var teams = [
                  city: 'Vancouver',
                  nickname: 'Canucks',
                  league: 'NHL'
                  city: 'San Jose',
                  nickname: 'Earthquakes',
                  league: 'MLS'
                  city: 'Sacramento',
                  nickname: 'Kings',
                  league: 'NBA'

document.write("The " + this.city + " " + this.nickname + " play in the " + this.league);

I want to loop through each and print the above statement for each. How would I best do this?


3 Answers 3


var teams = [{
              city: 'Vancouver',
              nickname: 'Canucks',
              league: 'NHL'
              city: 'San Jose',
              nickname: 'Earthquakes',
              league: 'MLS'
              city: 'Sacramento',
              nickname: 'Kings',
              league: 'NBA'

for (var i = 0; i < teams.length; i++) {
   var team = teams[i];
   document.write("The " + team.city + " " + team.nickname + " play in the " + team.league + "<br/>");

The following will also work for you (keep in mind that arrow functions will not work in all browsers. So the previous example should probably be used)..

var teams = [{
              city: 'Vancouver',
              nickname: 'Canucks',
              league: 'NHL'
              city: 'San Jose',
              nickname: 'Earthquakes',
              league: 'MLS'
              city: 'Sacramento',
              nickname: 'Kings',
              league: 'NBA'

teams.forEach(team => {
    document.write("The " + team.city + " " + team.nickname + " play in the " + team.league + "<br/>");


You can use the forEach method of arrays to loop over the array:

    document.write("The " + team.city + " " + team.nickname + " play in the " + team.league);

You can also use a more traditional for loop:

for(var i=0; i<teams.length; ++i){
    document.write("The " + teams[i].city + " " + teams[i].nickname + " play in the " + teams[i].league)

Without the use of this..

teams.forEach(i => {
    document.write("The " + i.city + " " + i.nickname + " play in the " + i.league);

If you must use the this parameter for your homework assignment then you will need to set the params to the current scope. The easiest way is to create a new scope and assign the values to the local function scope. Something like.

var teams = [
                  city: 'Vancouver',
                  nickname: 'Canucks',
                  league: 'NHL'
                  city: 'San Jose',
                  nickname: 'Earthquakes',
                  league: 'MLS'
                  city: 'Sacramento',
                  nickname: 'Kings',
                  league: 'NBA'
var printTeam = function(team){
	this.city = team.city;
  this.nickname = team.nickname;
  this.leage = team.leage;
 	document.write("The " + this.city + " " + this.nickname + " play in the " + this.league);
teams.forEach(i => {
}, this);

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