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Questions tagged [error-handling]

Programming language constructs designed to handle errors signaled by error codes, exceptions or other language specific means.

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is there a way to get the avg score into the grades function without it having an error

I'm relearning python and I decided to make a student grade analyzer program where you enter your grades then it gets the avg of all grades and go to grades function that I made and checks what ...
laith maree's user avatar
-7 votes
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How to safely handle StackoverflowError, OutOfMemoryError? [closed]

It's becoming increasingly apparent that there isn't sufficient understanding of how to safely common Errors, and whether they are recoverable. As of Java 22: How can we safely log these errors ...
Gili's user avatar
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-6 votes
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this Code gives error of 'An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.' [closed]

[HttpPost] public ActionResult AddApprovalStage(string Levels, string PlantCode) { try { var levelsList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ApprovalStageViewModel>>(Levels)...
Jugal Lotwala's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to pass a Apollo Client GraphQL error from the server to the client

I am using Apollo client. I have a GraphQL error from the Apollo error: const { data, loading, error } = useyQuery();. I can see (and log) this error?.graphQLErrors on server side. On the client the ...
meez's user avatar
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-2 votes
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React Native package download issue

[I am getting this error. I have no issue working on react.js. The node is correctly installed as i can get the versions] I am not also able to find the path for npm using which or whereis [I tried ...
Grace's user avatar
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selenium webdriver error.error is occured in PATH

from selenium import webdriver PATH = r"D:\Downloads\chromedriver-win64\chromedriver.exe" driver = webdriver.Chrome(PATH) driver.get("") Error: ...
Nitay das's user avatar
-5 votes
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Getting some Unit Testing done in python [closed]

The problem was: Convert: Takes a string input in the form "X/Y" where X and Y are integers, computes the percentage X/Y * 100 rounded to the nearest integer, and handles errors such as ...
Hardik Katyal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Java exit status codes based on application warnings vs errors [closed]

I'm developing a Java application where the exit status codes need to reflect the following conditions: Exit with status code 0 if no errors or warnings occur during execution. Exit with status code ...
Meymuna S.'s user avatar
-1 votes
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Handling non-JSON responses in React useRequest hook

I deployed my React project, but it doesn't work as expected. In development mode, everything works fine, but in production json is not read properly. Here is my code where error happens: import { ...
guranda lemonjava's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

i have an error with my face verification, please help me

I create educational websites. and a system where when I register I save a picture of the registrant's face. Then, when you want to do a system problem, you have to make sure that the person is ...
Baswara Nugraha's user avatar
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handling WebcClientRequest exception in Spring Webclient

using Spring WebClient (Spring boot 2.7.x) to POST messages to external endpoint. In some cases getting readtimeout exception (wrapped under WebClientRequestException) from endpoint. Trying few ways ...
Arpit S's user avatar
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Error handling in VBA - on error line gets registered but doesn't actually work

I have the following code: Sub CopyRunsheetData() i = 375 For i = i To 999 On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open("Path" & "\" & "...
Alexander Kyriakidis's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to fix error `SyntaxError: Unexpected token '='` in React-native expo

I have node.js of version 18.18.0 on machine before and my react-native app was working just fine. But I recently installed lower version of node.js 14.0.0 using nvm and When I start my expo react-...
Ay_tech's user avatar
1 vote
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WPF on .net 4.8 has no useful stacktrace [duplicate]

The company I work at has an old WPF .net 4.8 desktop app running in production. They are using log4net > application insights to log the errors. The errors are all there but some stacktraces seem ...
J. doe's user avatar
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How to Implement a Lockfile to Prevent Multiple Instances of a Java Application [duplicate]

I am working on a Java application, and I need to ensure that only one instance of the application runs at any given time. I have read that this can be achieved using a lockfile. The idea is that when ...
Meymuna S.'s user avatar

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