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reseting (top left width css styles) for an external event in fullcalendar

$scope.ctrlstartDragging = function(id) { var book = document.getElementById(id); var domRect = book.getBoundingClientRect(); = 'fixed'; ...
Schwertfisch's user avatar
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pushing dynamically created dropped elements at the particular position in the dom tree

Hello people I have a question regarding drag and drop . I am creating an application for creating websites only by using drag and drop . I am kinda stuck implementing a feature in which the user can ...
nightmaredevil2010's user avatar
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Dragged element appearing behind <md-tabs>

I'm having a button md-tab- Drag-me that have kept inside a tab. And am having another tab that needs to hold the dragged button. Scenario: When I try to drag the button it appears to go behind the ...
forgottofly's user avatar
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How do I prevent html element from being pushed down when dragging an element over?

I'm writing an angular directive using HTML Drag & Drop API. The directive works fine however it adds up an empty space between the elements when dragging an element over the other. For instance:...
Armaan's user avatar
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ng-draggable with two ng-drag-clone on page

I am using the library ng-draggable.I have two draggle list and two cloned divs on one page and I want each list to have their own ng-drag-clone but both point to the same cloned div. Here is a ...
Rethabile's user avatar
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Long press to drag and drop ionic list with ionic.bundle.js v1.2.4

As per my requirement, I want to implement long press to drag and drop ionic list items. I am using v1.2.4 ionic.bundle.js I am following this link for drag and drop:
sasi's user avatar
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Drag and drop in AngularJS: make a directive that is a drop zone, showing an overlay when dragging

What I want to achieve Create a directive, let's call it dropZone, in which I can put some html (e.g. a form). When the user drags a file into the web page, I want to show an overlay over the content ...
Forcent Vintier's user avatar
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Hover appearing in the wrong position

I have created a drag and drop list using AngularJS and the plugin "drag-and-drop-lists", but for some reason, when I move some item, it hovers a wrong item. If I move the mouse over the item with ...
z_inx's user avatar
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Replace dark background and square

Below is an example of a pretty cool angularjs app that has drag-and-drop feature. It uses the ngDraggable module. <div ng-app="test" ng-controller="testCtrl"&...
guagay_wk's user avatar
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How to highlight drop zone under draggable element using angularJS?

I'm having issues to highlight the drop zone (defined with dropZone directive) when the dragged element is above it. I've tried to use CSS: .highlight { background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2); } ...
Elfayer's user avatar
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CSS for Drag & Drop UX

I should preface this by saying my CSS skills are rather lacking. problem I am utilizing an angular drag & drop directive - angular-drop-and-drop-lists. When I switch it over to be a horizontal ...
jusopi's user avatar
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Dragging item gets hidden when overflow-y is used

I created a Fiddle to demonstrate the problem (also can be run inside this question, below). I have a sidebar of playing card images that I want to drag into a main area. The sidebar holds a lot of ...
CodyBugstein's user avatar
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How to get the element position after css-translation

I wrote an angularJS directive for dragging elements, therefore I have a mousemove-handler: function mousemove($event) { var x = startX + $event.clientX - initialMouseX; var y ...
Martin's user avatar
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CSS z-index not working as expected with angular animation

I'm trying to implement a drag and drop in my application and want to identify the drop zones with text that will disappear when an item is added. For aesthetics I would like to use animate.css's ...
bornytm's user avatar
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