✅ Quick Facts:

  • A faster-than-light “observer” would take general relativity to new quantum places.
  • In new research, the lead scientist explains why just one space and one time aren’t enough for this scenario.
  • Symmetry is a physics concept that goes all the way back to Galileo’s time.

The secret to faster-than-light physics could be to double down on the number of dimensions. Specifically, the solution may lie in three dimensions of time, with just one representing space. The math is deep and complicated, but the ideas may be within our grasp after all. And there’s one math trick at superspeeds that may just “flip” your lid.

The key idea at play is that of a “superluminal observer,” according to research published in December 2022 in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity. “Superluminal” means faster than light, from super- meaning “more” or “most,” and -luminal like, well, Lumière from Beauty and the Beast, and the lumens that power your home movie projector. The superluminal observer is a hypothetical thing that is looking at the universe while traveling faster than light. It’s you in your Star Trek warp-speed shuttle.

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The Galileo II (NCC-1701/7) shuttlecraft appears in the Star Trek episode, “The Way to Eden.” Pictured is William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock. The episode originally aired on February 21, 1969.

Superluminal observers are cool because, in a way, they marry together two very different sides of physics: general relativity and quantum mechanics. General relativity is the work embodied by Albert Einstein, which governs how spacetime functions as bodies move around the universe at subluminal, or slower than light, speeds. Quantum mechanics explains how subatomic particles behave, or don’t behave, in very strange ways on the smallest of scales.

The research team—led by theoretical physicist Andrzej Dragan of the University of Warsaw and the National University of Singapore—has theorized that many parts of quantum physics, like indeterminism and superposition, can be explained if you take general relativity and apply its principles to the superluminal observer. In other words, how messy does spacetime get if we take our shuttle up to warp speed? Is everything suddenly in multiple places at once?

Dragan’s new work indicates that it’s at least a possibility. Perhaps more interestingly, the way general relativity becomes quantum phenomena at speeds greater than light doesn’t seem to introduce any causal paradoxes. In earlier work, published in the New Journal of Physics in March 2020, Dragan and his coauthor studied “just” one space dimension and one time dimension, known as 1+1. In the new paper, the researchers upped the ante to include one space dimension and three time dimensions, or 1+3.

When Time and Space Flip Math

Why do we need three time dimensions? To understand, we have to talk about some math. “[D]espite our common perception, time and space are strikingly similar according to relativity, and mathematically the only difference between them is the minus sign somewhere in the equations,” Dragan explains to Popular Mechanics in an email. That’s a small difference in complicated math, but think of the algebra example of the difference of two squares: x² - 16, for example, is the result of (x - 4)(x + 4). With one flipped sign, the middle term in the polynomial falls away.

But when the observer is going faster than the speed of light, the difference in signs also changes. That’s because time and space must flip in the math. “The time of the superluminal observer becomes space of the subluminal one, and their space becomes time,” Dragan says. In other words, the regular, non-light-speed observer’s space and time turn into the time and space, relatively, of the faster-than-light observer. “So their corresponding signs have to interchange.”

In a 1+1 scenario, that means the two dimensions are the same, making it redundant. If 50 = 50, does it matter which 50 is which? (In logic, we call this a tautology.) That means that if we want to truly study space and time as different things, we have to add a second “set” of two dimensions: space and time 1, together, represent space; while time 2 and time 3, together, represent time. It’s not quite the difference of two squares, but we have two balanced sets of dimensions.

The Symmetry in Physics

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There’s another interesting aspect to this research, because Dragan’s team wants to show that even at superluminal speeds, physics shows symmetry.

“The idea of symmetry in physics can be traced back to Galileo,” Dragan says. “He noticed that no matter what velocity we move at, as long as that velocity is constant, our physics remains the same. A parrot flying in a moving ship experiences the same dynamical laws as at ‘rest’ on Earth.”

Galileo Galilei was an influential Italian scientist who lived during the 16th and 17th centuries. As an elderly man, he received a life sentence for going public with his belief that Earth orbited the sun!

But our conceptions of physics are limited by the long-running (and reasonable!) belief that nothing can travel faster than light, Dragan explains. That means the superluminal observer, by definition, exists as a kind of exception into which we must work to extend the idea of symmetry. Does it make sense that a superluminal observer would still be subject to symmetry? Is the parrot traveling faster than light still the same as the parrot in the ship or on Earth?

“We argued that this additional limiting assumption isn’t necessary,” Dragan says. He believes symmetry may extend into faster-than-light speeds, and our parrot friend would be just as affected by the same laws of physics while traveling in the warp-speed shuttle.

Toward a Grand Unified Theory

So, this paper isn’t about traveling at warp speed, but instead an analysis of physics to show how we can bring two very different physics branches together. Why is that, itself, so important?

“The idea of more than one time dimension has been considered by others over the years, so that particular premise is not novel,” Harold “Sonny” White, a onetime NASA physicist and the founder of the Limitless Space Institute (LSI), a group that funds and promotes far-out space travel and physics research, tells Popular Mechanics. “But the mathematical framework developed by the authors in this published paper is unique. It would seem the authors’ perceived benefit from the effort is that it establishes a mathematical basis for why we need a field theoretical framework.”

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What is a field theoretical framework? It’s the big picture of physics that can bring everything together. “[I]f we envision the standard models of physics as a Venn diagram, there would be two circles side-by-side that touch at a single tangent point,” White explains. “The idea of a grand unified field theory might be envisioned as a larger circle that encircles both the smaller circles.”

By showing their work, these researchers have pointed out a really specific way in which one big basket of physics—rather than two baskets that we aren’t sure how to carry at the same time—would make more sense in practical and mathematical terms.

Okay, sure, you may be thinking: all this superluminal jabberwocky is interesting. But warp speed itself is science fiction, right? (At least for now: White’s LSI funds education that may eventually lead us elsewhere.) The superluminal observer is just a thought exercise ... right?

Dragan isn’t so sure. “The last remaining question is whether superluminal objects are only a mathematical possibility, or they actually exist in reality,” he concludes. “We believe the latter to be that case, and that is the purpose of our further research.”

That means our warp-speed shuttle, once the most far-out thing science fiction writers could even imagine, could embody an elegant theory that brings together two very different kinds of physics. Indeed, objects in the superluminal mirror may be closer than they appear.

Headshot of Caroline Delbert
Caroline Delbert

Caroline Delbert is a writer, avid reader, and contributing editor at Pop Mech. She's also an enthusiast of just about everything. Her favorite topics include nuclear energy, cosmology, math of everyday things, and the philosophy of it all.