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drag and drop an image on android / chrome

I'm trying to get dragging an image on android (chrome) to work, but when I, for example, try the demo from w3schools I get the following In words: Instead of let me drag the image around, chrome ...
Jeanluca Scaljeri's user avatar
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Chrome 49 causing scroll when draggable element over scrollbar

This is a change in Chrome 49 from previous versions. In 49, if I have a draggable element, when I drag it over a vertical scrollbar it causes the horizontal scrollbar to scroll to the right, even ...
automaton's user avatar
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Can I force uniform transparancy on an element that's being dragged?

I don't think it is (easily?) possible to style an element that's being dragged using the HTML5 draggable="true" attribute. I can live with that if I could force the element to be made uniformly ...
Jan Aagaard's user avatar
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Chrome Drag & Drop triggering :hover pseudo-class on surrounding elements

I'm running into very frustrating and unexpected drag and drop behavior in Chrome. Problem: The :hover pseudo-class is triggered and stuck on surrounding elements, particularly ones where the ...
Andy Merskin's user avatar
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Chrome Browser draggable Bug disables dragging in single-page app with Map

I have a single-page app built in jQuery which has some custom controls sitting on top of a customized leafletjs map. A bug manifests where an li element with draggable="true" won't drag. However, if ...
Gil Birman's user avatar
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Bug in Chrome? Drag feedback on links misaligned

If I create a link with the attribute "draggable" and then drag the link, Chrome displays an image of the link that follows the mouse cursor. In some cases, notably when there is distance between the ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Unable to drag using image within anchor link in Chrome or IE

This is going to be fairly hard to explain, so I've put together a JsFiddle to help demonstrate. I've tried to include everything that I require without complicating it too ...
Blair McMillan's user avatar