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added 139 characters in body
Source Link
Your Common Sense
  • 157.5k
  • 42
  • 220
  • 354

This question shouldn't be used as a dupe target for closing questions. Use actual questions linked here as dupe targets instead.

This question shouldn't be used as a dupe target for closing questions. Use actual questions linked here as dupe targets instead.

Fix grammar and spelling
Source Link
  • 655
  • 2
  • 8
  • 20

This is a collection of questions that come up every now and then about syntax in PHP. This is also a Community Wiki, so everyone is invited to participate in maintaining this list.

It used to be hard to find questions about operators and other syntax tokens.¹
The main idea is to have links to existing questions on Stack Overflow, so it's easier for us to reference them, and not to copy over content from the PHP Manual.

If you have been pointed here by someone because you have asked such a question, please find the particular syntax below. The linked pages to the PHP manual along with the linked questions will likely answer your question then. If so, you are encouraged to upvote the answer. This list is not meant as a substitute for the help others providedprovide.

QuestionA question mark followed by a type declaration

This is a collection of questions that come up every now and then about syntax in PHP. This is also a Community Wiki, so everyone is invited to participate in maintaining this list.

It used to be hard to find questions about operators and other syntax tokens.¹
The main idea is to have links to existing questions on Stack Overflow, so it's easier for us to reference them, not to copy over content from the PHP Manual.

If you have been pointed here by someone because you have asked such a question, please find the particular syntax below. The linked pages to the PHP manual along with the linked questions will likely answer your question then. If so, you are encouraged to upvote the answer. This list is not meant as a substitute for the help others provided.

Question mark followed by a type declaration

This is a collection of questions that come up now and then about syntax in PHP. This is also a Community Wiki, so everyone is invited to participate in maintaining this list.

It used to be hard to find questions about operators and other syntax tokens.¹
The main idea is to have links to existing questions on Stack Overflow, so it's easier for us to reference them, and not to copy over content from the PHP Manual.

If you have been pointed here by someone because you have asked such a question, please find the particular syntax below. The linked pages to the PHP manual along with the linked questions will likely answer your question then. If so, you are encouraged to upvote the answer. This list is not meant as a substitute for the help others provide.

A question mark followed by a type declaration

added 99 characters in body
Source Link
  • 880
  • 8
  • 20

#[] Attributes (since PHP 8)

#[] Attributes (since PHP 8)

better to group question marks together
Source Link
Your Common Sense
  • 157.5k
  • 42
  • 220
  • 354
Rollback to Revision 126
Source Link
Your Common Sense
  • 157.5k
  • 42
  • 220
  • 354
added 83 characters in body
Source Link
Your Common Sense
  • 157.5k
  • 42
  • 220
  • 354
Remove "return" because it's also used in parameters and properties. Remove duplicate. Retitle link.
Source Link
  • 19.7k
  • 10
  • 42
  • 55
added more clarity in the title for better search, referencing and indexing purposes.
Replaced closed as duplicate question link with original
Source Link
  • 5k
  • 6
  • 38
  • 58
Added double-dot range syntax
Source Link
  • 46.5k
  • 13
  • 88
  • 150
Add Nullable parameter type
Source Link
  • 19.7k
  • 10
  • 42
  • 55
Add link to anchor section for Null Coalesce operator in PHP7 new features page
Source Link
correct spelling
Source Link
  • 624
  • 1
  • 4
  • 15
deleted 4 characters in body; edited tags
Source Link
Antonio Petricca
  • 10.6k
  • 5
  • 40
  • 81
add : as return type declaration
Source Link
  • 95k
  • 16
  • 127
  • 173
nullable types had already been mentioned in the reference
Source Link
Edited Tag
  • 158
  • 1
  • 1
  • 15
Added php version to nullsafe operator
Source Link
  • 10.2k
  • 7
  • 62
  • 67
Commonmark migration
Source Link
deleted 35 characters in body
Source Link
added 121 characters in body
Source Link
Oscar Gallardo
  • 2.6k
  • 4
  • 33
  • 47
deleted 12 characters in body
Source Link
John Conde
  • 218.9k
  • 99
  • 461
  • 501
added 48 characters in body
Source Link
edited tags
  • 32.5k
  • 25
  • 94
  • 140
Added more tags to reach more people
  • 308
  • 1
  • 3
  • 17
2 3 4 5 6