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How to fix outo slider triggeruing multiple times in horizontal pager migration problem from accompanist to foundation compose?

I have used accompanist library with older version like 0.22 as far as I know accompanist is deprecated, I made a migration to foundation -> import
Takeshi567's user avatar
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How to use Compose Accompanist to work with new permissions on old devices?

Using Jetpack Compose Permissions from the Accompanist Permission library ( is a nice reactive way. However, it's unclear to me how to deal with ...
Casper Bang's user avatar
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nested horizontalPager Sliding not smooth

i hava a nested HorizontalPager like this: HorizontalPager( count = list.size ) { HorizontalPager( count = list2.size ) { //items } } when i slide the page in the outPager ...
April's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose WebView ImePadding

I have a component which has a webview that uses quill.js to create a rich text editor .the component itself part of another view which has multiple elements which places this view to the bottom when ...
Daksh Semwal's user avatar
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Accompanist TestHarness doesn't change the LocalConfiguraiton screenWidthDp when size parameter is provided

So I am trying to add a UI UnitTest in our app. And tried using the TestHarness from Accompanist to test our app in small and large screen device. I provided the parameter size and in their ...
SquareBox's user avatar
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Custom layout - Jetpack compose - Cloud layout design like Apple store app

Hi i am struggling to build a custom layout for a list of images which is placed and sized like in cloud. . The first element in the list have to be placed in the center and the other set elements is ...
Harish Padmanabh's user avatar
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Drawing content over safearea in material3 with jetpack compose does not work

I am using the latest BOM version of jetpack compose: implementation platform('androidx.compose:compose-bom:2023.06.01') align with materail3. I need my content to ignore safe area. I have already ...
BraveEvidence's user avatar
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How to request USB permissions in Jetpack Compose with Accompanist?

I am migrating a Android app to Jetpack Compose. Following this connectivity USB tutorial I requested USB permissions on the usb device that I am trying to connect. Now with Jetpack Compose I think ...
Exprove's user avatar
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Make bottomBar in compose android scaffold as transparent

In Android Jetpack compose, I have a root level ModalBottomSheetLayout. In its content, I have a Scaffold. Scaffold content has a list of data shown. In bottomBar I am showing a logo with some top &...
Ujjwal Kumar Maharana's user avatar
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Android Compose,focusRequester.requestFocus() causing Fatal Exception: Expected BringIntoViewRequester to not be used before parents are placed

I am new to Android Compose and am working on a maintenance project. The following block of code is where the error is occurring: @ExperimentalMaterialNavigationApi @ExperimentalAnimationApi @...
Nitinraj Vallyedath's user avatar
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Animating (or setting to fully transparent) StatusBar in Jetpack Compose

I've encountered a problem with transitioning between screens in Jetpack Compose. By default when we navigate in Compose it applies CrossFade animation. The problem is that my second screen has ...
Pavel Maiseichyk's user avatar
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AnimatedNavHost uses different animations for startDestination

So I use this library for Animated Navigation in Compose. For all screens I set the following animations when I navigate between them, and it ...
user924's user avatar
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Screen content moves prior to navigation in compose

I have a main compose with a scaffold, top app bar, FAB, navigation bar. Then I have a couple of composable screens I can navigate to and the navigation animation is working fine, which means the ...
DeKekem's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose - Animating navigation without animating scaffolding topBar and bottomBar

While trying to work with Accompanist's navigation animation tools, I was pretty content with how the animations turned out, but I wanted the top and bottom bars of the screens to not animate along ...
erdaifuu's user avatar
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how to add spacing between row and columns in FlowLayout?

I'm migrating FlowLayout from the accompanist library with the native compose v1.4.0. To give spacing between columns and rows we had FlowCrossAxisAlignment and FlowMainAxisAlignment, however now this ...
Rulogarcillan's user avatar

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