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Questions tagged [azure-adal-deprecation]

The tag has no usage guidance.

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How to migrate Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.AzureKeyVault to MSAL

We're trying to migrate a net6.0 console from ADAL to MSAL. After removing packages- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.AzureKeyVault and Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory, we're getting ...
samsu's user avatar
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How to acquire token by AD app ClientId and Client Secret with the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)

The legacy ADAL library acquires a token by Clien App ID and Client Secret, something like: var clientID = ""; var clientSecret = ""; var aadTenantDomain = "tenant domain"...
Monte Cristo's user avatar
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Acquire Token by service account with MSAL

we are using ADAL to acquire tokens by a service account silently (no prompt, no redirect). This is our sample code: var clientId = ""; var tenantDomain = ""; var userName = "&...
Monte Cristo's user avatar
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ADAL to MSAL - Insufficient privileges to complete the operation

I have a scenario where I need to add an application to a security group from a DevOps pipeline. I have the following scenario that is working just fine: in pipeline I have the following powershel ...
soaloa's user avatar
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Microsoft Graph api to get token api returns No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

I am getting No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource while trying to generate token using graph api in Angular 8 Application. Is there any alternate way to manage ...
Harsh Gajjar's user avatar
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ADAL to MSAL migration (HttpActionContext.ControllerContext.RequestContext.Principal.IsAuthenticated getting false)

Our application is developed in angularjs and C#.I was using ADAL.js for azure ad login. As it is deprecating, we are migrating into MSALjs . I have removed all references of ADAL and replaced it ...
Jumbo's user avatar
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ADAL to MSAL for SharePoint Online

I'm working on getting our existing service, which uses ADAL to get access tokens for SharePoint Online REST APIs, working using MSAL / v2.0 auth. We are using APIs that are NOT in the Graph API, so ...
Steve Peschka's user avatar
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Refresh the token in axios interceptors not working

I am using react-adal library to connect to ADFS. I am using axios interceptor to aquire token which will refresh the token silently as written in the docs, But it refresh the page when token is ...
APK's user avatar
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Facing issues in migrating from ADAL JS to MSAL JS

Hope you all are safe & sound, I was migrating my angular app authentication from ADAL JS to MSAL JS. In ADAL JS, I have my ADAL Config as follows and the authentication works as expected: ...
Shahid Manzoor Bhat's user avatar