and, most obvious, the Fourth of July.

The date July 4th has been associated as the formal celebration for Independence Day throughout our nation's history. However, the exact day that the United States of America became an independent nation was not on the Fourth of July; but rather, it was a couple days prior, on July 2nd.

So, why do we celebrate on the fourth? And who started the tradition of fireworks, anyway? Let's start with the basics.

What Is Independence Day?

In 1775, at the beginning of the Revolutionary War, a small number of colonists stated their desire to separate from Great Britain. At the time, those who were in favor of splitting from King George III's monarchy were considered radical in their beliefs. However, by the middle of 1776, many more colonists began to teeter on the side of separation, due in part to the growing hostility that the Thirteen Colonies had garnered for Great Britain.

On June 7th, 1776, the members of the Continental Congress met at what is now called Independence Hall in Philadelphia, to discuss a proposal calling for the colonies' separation from Great Britain.

The motion to split, introduced by Virginia delegate, Richard Henry Lee, sparked heated debate among the Congress members, and the vote was adjourned.

What Happened on July 2nd?

Prior to dismissing for recess on the postponed resolution, the Congress appointed five men—Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Robert R. Livingston of New York, John Adams of Massachusetts, Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, and Roger Sherman of Connecticut—to formulate a statement justifying the colonies' separation from Great Britain. The document, primarily drafted by Thomas Jefferson, would become known as the Declaration of Independence.

On July 1st, the Continental Congress came together to vote on the resolution. New York had to abstain from the vote due to the fact that the state assembly hadn't yet given their approval. However, New York's abstained status was not considered an opposition, and on the following day, July 2nd, 1776, the resolution was passed. Thus, marking it the day that America achieved independence from the monarchy—at least bureaucratically. It would take several years of war to achieve true independence.

So...What Happened on July 4th?

While the vote was passed on July 2nd, the formal paperwork (that little document known as the Declaration of Independence) required a few revisions.

Declaration of Independence -
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It wasn't until July 4th, 1776, that the amendments were solidified, and the document was complete. Historians also believe that it wasn't until August 2nd that all the proper signatures on the Declaration of Independence were collected.

Where Do Parades and Fireworks Come In?

Several days after the Declaration of Independence was finalized—as copies were distributed and published across the nation—a public reading of the document was held in Philadelphia. Bonfires, band music, and fireworks accompanied the monumental occasion. John Adams can be credited with the idea, as evidenced by a letter that he wrote to Abigail Adams, noting that the signing of the document should be commemorated "with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more."

It is believed that some celebrations that summer were framed as a mock funeral of sorts for the symbolic "death" of King George III's monarchy and the "birth" of independence. The following year, on July 4th, 1777, Congress was adjourned, and a mass celebration was held, involving "a grand exhibition of fireworks (which began and concluded with thirteen rockets) on the Commons" to illuminate the city.

In the century to follow, the tradition carried on, with many towns throughout the nation displaying their patriotism on July 4th—marking the day with picnics, games, parades, military showcases, and fireworks.


The fourth day of the seventh month was officially recognized as a national holiday in 1870, when Congress declared Independence Day (July 4th), along with Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday of November), Christmas (December 25th), New Year's Day (January 1st), and George Washington's Birthday (February 17th) as reserved federal holidays.

Further legislation surrounding the Fourth of July passed in 1938 when a provision was granted to make it a paid holiday for all federal employees. Thus, the Fourth of July as we know it today was born.