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Save multiple HDF files from an ftp list in R, giving a different name to each according to the name of the ftp link

I have a text list of HDF files I need to download from an ftp server. This is the (example) structure of the list: ftp://username:password@ftppath/File#1_hh_mm_ss.HDF ftp://username:password@ftppath/...
S_Av's user avatar
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R - Cannot Download gz file from FTP Server

I have been trying for three days now to download a file from an FTP server with R without a result. I have really tried everything and read all questions but still cannot manage. The url is: u <- &...
user9396820's user avatar
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Download files from FTP folder using Loop

I am trying to download all the files inside FTP folder temp <- tempfile() destination <- "D:/test" url <- "" userpwd <- "USER:Password" filenames <- getURL(url, ...
Bond's user avatar
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Problems downloading files from an ftp

I am downloading files from a password secured ftp. At home it works, but not at the Uni, where I need it, since I am using that computer for running scheduled tasks. The code example is as follows (...
m_c's user avatar
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Error accessing ftp with getURL in R

I want access files on the internet, but I get the following error message: Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) : Access denied: 530 In addition: Warning messages: 1: In strsplit(str, "\\\...
MSS's user avatar
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Using R to download SAS file from ftp-server

I am attempting to download some files onto my local from an ftp-server. I have had success using the following method to move .txt and .csv files from the server but not the .sas7bdat files that I ...
Justin Klevs's user avatar
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How to keep downloaded file (from FTP) timestamp with R?

I am currently trying to download files over FTP (with R), but I want to keep the source timestamp (last modified date). I know that download.file (from {base} R) can be used with some extras and I ...
Daniel Campos's user avatar
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Does anyone know how to download TRMM 3B42 time series data?

I'm trying to download TRMM 3B42 3-hour binary data for a given time span from this NASA FTP server. There is an excellent code made by Florian Detsch to download the daily product (here is the link: ...
João dos Reis's user avatar
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Retrieve files from FTP folder using R

I have to download some files from a password protected FTP folder. At the moment I am able to get the list of the files contained in the folder, this is useful because I want to select only specific ...
thepule's user avatar
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download of zipped file from CDC ftp site with R gets corrupted no matter what download method used

trying to download this zipped file from the cdc with R. it works fine from firefox.. so i tried setInternet2(TRUE) right away, but that still didn't work.. in every case below, i get: z<-...
Anthony Damico's user avatar
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Using R to download newest files from ftp-server

I have a a number of files named FileA2014-03-05-10-24-12 FileB2014-03-06-10-25-12 Where the part "2014-03-05-10-24-12" means "Year/Day/Month/Hours/Minutes/Seconds/". These files reside on a ftp-...
Alexander's user avatar
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Download .RData and .csv files from FTP using RCurl (or any other method)

I've uploaded a .RData file (created using save()) to an ftp server, and I'm trying to use getURL() to download that same file. For all the examples and posts I've read, I can't seem to get this to ...
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