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Questions tagged [es6-proxy]

The ES2015 Proxy object allows the creation of objects with custom dispatch semantics for operations like property lookup, assignment, enumeration, invocation as a function or constructor.

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I am trying to work with ES6 Proxies but am noticing something super weird, it is getting called twice [closed]

I am trying to implement a simple backbone model which has handlers for change and delete events on the model. The change handler for changing the value of a property gets executed 2 times instead of ...
anipendakur's user avatar
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Multiple Access to two-dimensional array (using setters/getter via Proxy or Object.defineProperty)

I have a two dimensional array that I need to perform read and write action on from various angles. Sometimes I need to get/set a single row (easy of course) and sometimes I need to get/set a single ...
Christian Schäfer's user avatar
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Detect direct instances in JavaScript

A couple of years ago, I wanted figure how to create a type check for class A that returns true only for objects instantiated by new A(). For this, I wrote the class like this: class A { static #...
Melab's user avatar
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Why is this object a Proxy only when the page field is 1?

Steps to reproduce: Open the reproduction Open the browser console When the project starts it will errors with: Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'put' on 'IDBObjectStore': #<...
Fred Hors's user avatar
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JavaScript Proxy not working for opened Window object

I need to Proxy a window object opened with So far as I understand it (which is not well), the trivial "handler" here should effectively be the identity operation, passing thru ...
Boann's user avatar
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Mocking an async builder pattern API with proxy

I'm trying to mock knex for testing. Everything seems to work but attaching a proxy to an array as prototype seems to remove the iteratability of arrays. Here is the mock function. Following works ...
srinesha's user avatar
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Cannot access puppeteer Proxy in my Jest test (TypeError: Cannot read private member #frameManager from an object whose class did not declare it)

What could be the reason of me not being able to access the Proxy of the CustomPage class in my test file? I get this error... enter image description here const puppeteer = require("puppeteer&...
Aleksandregvrm's user avatar
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Javscript proxy not transparent in Chrome

A common trick sites use to protect against reverse engineering is to prevent Javascript from executing correctly when the developer tools are open. Usually, this relies on an object logged to the ...
user2248702's user avatar
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Trap array changes (add/delete) inside object of proxy

I am trying to track some array changes inside of proxyfied object. For example: object = { count: 0, input: ``, tasks: [ ] } and I need to track changes of object.tasks. The problem ...
Eugene S's user avatar
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Debounce "setting" of values in proxy trap without delay/timeout

I try to understand how i can debounce a "set" trap in javascript proxy. function debounce(func, wait, immediate = false) { let timeout = null; return function(...args) { let ...
Marc's user avatar
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Can a Proxy detect that a subclass is adding methods to a class?

Given a class like: class A {} Is it possible to modify in any way so that I can proxy when methods are subclassed like so: // proxy the `A` object in some way const handler = { get(target, ...
vixalien's user avatar
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How to attach toString to proxy handler

Consider this code: handler.toString = function() { return Reflect.get(original,'toString'); } handler.apply = scope.exportFunctionWithName(function(target, thisArgs, args){ try { ...
MD Luffy's user avatar
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How can I use proxy with spread operator or object.assign?

I need to have methods and store bound to 'this' in my callback function, but when I use the spread operator it doesn't work. The reason for this as far as I know is that the spread operator returns a ...
EMILO's user avatar
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myRef.value is holding a Proxy even tho it should hold a simple array

I am doing a simple app that fetches data (my tasks) from my PocketBase(BaaS like Firebase). I want to store my tasks into a ref because it could change overtime (ex: user modify the name of it). I am ...
santoro's user avatar
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How to globally track property changes and DOM mutations in JavaScript?

I am working on a project where I need to monitor changes in the DOM, specifically tracking any and all JavaScript property changes that affect the DOM elements. My goal is to listen for any 'set' ...
Imperial A's user avatar
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How to always apply a method before executing another method via a proxy?

I have the following code where I want to invoke the instance method connect before proceeding with the invocation of every other instance method of the TelegramClient class. How can this be achieved ...
kabdik's user avatar
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Typescript derives different types when a static method is called from inside or outside a class

Can someone help me explain the behavior of typescript in this example. I have no idea what is going on here. Why is not resolved while is resolved correctly? Why is ...
Micha Stubi's user avatar
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Is there a nicer way to handle isLoading checks in react? [closed]

In React we very often load data which is for some time undefined/null or some placeholder value. Now there are many ways to use loading skeletons, but in my project we have the skeletons rather low ...
Andreas Herd's user avatar
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A proxied JS child class assigns a wrong prototype to an instance

Some interesting case which I don't understand. I proxy classes and extend a child class from a proxied base class. When a child is constructed inside the construct trap for some reason a wrong ...
Alexander Nenashev's user avatar
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How to get data from a Proxy Array in Javascript? [duplicate]

I am making a request via Axios to a REST API made in LARAVEL 9, this is my Backend that sends them via JSON to the frontend. public function index() { try { $marcas = DB::table('marca')-&...
Diego Martinez's user avatar
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ES6 Proxy to return an iterable array

I need to exercise some code in data mapping functions. For this, I need a proxy that returns an iterable array with one element (itself; an iterable array) when any property is requested. This will ...
jcalfee314's user avatar
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JavaScript proxies : aggregate notifications after array sort

I would like to find a way to get only one notification after an array sort Is there a way? Thank you const callback = function () { console.log (...arguments) } const array = [2,1] const handler = {...
tit's user avatar
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Why is Proxy being called for nested elements?

I'm attempting to abstract some Cypress methods into a helper object using getters. The intended behavior is that I can do something like this: todoApp.todoPage.todoApp.main.rows.row .first()....
user3534080's user avatar
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How can I detect changes to arbitrary private members with an ES6 proxy in Javascript?

I am working on building a 2D renderer with the Javascript canvas API, and I am trying to improve performance by skipping renders when no changes to the state of any renderable objects have occurred. ...
Banshee's user avatar
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Typescript: function should return proxy object of generic object type

The following function should create a proxy object with a specific handler, but typescript is throwing a type error when I try it that way. function createProxiedObject<T extends object>(obj: T)...
Arber's user avatar
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Javascript construct trap not working in class returning proxy

I am trying to create a little javascript two way form binder using proxies. I am stuck on how I can intercept 'new' calls. I use a 'construct' trap but it doesn't fire. Here is my code, I have ...
kiwichris's user avatar
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How to proxy Function.prototype?

I tried to proxy Function.prototype. I created a new Proxy and rewrote the toString method, however console.log('cas') doesn't work, why? Function.prototype = new Proxy(Function.prototype, { get: ...
yg lin's user avatar
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For an instance field which is an array value, how does one handle additional tasks whenever the array mutates by e.g. pushing into or splicing it?

The set accessor does not take place whenever one does mutate the Crumbs class property value by e.g pushing into it. I'm trying to create a class property via set syntax which I expect to handle an ...
Josue Barrios's user avatar
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why are target and receiver not the same in this javascript proxy?

I am working with JavaScript Proxy and do not understand why the target and the receiver are different in both the get() and set() traps. They appear to be the same (based on console logging). The ...
bmacnaughton's user avatar
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Implement a dynamic lazy proxy collection class on typescript

I'm trying to implement a lazy database connection collection in typescript. I'm creating a class called DatabaseCollection and my idea is to use a proxy to lazy load the connections (I'm using knex ...
Felipe Buccioni's user avatar

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