Linked Questions

181 votes
11 answers

How should I check if the input is an email address in Flutter? [duplicate]

According to RegExp documentation, we must use JavaScript (Perl 5) regular expressions : ECMA Specification. What method should I use in Dart to check if the input is an email?
Eric Lavoie's user avatar
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152 votes
16 answers

JavaScript Regular Expression Email Validation [duplicate]

This code is always alerting out "null", which means that the string does not match the expression. var pattern = "^\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$"; function isEmailAddress(str) { str = "...
azamsharp's user avatar
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80 votes
2 answers

Jquery Value match Regex [duplicate]

I am trying to validate the input for E-Mail via JQuery: My JQuery <script> /* <![CDATA[ */ jQuery(function(){ $( ".mail" ).keyup(function() { var VAL = $(this).val(); var email =...
Deproblemify's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Validate email with a regex in jQuery [duplicate]

Referring to this issue: How can I set a minimum length for a field with jQuery?, <form id="new_invitation" class="new_invitation" method="post" data-remote="true&...
hyperrjas's user avatar
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40 votes
1 answer

How to do Email validation using Regular expression in Typescript [duplicate]

I have an requirement to validate email and date fields from an Excel file using typescript Angular app. And I am trying to validate using regular expression but the result returns always false for ...
user3301440's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Angular 6 email regex [duplicate]

I want to validate all email inputs on my app with regex. But there is a problem, all the regex I have found allow emails with no TLD. I want a regex that can help me reject emails such as testing@...
Node_Ninja's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Email Validation with JavaScript [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Validate email address in Javascript? This is my first post and I have a small issue. I'm trying to validate an email address on a form, but with no luck. I found this snippet ...
Ted Beeney's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Email validation in ReactJS is not working properly [duplicate]

I have onSubmit function in react, added some if/else statements to validate my inputs, everything is working fine, but not for email. It keeps saying that i entered wrong email adress. Also, can you ...
D.Wasilewski's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Suggest a good pattern for validating email with javaScript? [duplicate]

greetings all i want to validate an email with javaScript and i need to use the best pattern for the matching please suggest me a good pattern
Mahmoud Saleh's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Javascript Regular Expressions Email Address [duplicate]

So I have a homework assignment that I have completed. But I can not get the email address to test correctly. From what I can tell everything is correct. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <...
lainalex's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

regex to validate emails which allows only these two special symbols .,- before @ symbol [duplicate]

I have used below regex for email validation. var reg = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-...
Andy Storrisch's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

JavaScript Validation for Email Id [duplicate]

Duplicate : Validate email address in JavaScript? I want to validate emailid using JavaScript. I am using following code: var emailPat = /^(\".*\"|[A-Za-z]\w*)@(\[\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}]|[A-Za-z]\...
Devashri B.'s user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Email validation with regex [duplicate]

I want to validate an email with a regex. And the code following shows the regular expression that I've used. The form however does not accept a simple [email protected]. (anystring is an ...
faisal bhat's user avatar
-1 votes
4 answers

Forcing a text field to be a valid email? [duplicate]

I was wondering if it were possible to force an input field to be an valid email? <input type="text" name="emailaddress" > I would like it to use Javascript/JQuery rather than PHP if possible! ...
Night's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What is the least bad regex to reject definitely invalid email addresses? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Validate email address in Javascript? I know there is no way to validate an email address by using only regex, but I think I should be able to reject some obviously invalid ...
tomsv's user avatar
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