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How do I dynamically change the stringformat of a datepicker (WPF, c#)?

I have this datepicker element: <DatePicker Name="DataSelected" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" ...
Kristina Tamaro's user avatar
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Custom DatePicker: how can I change icon image and open the popup clicking on TextBox on codebehind?

Here's my Custom DatePicker: <customcontrols:CustomDatePicker x:Name="DataCreazione" SelectedDate="{Binding DataCreazione, StringFormat={}{0:dd/MM/...
markzzz's user avatar
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c# Radzen datepicker throw error after render

I have an app on blazor. When i add a Radzen datepicker - i have a error on page <RadzenCard class="my-4"> <RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Vertical" > ...
Крис Рэкфилд's user avatar
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UI Date Picker Issue

I have an issue with date picker, here is the cshtml and cs code I have @using (Html.BeginForm("", "", FormMethod.Post)) { <div class="...
Lucky's user avatar
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MudDatePicker is not selecting date on first click

I have a form on a MudDialog that takes multiple dates and times from the user using MudDatePickers. I've found that upon adding the attribute PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Dialog" to them it ...
Imogen's user avatar
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datepicker How to show more years?

I am using bootstrap datepicker and when I open the dropdown to change the year, it shows only 20 years... The current year.. 10 years before and 10 after. How can I change it and make it show 40 ...
Diego's user avatar
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WPF DatePicker Date-Validation after Enter key pressed

I have set an InputBinding in a WPF application, along with a DatePicker and a TextBox. When I press the Enter key while the focus is not on the DatePicker, my KeyBinding Event is triggered. When the ...
cypric's user avatar
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C# WPF Update the blackoutDates in DatePickers

I'm writing a C# WPF application for a kiosk (so a long-time running app). In the main window there are two DatePickers that must select only today and future days. So I checked the BlackoutDate ...
SteMMo's user avatar
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Change the inner textbox 'mouse over' color of the MaterialDesign DatePicker in WPF

Can i change DatePicker's TextBox underline and calender icon color? like below : enter image description here <DatePicker materialDesign:HintAssist.Hint="...
Rolang's user avatar
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Set date from model for Datepicker in ASP.NET Core MVC

I have a bootstrap datepicker in my ASP.NET Core MVC application. This works so far. Now I want the start date (for example 20.06.2023) to be taken from my model and displayed and highlighted in the ...
Kojote's user avatar
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(WinUI) DatePicker SelectedDate Binding null issue (x:Bind and Binding are different results)

(WInUI3) DatePicker SelectedDate x:Bind and Binding are different results ?? x:Bind => SelectedDate is null Binding => SelectedDate is 1923-1-1 Result Image : How to do let binding is also null ...
褚振俞's user avatar
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How to format a DatePicker in WinUI 3 to display date format as: day/month/year (dd/MMM/yyyy)?

DatePicker currently shows as: month/day/year (MMM/dd/yyyy) How do I make it show as: day/month/year (dd/MMM/year) I've already tried setting CurrentCulture to "sr-Latn-RS" CultureInfo ...
Mladen Gavrić's user avatar
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Can I "click" a WinUI 3 Button from code?

I would like to programmatically cause a Click event to fire for a Button in a WinUI 3 desktop app. I've seen lots of questions about how to deal with this on SO but the answers all involve invoking ...
aturnbul's user avatar
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Can't DatePicker change Text#YearText

I want to change the Year label of the DatePicker element. How do I change the text in the "Year" field? There is a DatePicker element. The element has a method protected override void ...
Egor Bredihin's user avatar
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DatePicker Template, Binding to SelectedDate not Working

I'm trying to change the DatePicker template. I almost made the design with the help of Custom Control. But not only did I spend 2 days of my life on this, it also does not work incorrectly. The ...
Zero Indefined's user avatar

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