I have created a Python package and uploaded it to GCP artifact registry:

Screenshot of Python package uploaded to GCP

I have provided a README.md, a description in the pyproject.toml, and a docstring at the packages __init__.py top level. Yet, as you can see above, there is no description. I cannot figure out how to provide a description via any documentation within GCP's artifact registry. Does anyone know how I can populate that description of a package that is in the artifact registry?

1 Answer 1


Unfortunately right now there is no option to populate the description of a package that is in the artifact registry. And there exists a feature request for the same in issue tracker, you can either add your concern there or create a new issue here. You can use this page for reference when creating an issue.

  • Thanks! I added my concern on the first link. :) Commented May 16, 2023 at 13:12

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