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The methods for Drag and Drop in NSOutlineView are not getting called

I'm trying to enable drag and drop functionality for NSOutlineView in my MacOS app. I want to drag a child from a folder to another folder within the outline view. I want test asset 1 to be dragged ...
Ishi's user avatar
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Setting text color of cells in outline view while dragging

I have a split view window with an outline view on the left and a table view on the right. I want to be able to drag items from the table view and drop them onto items in the outline view. The ...
johnpurlia's user avatar
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NSOutlineView drag-n-drop multiple items to single xml file Finder

I have a NSOutlineView with drag and drop support to reorder rows. Now I would like to add an export of the selected rows to a opml file in Finder. I've managed to set up NSFilePromiseProvider during ...
lupdidup's user avatar
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NSOutlineView drag&drop (next to an item) doesn't work for complex items

My basic sample works well for item represented by standard ObjC classes. See initialisation of self.list in sample below: - (void) updateViews; { NSDictionary *firstParent = [NSDictionary ...'s user avatar
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How do I drag and drop into an NSOutlineView without specifying the row location?

I'm pretty new to Cocoa, and I'm developing an application that does drag/drop from and into NSOutlineView. I've implemented "outlineView:validateDrop:proposedItem:proposedChildIndex", and "...
kevinlee's user avatar
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Drag and Drop methods for NSOutlineView are not getting called

I'm trying to enable drag&drop for NSOutlineView in my OSX app. The only thing I need to be able to drop is png image from the Finder. I have myOutlineView and a controller which is a data source ...
Eugene Gordin's user avatar
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NSOutlineView subclass not firing data source drag and drop methods

I'm using the excellent NSOutlineView subclass PXSourceList in one of my applications. I'm trying to implement drag and drop to my PXSourceList instance. I have: connected both delegate and data ...
MacProDaddy's user avatar
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NSOutlineView drag promises with directories

How does one implement an NSOutlineViewDataSource to allow dragging directories that do not exist in the file system at the time of dragging to the Finder? I have searched and searched and read a ton ...
Josh The Geek's user avatar
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Drag from NSCollectionView to NSOutlineView

OK, here's is what I want to do : I have an NSCollectionView filled with items I have an NSOutlineView (a "tree" structure actually) I want to be able to drag any item from the NSCollectionView and ...
Dr.Kameleon's user avatar
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How to drag and drop mp3 songs in the playlist

I am developing a mac desktop based application, Created some playlists using NSOutlineView. I know how to drag and drop in NSTableView, But i don't know how to drag and drop in the playlists ...
ADJ's user avatar
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NSOutlineView elements remain hopelessly undraggable

I have a program with a NSOutlineView (that supports single selection only) from which I'd like to be able to drag elements. These elements should either be received as text or files: for instance, ...
zneak's user avatar
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NSOutline View Drag-n-Drop Problem

Dear All, I am fighting with NSOutline View to perform drag-n-drop within the table since last 2-3 day but couldn't get what i am doing wrong, This is what i have done so far, Requirement, 1 -- I ...
Amitg2k12's user avatar
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NSOutlineView Drag-n-Drop

In my application, NSOutlineView used as below, 1 -- Using CustomOutlineView because i want to control NSOutlineView Background, 2 -- Using CustomeCell, becuase i need to have customize Cell ...
Amitg2k12's user avatar
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NSOutlineView: Hot To Avoid Yellow Border When Dragging Items?

When I drag rows from an NSTableView to another NSOutlineView, the NSOutlineView gets a yellow highlighting border. How do I avoid that? To be precise, this happens only if I drag the rows from the ...
Core's user avatar
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Cocoa: is it safe to assume that the destination URL for delivering on an NSFilesPromisePboardType is a file URL?

Is it safe to assume that the destination URL passed to an outlineView:namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination:forDraggedItems: method (as specified by the NSOutlineViewDataSource protocol) is always ...
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