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added 442 characters in body
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John Conde
  • 218.9k
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  1. Semicolon; where you at?

    Pretty universally have you missed a semicolon in the previous line if the parser complains about a control statement:

    $x = myfunc()
    if (true) {

    Solution: look into the previous line; add semicolon.

  2. Class declarations

    Another location where this occurs is in class declarations. In the class section you can only list property initializations and method sections. No code may reside there.

    class xyz {
        if (true) {}
        foreach ($var) {}

    Such syntax errors commonly materialize for incorrectly nested { and }. In particular when function code blocks got closed too early.

  3. Statements in expression context

    Most language constructs can only be used as statements. They aren't meant to be placed inside other expressions:

    $var = array(1, 2, foreach($else as $_), 5, 6);

    Likewise can't you use an if in strings, math expressions or elsewhere:

    print "Oh, " . if (true) { "you!" } . " won't work";
    // Use a ternary condition here instead, when versed enough.

    For embedding if-like conditions in an expression specifically, you often want to use a ?: ternary evaluation.

    The same applies to for, while, global, echo and a lesser extend list.

    echo 123, echo 567, "huh?";

    Whereas print() is a language built-in that may be used in expression context. (But rarely makes sense.)

  4. Reserved keywords as identifiers

    You also can't use do or if and other language constructs for user-defined functions or class names. (Perhaps in PHP 7. But even then it wouldn't be advisable.)

  5. Your have a semi-colon instead of a colon (:) or curly bracket ({) after your control block

    Control structures are typically wrapped in curly braces (but colons can be used in an alternative syntax) to represent their scope. If you accidentally use a semi-colon you prematurely close that block resulting in your closing statement throwing an error.

    foreach ($errors as $error); <-- should be : or {
  1. Semicolon; where you at?

    Pretty universally have you missed a semicolon in the previous line if the parser complains about a control statement:

    $x = myfunc()
    if (true) {

    Solution: look into the previous line; add semicolon.

  2. Class declarations

    Another location where this occurs is in class declarations. In the class section you can only list property initializations and method sections. No code may reside there.

    class xyz {
        if (true) {}
        foreach ($var) {}

    Such syntax errors commonly materialize for incorrectly nested { and }. In particular when function code blocks got closed too early.

  3. Statements in expression context

    Most language constructs can only be used as statements. They aren't meant to be placed inside other expressions:

    $var = array(1, 2, foreach($else as $_), 5, 6);

    Likewise can't you use an if in strings, math expressions or elsewhere:

    print "Oh, " . if (true) { "you!" } . " won't work";
    // Use a ternary condition here instead, when versed enough.

    For embedding if-like conditions in an expression specifically, you often want to use a ?: ternary evaluation.

    The same applies to for, while, global, echo and a lesser extend list.

    echo 123, echo 567, "huh?";

    Whereas print() is a language built-in that may be used in expression context. (But rarely makes sense.)

  4. Reserved keywords as identifiers

    You also can't use do or if and other language constructs for user-defined functions or class names. (Perhaps in PHP 7. But even then it wouldn't be advisable.)

  1. Semicolon; where you at?

    Pretty universally have you missed a semicolon in the previous line if the parser complains about a control statement:

    $x = myfunc()
    if (true) {

    Solution: look into the previous line; add semicolon.

  2. Class declarations

    Another location where this occurs is in class declarations. In the class section you can only list property initializations and method sections. No code may reside there.

    class xyz {
        if (true) {}
        foreach ($var) {}

    Such syntax errors commonly materialize for incorrectly nested { and }. In particular when function code blocks got closed too early.

  3. Statements in expression context

    Most language constructs can only be used as statements. They aren't meant to be placed inside other expressions:

    $var = array(1, 2, foreach($else as $_), 5, 6);

    Likewise can't you use an if in strings, math expressions or elsewhere:

    print "Oh, " . if (true) { "you!" } . " won't work";
    // Use a ternary condition here instead, when versed enough.

    For embedding if-like conditions in an expression specifically, you often want to use a ?: ternary evaluation.

    The same applies to for, while, global, echo and a lesser extend list.

    echo 123, echo 567, "huh?";

    Whereas print() is a language built-in that may be used in expression context. (But rarely makes sense.)

  4. Reserved keywords as identifiers

    You also can't use do or if and other language constructs for user-defined functions or class names. (Perhaps in PHP 7. But even then it wouldn't be advisable.)

  5. Your have a semi-colon instead of a colon (:) or curly bracket ({) after your control block

    Control structures are typically wrapped in curly braces (but colons can be used in an alternative syntax) to represent their scope. If you accidentally use a semi-colon you prematurely close that block resulting in your closing statement throwing an error.

    foreach ($errors as $error); <-- should be : or {
Active reading [<>].
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Peter Mortensen
  • 31.4k
  • 22
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  • 132

Unexpected T_IF
Unexpected T_FOREACH
Unexpected T_FOR
Unexpected T_WHILE
Unexpected T_DO
Unexpected T_ECHO

Control constructs such as if, foreach, for, while, list, global, return, do, print, echo may only be used as statements. They usually reside on a line by themselves.

  1. Semicolon; where you at?

    Pretty universally have you missed a semicolon in the previous line if the parser complains about a control statement:

    $x = myfunc()
    if (true) {

    Solution: look into the previous line; add semicolon.

  2. Class declarations

    Another location where this occurs is in class declarations. In the class section you can only list property initializations and method sections. No code may reside there.

    class xyz {
        if (true) {}
        foreach ($var) {}

    Such syntax errors commonly materialize for incorrectly nested { and }. In particular when function code blocks got closed too early.

  3. Statements in expression context

    Most language constructs can only be used as statements. They aren't meant to be placed inside other expressions:

    $var = array(1, 2, foreach($else as $_), 5, 6);

    Likewise can't you use an if in strings, math expressions or elsewhere:

    print "Oh, " . if (true) { "you!" } . " won't work";
    // Use a ternary condition here instead, when versed enough.

    For embedding if-like conditions in an expression specifically, you often want to use a ?: ternary evaluation.

    The same applies to for, while, global, echo and a lesser extend list.

    echo 123, echo 567, "huh?";

    Whereas print() is a language builtinbuilt-in that may be used in expression context. (But rarely makes sense.)

  4. Reserved keywords as identifiers

    You also can't use do or if and other language constructs for user-defined functions or class names. (Perhaps in PHP7PHP 7. But even then it wouldn't be advisable.)

Unexpected T_IF
Unexpected T_FOREACH
Unexpected T_FOR
Unexpected T_WHILE
Unexpected T_DO
Unexpected T_ECHO

Control constructs such as if, foreach, for, while, list, global, return, do, print, echo may only be used as statements. They usually reside on a line by themselves.

  1. Semicolon; where you at?

    Pretty universally have you missed a semicolon in the previous line if the parser complains about a control statement:

    $x = myfunc()
    if (true) {

    Solution: look into the previous line; add semicolon.

  2. Class declarations

    Another location where this occurs is in class declarations. In the class section you can only list property initializations and method sections. No code may reside there.

    class xyz {
        if (true) {}
        foreach ($var) {}

    Such syntax errors commonly materialize for incorrectly nested { and }. In particular when function code blocks got closed too early.

  3. Statements in expression context

    Most language constructs can only be used as statements. They aren't meant to be placed inside other expressions:

    $var = array(1, 2, foreach($else as $_), 5, 6);

    Likewise can't you use an if in strings, math expressions or elsewhere:

    print "Oh, " . if (true) { "you!" } . " won't work";
    // Use a ternary condition here instead, when versed enough.

    For embedding if-like conditions in an expression specifically, you often want to use a ?: ternary evaluation.

    The same applies to for, while, global, echo and a lesser extend list.

    echo 123, echo 567, "huh?";

    Whereas print() is a language builtin that may be used in expression context. (But rarely makes sense.)

  4. Reserved keywords as identifiers

    You also can't use do or if and other language constructs for user-defined functions or class names. (Perhaps in PHP7. But even then it wouldn't be advisable.)

Unexpected T_IF
Unexpected T_FOREACH
Unexpected T_FOR
Unexpected T_WHILE
Unexpected T_DO
Unexpected T_ECHO

Control constructs such as if, foreach, for, while, list, global, return, do, print, echo may only be used as statements. They usually reside on a line by themselves.

  1. Semicolon; where you at?

    Pretty universally have you missed a semicolon in the previous line if the parser complains about a control statement:

    $x = myfunc()
    if (true) {

    Solution: look into the previous line; add semicolon.

  2. Class declarations

    Another location where this occurs is in class declarations. In the class section you can only list property initializations and method sections. No code may reside there.

    class xyz {
        if (true) {}
        foreach ($var) {}

    Such syntax errors commonly materialize for incorrectly nested { and }. In particular when function code blocks got closed too early.

  3. Statements in expression context

    Most language constructs can only be used as statements. They aren't meant to be placed inside other expressions:

    $var = array(1, 2, foreach($else as $_), 5, 6);

    Likewise can't you use an if in strings, math expressions or elsewhere:

    print "Oh, " . if (true) { "you!" } . " won't work";
    // Use a ternary condition here instead, when versed enough.

    For embedding if-like conditions in an expression specifically, you often want to use a ?: ternary evaluation.

    The same applies to for, while, global, echo and a lesser extend list.

    echo 123, echo 567, "huh?";

    Whereas print() is a language built-in that may be used in expression context. (But rarely makes sense.)

  4. Reserved keywords as identifiers

    You also can't use do or if and other language constructs for user-defined functions or class names. (Perhaps in PHP 7. But even then it wouldn't be advisable.)

replaced with
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URL Rewriter Bot
URL Rewriter Bot

Unexpected T_IF
Unexpected T_FOREACH
Unexpected T_FOR
Unexpected T_WHILE
Unexpected T_DO
Unexpected T_ECHO

Control constructs such as if, foreach, for, while, list, global, return, do, print, echo may only be used as statements. They usually reside on a line by themselves.

  1. Semicolon; where you at?

    Pretty universally have you missed a semicolonmissed a semicolon in the previous line if the parser complains about a control statement:

    $x = myfunc()
    if (true) {

    Solution: look into the previous line; add semicolon.

  2. Class declarations

    Another location where this occurs is in class declarationsin class declarations. In the class section you can only list property initializations and method sections. No code may reside there.

    class xyz {
        if (true) {}
        foreach ($var) {}

    Such syntax errors commonly materialize for incorrectly nested { and }. In particular when function code blocks got closed too early.

  3. Statements in expression context

    Most language constructs can only be used as statementsonly be used as statements. They aren't meant to be placed inside other expressions:

    $var = array(1, 2, foreach($else as $_), 5, 6);

    Likewise can't you use an if in strings, math expressions or elsewhere:

    print "Oh, " . if (true) { "you!" } . " won't work";
    // Use a ternary condition here instead, when versed enough.

    For embedding if-like conditions in an expression specifically, you often want to use a ?: ternary evaluation?: ternary evaluation.

    The same applies to for, while, global, echo and a lesser extend list.

    echo 123, echo 567, "huh?";

    Whereas print() is a language builtin that may be used in expression context. (But rarely makes sense.)

  4. Reserved keywords as identifiers

    You also can't use do or if and other language constructs for user-defined functions or class names. (Perhaps in PHP7. But even then it wouldn't be advisable.)

Unexpected T_IF
Unexpected T_FOREACH
Unexpected T_FOR
Unexpected T_WHILE
Unexpected T_DO
Unexpected T_ECHO

Control constructs such as if, foreach, for, while, list, global, return, do, print, echo may only be used as statements. They usually reside on a line by themselves.

  1. Semicolon; where you at?

    Pretty universally have you missed a semicolon in the previous line if the parser complains about a control statement:

    $x = myfunc()
    if (true) {

    Solution: look into the previous line; add semicolon.

  2. Class declarations

    Another location where this occurs is in class declarations. In the class section you can only list property initializations and method sections. No code may reside there.

    class xyz {
        if (true) {}
        foreach ($var) {}

    Such syntax errors commonly materialize for incorrectly nested { and }. In particular when function code blocks got closed too early.

  3. Statements in expression context

    Most language constructs can only be used as statements. They aren't meant to be placed inside other expressions:

    $var = array(1, 2, foreach($else as $_), 5, 6);

    Likewise can't you use an if in strings, math expressions or elsewhere:

    print "Oh, " . if (true) { "you!" } . " won't work";
    // Use a ternary condition here instead, when versed enough.

    For embedding if-like conditions in an expression specifically, you often want to use a ?: ternary evaluation.

    The same applies to for, while, global, echo and a lesser extend list.

    echo 123, echo 567, "huh?";

    Whereas print() is a language builtin that may be used in expression context. (But rarely makes sense.)

  4. Reserved keywords as identifiers

    You also can't use do or if and other language constructs for user-defined functions or class names. (Perhaps in PHP7. But even then it wouldn't be advisable.)

Unexpected T_IF
Unexpected T_FOREACH
Unexpected T_FOR
Unexpected T_WHILE
Unexpected T_DO
Unexpected T_ECHO

Control constructs such as if, foreach, for, while, list, global, return, do, print, echo may only be used as statements. They usually reside on a line by themselves.

  1. Semicolon; where you at?

    Pretty universally have you missed a semicolon in the previous line if the parser complains about a control statement:

    $x = myfunc()
    if (true) {

    Solution: look into the previous line; add semicolon.

  2. Class declarations

    Another location where this occurs is in class declarations. In the class section you can only list property initializations and method sections. No code may reside there.

    class xyz {
        if (true) {}
        foreach ($var) {}

    Such syntax errors commonly materialize for incorrectly nested { and }. In particular when function code blocks got closed too early.

  3. Statements in expression context

    Most language constructs can only be used as statements. They aren't meant to be placed inside other expressions:

    $var = array(1, 2, foreach($else as $_), 5, 6);

    Likewise can't you use an if in strings, math expressions or elsewhere:

    print "Oh, " . if (true) { "you!" } . " won't work";
    // Use a ternary condition here instead, when versed enough.

    For embedding if-like conditions in an expression specifically, you often want to use a ?: ternary evaluation.

    The same applies to for, while, global, echo and a lesser extend list.

    echo 123, echo 567, "huh?";

    Whereas print() is a language builtin that may be used in expression context. (But rarely makes sense.)

  4. Reserved keywords as identifiers

    You also can't use do or if and other language constructs for user-defined functions or class names. (Perhaps in PHP7. But even then it wouldn't be advisable.)

deleted 1 character in body
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Mark Amery
  • 150.4k
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added 225 characters in body
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  • 145.1k
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shortened explanations, but blockified headline as group (to indicate that it covers a broader range of syntax woes)
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fixed typo
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  • 20.4k
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Post Made Community Wiki by mario