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Questions tagged [core-location]

This proprietary Apple framework for iOS and Mac OS X allows apps to obtain information on a device's current location (latitude, longitude, and on some devices, altitude), direction and speed. The framework also provides methods for monitoring regions and being notified as the devices enters and exits predetermined geographical regions.

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How do I access location data from a CLI executable? - Jailbroken device

I have this CLI tool running on my jailbroken iPhone that needs to access location data using CLLocationManager. I've tried adding different keys to my entitlements file with no success. <?xml ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Location manager delegate never called

I'm trying to build a simple macOS command-line tool in Objective C that merely gets the current location via a CLLocationManager. However, none of my delegate's methods are ever called and my ...
August Vrubel's user avatar
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SwiftUI : Location Permission Popup Not Appearing

I'm working on a SwiftUI app that requires location services, and I've implemented a LocationManager class to handle location updates and permissions. However, I'm facing an issue where the location ...
malamudCode's user avatar
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I have to trigger a local notification when user reaches in monitored region

I have to send local notification in iOS when user reaches at his nearby destination stored in local data I have to trigger notification on did enter region method of clLocationManager delegate it ...
Jay Pratap singh's user avatar
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Core Location not working properly with stand-alone WatchOS App

I'm working on a stand-alone WatchOS App that relies on the user's location data. I'm trying to fetch user's current location using CLLocationManager, by having an instance called manager, then ...
Khaled's user avatar
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didFinishLaunchingWithOptions getting called more than once on IOS

I'm writing a flutter app which will use the native Location library and I notice that the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions for IOS gets called multiple times making me having more than one ...
Lyn's user avatar
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Why does my compass vibrate when its tab is not active?

I'm creating an app that contains a compass tab. I would like for it to vibrate upon changing degrees of orientation. I got it to work, however, when I switch over to a new tab I can still feel the ...
Zack A's user avatar
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IOS Region Monitoring not working when app is terminated (Flutter)

I'm building a Flutter app which will use EventChannel and MethodChannel that will communicate between Native and Flutter code. I'm using the IOS Region Monitoring to detect if the user have exited or ...
Lyn's user avatar
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View Hierarchy Not Capturing Location Authorization Prompt

Why does the view hierarchy NOT capture the location authorization prompt?
brunshte's user avatar
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Determine if CLLocation output was a product of GPS, WiFi or Cellular checks

My understanding is that CoreLocation is a black box that when user gives permissions it outputs a location approximation. Is there any way to check the location object to see if WiFi was used instead ...
PoolHallJunkie's user avatar
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CLLocationManager no value comes out of the func [duplicate]

I need a value for the "city" property, but it prints nil, how can I get a value? I tried adding an output parameter -> String to the func but it gives me many errors class ViewController:...
Swifty's user avatar
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How can I resolve this UI responsiveness error?

When a user downloads and opens our app, they are presented with a tutorial on how to use the app. If they hit the skip button, or continue once they've gone through the tutorial, they are supposed to ...
Scott Guenther's user avatar
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Saving and retrieving Map data using SwiftUI Map

I am trying to display a location in Map, allow user to search a location and update the location, then save the location. When retrieving the data from model.object.location is is not displaying in ...
RileyDev's user avatar
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Dynamically changing locationManager (CoreLocation) settings after initialisation

I am currently building a tracking application. I would like to know if the settings of the locationManager can be dynamically changed. I could not find a similar stack overflow question, nor a useful ...
Silly seal's user avatar
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Swift: locationManager.authorisationStatus stays at .notDetermined - no user faced request is shown

I am trying to implement an app in SwiftUI and I need the devices location. I do not manage to get the user's authorisation - no request dialog is shown. The authorisationStatus always returns ....
AlterEngo's user avatar

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