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Jetpack Compose CRUD application views don't refresh

I'm new to Android Compose. I'm generally teaching my daughter how to code and we decided to start with something that has an UI,so we chose Android to start. I made an app in Jetpack Compose and I ...
Piotr Klimaszewski's user avatar
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There is a delay when saving data into a Room Database

I'm trying to create a stop watch application. Everything works fine at first. The stop watch goes up from the milliseconds, to the seconds, to the minutes just fine. There are two timers, one of the ...
Bob Rasner's user avatar
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Android - Room Database enter loop on data update

I’m developing an app using Jetpack Compose, Room, Flow, Kotlin, and following the MVVM architecture. My app includes the following screens: HomeScreen: Displays the budget and a list of products. ...
Jesús Rodríguez Segura's user avatar
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How can I retrieve the value from my roomDatabase before the Text composable needs it so it doesn't display null?

In my app, a Text composable calls the roomViewModel to display the energyState, but it shows null. I want the observer (the Text composable), to display the value of the "energy" column ...
Deusnominus's user avatar
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Why do the functions from my repository fail to access the data from my room database?

I have created a room database in my app and I can add data to it with the functions I have written, but I cannot retrieve them. My goal is simply to save usernames and email and retrieve them when ...
Deusnominus's user avatar
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@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) inserted ID is always 0

MyEntity @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) @ColumnInfo(name = "exploitsId") var id: Long = 0 var name: String? = null constructor(id: Long, name: String) { = id = ...
Anatolii's user avatar
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Check login authentication using ROOM and COMPOSE

My application uses navigation in conjunction with room and compose, my problem is that when starting the app, a check is made in the local database and if the user has selected an option to remember ...
Mateus Trajano's user avatar
-1 votes
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How Do You Retreive And Update An Item Using Room Database In Jetpack Compose?

I'm trying to develop a simple note taking app in jetpack compose. I've successfully developed an application that takes in text field inputs and saves them using room database then displays them into ...
Bob Rasner's user avatar
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Kotlin LocalDateTime handling for categorizing task based on today or past or future

Im writing a todolist app and i want to filter the tasks based on today,past or future,im currently persisting my data via Room. My task model: @Parcelize @Entity(tableName = "tasks") data ...
Mahi Mahi's user avatar
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How to query a Room db from a composable to get item details

Having an application with Room and Compose, I'm on a composable that needs to retrieve data from the database for painting it. It is a list of favorite flights, and favorite only haves the IDs (iata) ...
NullPointerException's user avatar
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Room database reset after app close and reopen

I created a Compose app with a room database and flows, which is loading data from an assets database. Then I add favorites and more stuff. It works and stores favorites until I close the app and ...
NullPointerException's user avatar
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OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE doesn't work ROOM

I have a problem, when i insert a new element to the table it gives me an exception: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: (code 1555 ...
Егор Сауткин's user avatar
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Sync issue between entity retrieved from room database and entity used in composable

I'm dabbling with Android development for fun. I have a very simple app that allows you to create and edit users. I'm storing these users in a Room database. The issue I'm having is that when I click ...
kumar5's user avatar
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Problems Implementing Drag Drop In LazyColumn

I am trying to implement drag-and-drop reordering in a LazyColumn in a Compose app. I am using a ViewModel and a Room database to store the values. While I have successfully implemented the drag-and-...
Reşit Şahin's user avatar
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Kotlin Flows not working as expected when Collecting items in UI Screen using collectAsState(). Also maybe taskDao.insertTask() not working?

`The Task data is not being inserted in database, therefore not collected and rendered in UI. #TaskViewModel.kt var taskList: StateFlow<List<Task>> = repository.getAllTasks() ....
Hari Joshi's user avatar

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