Christopher Plieger

Business student with Web Experience

A passion for technology and business

My name is Christopher Plieger, I’m 23 years old and recently graduated from HHL in Germany, obtaining a Master of Science in Management. I mostly focus on marketing and product development and more specifically in the tech industry with etoro .

In 2009 I founded the company SnippetSpace after developing iWebkit for over a year already and it quickly became the most successful iPhone web app tool on the web. It was used by the iPhone jailbreak community as well as by businesses and in class rooms to teach kids the basics of web development.

Now for bit of personal history. I was born in the Netherlands in 1991 in a small city called Woudrichem. In 2003 I moved to France where I spent the next 10 years and completed the first part of my higher education. It was in France that I started web developement by building my first website for my parents in order to advertise the rental of vacation apartments that they own. That was the start of my passion for Web Design which led to the creation of iWebKit. In 2013 I went to study in Germany in the city of Leipzig and also spent 4 months in South Korea to fullfill my master program. That brings us to today. Later on in life I spent some time trading Forex for a living but passed this on when I went back into the banking sector.