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I have recreated your issue on Indeed on Chrome it works fine while on IE11 it show blank page. IE11 console however reports Permission denied and debugger sniffing all exception stops at some point at getComputedStyle definition. Quick look on dojo forum here shows that there was blocking issue 18973 opened for Dojo 1.12.1.

Switch to dojo 1.12.2 or newer and IE11 and FF renders pie chart correctly again. See modified jsfiddle:

I have recreated your issue on Indeed on Chrome it works fine while on IE11 it show blank page. IE11 console however reports Permission denied and debugger sniffing all exception stops at some point at getComputedStyle definition. Quick look on dojo forum here shows that there was blocking issue 18973 opened for Dojo 1.12.1.

Switch to dojo 1.12.2 or newer and IE11 renders pie chart correctly again. See modified jsfiddle:

I have recreated your issue on Indeed on Chrome it works fine while on IE11 it show blank page. IE11 console however reports Permission denied and debugger sniffing all exception stops at some point at getComputedStyle definition. Quick look on dojo forum here shows that there was blocking issue 18973 opened for Dojo 1.12.1.

Switch to dojo 1.12.2 or newer and IE11 and FF renders pie chart correctly again. See modified jsfiddle:

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I have recreated your issue on Indeed on Chrome it works fine while on IE11 it show blank page. IE11 console however reports Permission denied and debugger sniffing all exception stops at some point at getComputedStyle definition. Quick look on dojo forum here shows that there was blocking issue 18973 opened for Dojo 1.12.1.

Switch to dojo 1.12.2 or newer and IE11 renders pie chart correctly again. See modified jsfiddle: