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Questions tagged [multidimensional-array]

Multidimensional-arrays can be described as multi-dimensional tables. Each index used in order to find a given element is called a dimension.

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Template parameters for c++ multidimentional array [duplicate]

Can someone explain how the following base template and specialization is instantiated to produce the correct result? I'm particularly unclear on how the <U[N]> template parameter is interpreted....
Rich Ramos's user avatar
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Apply function with a vector as second argument

I have the following code, I wish you could explain me what the function apply with c(1,3) as second argument does. I completely understand the final result, I just don't understand how it works. The ...
fiodeno's user avatar
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Implementing Cell Overflow Handling in a 2D List with Python

This is a small part of a project where I'm having an issue. Suppose you are given the following: |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | -2 | 2 | -3 | 0 | 0 | |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| | 0 ...
SSY's user avatar
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Filter multideminsional array in PHP so that if certain values are duplicated in sub-arrays the redundant ones are unset [closed]

In an application, redundant but non-identical arrays are being returned. I'd like to remove the redundant arrays from the multidimensional array. Though the issue could possibly be solved closer to ...
CK MacLeod's user avatar
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Javascript exporting multi dimentioanl array results in some values to be empty

I am coding a practice react application in which I am exporting a primitive array with a separate file named data.js export const data = [ { type:"multiple", difficulty:"easy&...
Rivi's user avatar
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Printing 2D array in MIPS

I have been using a few other posts on here to try and figure out what I am doing wrong but I am stuck and could use some help. I am making a game that has an 8x8 "board" (2d array) similar ...
Sara Malos's user avatar
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Dynamic dimensional array storing in Matlab

I have M many 2-D matrices of dimension (2 x n_1 ,2 x n_2 , 2 x n_3,..., 2 x n_N ). I can store them in a MATLAB cell-array of dim (2 x N x M) where N = {n_1 , n_2 , n_3,..., n_N} and n_1,n_2,n_3 are ...
zuko7's user avatar
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How do I effectively compute pairwise quantities in numpy?

I want to compute pairwise quantities, e.g. distances between two points. A simple example would be import numpy as np N = 9 x = np.linspace(0,1,N) y = np.abs(x - x[:,None]) # pairwise 1d eucdlidian ...
knods's user avatar
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Traverse over tree type structured data uing JavaScript

I have a data set having parent and nested children in it. The purpose of this data is to traverse over parent to -> child1 to-> Child1Child ..... -> child2 to -> child1 to -> child2 ...
vikas dhiman's user avatar
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SemanticKITTI rotation troubles

The pose data provided with the SemanticKITTI ( LIDAR dataset is formatted unusually. For instance, they use a 'yzx' coordinate system instead of the standard 'xyz'. My ...
Tim Noel's user avatar
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Why are all rows of my matrix the same as the last row?

Can someone please help me find fault in my code? If I create a blank 2D matrix with static initial value, it returns the correct transposed matrix. Whereas if I create a blank matrix using a for loop,...
Suyash Nachankar's user avatar
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Create an LSTM Model based on multiple arrays events of random numbers

I need help on create a LSTM Model based on a complex structure of data. I have a multidimensional array. It is an array of over 4000 arrays, each one consists of six numbers (from 1 to 128). I have ...
Klode's user avatar
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Multidimensional C-array and std algorithms

I have the following use case: int data[Y][X]{}; // I hope to do the following things: int* begin = &data[0][0]; int* end = begin + Y * X; std::fill(begin, end, 1); std::all_of(begin, end, ...); ...
fir las's user avatar
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Interpolate y-value given x-value and data value in a 2D array

I am working with a 2D dataset with the x and y dimensions representing two separate variables, and the combined 2D grid representing a third variable. Here's a visual example of the dataset and the x ...
bashful_creature's user avatar
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How do I dynamically allocate memory for a multidimentional array in C? [duplicate]

Dynamically allocate memory for a multidimensional array (matrix) with a specified number of rows and columns. How to allocate memory? How to allocate memory for 2D array? How to dynamically allocate ...
Samhitha Harini's user avatar

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