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3 votes
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iOS Drag & Drop. How to replace a cell with a custom view while dragging

Is it possible to completely replace an element from draggable UITableViewCell to custom UIView? For example, I drag a cell, and I want to display a circle when I click on the cell, and in the ...
Mikhail S's user avatar
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I can't connect an object class file to a uitableview? ios objective-c

Hi I am trying to integrate tutorial's function that we can drag and drop objects between two UITableViews located in a ...
Fido's user avatar
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How to add an object in an UITableView by drag and drop it in?

So on my main View I've got an UITableView. On this view, with a button, I'm able to add an object which I've called: SelectPostIt (which come from my nib SelectPostIt.xib ). These Post It are ...
Kokodelo's user avatar
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How to know the last x & y values at the end of a dragNdrop?

So I have a view with an UITableView on which I am able to add some objects (they come from my nib: SelectPostIt.xib). These objects are draggable and what I want to do later is, when I'll drag then ...
Kokodelo's user avatar
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Drag a cell from 1 table view and drop it onto a cell in a 2nd table view to invoke segue

I'm trying to attain a visual interaction between two tables, inside one controller, by dragging and dropping a cell from one table onto another tables cell. When one dragged cell contacts another ...
Krekin's user avatar
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Tap and Hold UITableViewCell and move to other UITableView

i have problems / understanding troubles with multiple UITableViews in one ViewController ... I have 4 UItableviews. So i created foreach a: NSObjet<TableViewDelegate/Source> Then i created ...
Konstantin Heinrich's user avatar
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Drag an imageview item on UITableViewCell

I need to drag on ImageView to a UITableView. I have implemented the dragging but now I need to determine the cell on which the image view is dragged and dropped. I can get the visible cells but than ...
Ankit Srivastava's user avatar
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Touch Event Detection in UIImageView inside UITableViewCell

I am trying to detect a touch event in UIImageView which is added in UITableViewCell's contentView. But, Imageview is not triggering the touch event, i have enabled the imageview userinteraction too. ...
Samir Jwarchan's user avatar
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How do I assign a view as the first responder, after touching a tableview cell?

Here's a more info on my sitation...I have a tableview that when you touch a cell within the tableview, it adds a custom view called DraggableView to the window on the exact same position as the ...
LilDwarf's user avatar
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implement Drag and Drop in UITable view

**I need to implement Drag and Drop in my table view.I have a table View in left side of my screen and i have an image View on right side of an screen. I need to Drag a image from my table view to ...
humblePilgrim's user avatar
1 vote
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It's possible to make a uitableviewcell draggable

and I want to make the tableviewcells draggable, but outsite the tableview. Is this possible?
patrick's user avatar
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47 votes
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Tutorial on How to drag and drop item from UITableView to UITableView [closed]

I've been banging my head on this one for a while and I figured it out. I want to give back to the community since I've gotten a lot of help from this website :). I'm trying to copy an item from one ...
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