I've a bilingual (Arabic and English) website built with nuxtjs and tailwind, arabic is rtl language.

tailwind.config.js file:

theme: {
  extend: {
    fontFamily: {
      sans: ['Open Sans', 'sans-serif', 'Ubuntu'],
      notoKufi: ['Noto Kufi Arabic'],

What I want to accomplish is changing the default font family in tailwind when user changes the locale/direction of the website.

I've read the docs, and tried Customizing the default font section and added this code to css

   font-family: Noto Kufi Arabic

   font-family: Open Sans

but nothing changed.

  • Did you tried with @apply font-sans; rather than font-family: Open Sans ? Also, what do you see in the DOM? Is it not applied?
    – kissu
    Commented Dec 28, 2022 at 22:22
  • @kissu, where exactly should i add @apply font-sans, however I feel that the problem is to make font-sans refers to Open Sans when En is chosen and Noto Kufi when Ar is chosen, is there any way to accomplish this? Commented Dec 29, 2022 at 9:49
  • I wrote where, replace (regarding your initial snippet) in the CSS file. For that, you could probably have a computed regarding the locale of your website IMO. I'm not sure under which conditions your CSS selector is applied but working around that may be a good start.
    – kissu
    Commented Dec 29, 2022 at 10:24

1 Answer 1


I've found a solution to change the font-family according to the selected locale using tailwind.

At a global.css file I added this code

@tailwind base;

*[dir='ltr'] {
   @apply font-openSans !important;

*[dir='rtl'] {
   @apply font-sans !important;

and when changing the locale I use this.$route.path.includes('en') to set HTML current direction to ltr

  • 1
    Glad that my approach worked. @apply !font-openSans should also work, as explained here.
    – kissu
    Commented Dec 31, 2022 at 17:42

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