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How to register NSItemProvider for drag and drop in Objective-C?

I’m trying to implement drag and drop functionality in an Objective-C project for the iPad. The principles seem to be straight forward enough, but the examples are all in Swift and I'm simply unable ...
user9272716's user avatar
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Adding drag & drop on UIView on long press in ios?

I am have a UIView on which i want to Implement Drag & Drop feature.I have tried using Pan gesture in that case i am able to drag the view on screen but i am not able to get that drag & drop ...
TechChain's user avatar
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Drag and Drop getting image name iOS?

I have list of images in scroll view and four zone view(drop image View).I was implemented the drag and drop problem was when user drag the image from scroll view i want get the image ...
Ben10's user avatar
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drag and drop uiimage into another uiimageview

I am using following code snippet to drag and drop uiimageview UIPanGestureRecognizer *panRecognizer = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(move:)]; [panRecognizer ...
Akbar's user avatar
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Show indicators while programmatically scrolling UIScrollView

I am writing a framework which simplifies common (but sometimes tricky) drag and drop tasks in iOS. As part of this framework, when the user drags (and briefly holds) an object near the edge of a ...
Jon Hull's user avatar
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implement Drag and Drop in UITable view

**I need to implement Drag and Drop in my table view.I have a table View in left side of my screen and i have an image View on right side of an screen. I need to Drag a image from my table view to ...
humblePilgrim's user avatar
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How to create a drg & drop feature in an iPad app

I am just trying to create a sample ipad app where i have some objects present in left side of my screen which i want that user can able to drag those objects and drop it into right side main view....
user930195's user avatar
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UIButton category/subclass drag and drop iPad

I don't know what's the best way to deal with this problem: I have some draggable buttons in an app that can be moved on top of some targets. If the button is on top of the right target, let's say ...
strave's user avatar
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How to temporarily hide UIPopoverController

I have a UIPopoverController which i want to drag items from it and drop them on another view. I implemented the mechanism for Drag & Drop from a popover but i want it to be even better: while you ...
Avi Shukron's user avatar
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touchesbegan with multiple UIImageView detects incorrect UIImageView

I'm having a problem with touch detection on iPad. I subclassed the UIImageView like this: @interface MyUIImageView : UIImageView { BOOL _dragActive; CGPoint originalLocation; } @end @...
Pedro Santos's user avatar