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Questions tagged [admin-ajax]

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Wordpress admin-ajax and user profile localization

So I've got an English-language theme that I localized to Spanish. It works perfectly fine in Spanish. But if I change my user profile language to English - so that I can see English on the ...
ΓΓIICK's user avatar
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After Ajax Response Page scroll not working - WordPress

After the ajax success i want to scroll down the page to certain position . Unfortunately its not working . Here is the code : jQuery('#post').submit(function(e){ var name = jQuery("#...
Chinou's user avatar
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The admin-ajax page is the most visited page on the website

I run a small blog. And recently I started having my hosting resources limited quite often. I tried to see what is causing the problem, and I find it very suspicious that the wp-admin/admin-ajax page ...
Skinz's user avatar
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wordpress admin-ajax return always 0

I know that my question was asked many other times and I read all discussions about that but I don't have found the right answer. My problem is that admin-ajax request with ajax call return always 0 ...
C. Max's user avatar
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Can't use WC_Order in admin-ajax.php

I'm trying to retrieve order information within the admin-ajax.php request, but it is returning protected objects with no data. Is there a way to access this? I'm using this: $data = new WC_Order($...
Liam McArthur's user avatar
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Wordpress Forbidden You don't have permission to access /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php on this server

I have a portfolio when I click on the filter button it gives me this error : You don't have permission to access /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php on this server.
Mohammed's user avatar
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WordPress admin_ajax error

I'm getting a very weird issue triggering admin Ajax. I added the bellow functions to my functions.php file add_action('wp_ajax_submit_quiz', 'quiz_submit'); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_submit_quiz', '...
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Optimizing wp media library, using wp hooks

My apologies If I am not clear, but I will try my best to explain my problem. After upgrading wordpress to 4.7.3. I am facing a super slow wordpress media library load(i.e. wp-admin/upload.php). It ...
SD433's user avatar
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Navigating to blank PHP file returning 0 in browser

I'm running a WordPress install and was having issues with ajax-loads. Whenever I used the admin-ajax.php script, it wasn't returning anything so I decided to go to the source and see what the issue ...
PavKR's user avatar
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Admin-ajax.php GET CSS file (Wordpress)

The website is tested on GTmetrix Here is the test Does anyone know why admin-ajax.php is taking over 3 seconds of the loading time on this page i am trying to optimize? It have something to do with ...
Alexander Klug Gudmundsson's user avatar
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WordPress admin-ajax - defer actions until after response sent

I am using admin-ajax.php to respond to requests from JavaScript. When I've pulled together the data I want and returned my response I also need to send some data to an external API and send an email ...
Alpaus's user avatar
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Cross-Origin Request Blocked. Wordpress Plugin Not Working

We have a Wordpress website, hosted by GoDaddy. Before we went "live" we had it located at (wordpress was installed in a folder called /staging), and then when we went "live" we ...
Jon Zmikly's user avatar
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WP-PostRating Ajax not working

I have WP-PostRating Plugins for rating system, but onclick="rate_post();" onkeypress="rate_post(); function not working. I think PostRating JS conflict with other JS, ERROR LOG [15-May-2016 09:10:...
Nida's user avatar
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wp_localize_script $data parameters in array

I'm trying to develop my first Wordpress plugin, and to do this I want to use wp_localize_script to post forms data without refreshing page. The problem is I don't understand well how to setup the $...
BBFUNK01's user avatar
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wordpress admin ajax not working, returning entire html of page

I have following code in my functions.php file. wp_enqueue_script( 'broadcast-ajax-request', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/global.js', array( 'jquery' ) ); wp_localize_script( 'broadcast-ajax-...
Himanshu Bhardiya's user avatar

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