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Questions tagged [google-cloud-firestore]

Cloud Firestore is an auto-scaling real-time document database for storing, syncing, and querying data for mobile, web and server development.

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Firebase Listener doesnt work on safari but works on chrome

I am making a time table that users can store locally using Shared Preferences in flutter. When an admin makes an update in firestore, I want the changes to be updated locally as well (in Shared ...
Fats's user avatar
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Firebase functions onValueCreated database trigger not working

I wrote below trigger exports.onNewGameRequest = onValueCreated( {ref: "/game_requests/{uid}", region: "europe-west1"}, async (event) => { // Grab the current value of what ...
cubesoft's user avatar
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My Firestore listener in C# is not working

I’m new to using Firestore. According to the official documentation, my code should work correctly, but for some reason, it doesn’t. I can read and write data correctly. Could it be that I’m missing ...
Matías Ferechian's user avatar
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Ionic Capacitor and Firebase Firestore

trying to make Firebase Firestore work in Ionic Capacitor on an iOS device for five hours and I'm losing my nerves right now. Hope you can ramp me up here. The setup: Ionic: ionic (Ionic CLI) ...
genesis's user avatar
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Firebase rules work fine in emulator, don't work in the Cloud

The following firestore rules set works in my emulator, but does not work in the Cloud. The isUserAuthenticated returns false, as if the {userId} didn't evaluate correctly. rules_version = '2'; ...
pax's user avatar
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Next.js 13 and Firestore static blog page gives me this error => TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'title')

I am trying to statically generate individual blog pages blog/[id].js on my Next 13 app with Firestore using getStaticPaths and getStaticProps, but I keep getting this error: TypeError: Cannot read ...
M.F. Services's user avatar
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Where query on firestore [duplicate]

I have a collection of users, each with a collection called "logs". I have a collectionGroup with all "logs" collections. Each "logs" collection have documents which are ...
Victor's user avatar
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How to generate methods in `PerFieldToJson` using `json_serializable`?

Minimum reproducible code: // foo.dart import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart'; import 'package:cloud_firestore_odm/cloud_firestore_odm.dart'; import 'package:json_annotation/...
iDecode's user avatar
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Why is CORS blocking the GCF request when an ID is used?

I am making calls via the Hubspot API from a Firebase Cloud Functions file. Most of these work without any issues; however, any endpoints that require an ID are blocked by CORS. I've tested these ...
Remy Bartolotta's user avatar
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How can I optimize my Cloud Function to react to Firestore document status changes more efficiently?

How can I optimize my Cloud Function to react to Firestore document status changes more efficiently? Is there a way to make this process event-driven rather than using periodic checks? I'm looking for ...
LAZREQ's user avatar
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connect flutter android studio to firestore [closed]

how to connect firestore and flutter app in android studio to make the app more interactive I have a login page with 3 field to select as Jilla ,Upashabha and password. the jilla and upasabha as to be ...
1 vote
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Firestore rules to not allow additional queries

getDocs(query(orderBy('createdAt', 'desc'))) with rules, i can enforce a query allow list: if request.query.orderBy.createdAt == "DESC" How do i make it so users cannot apply query to any ...
Ibrahim Ali's user avatar
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Lazy loading is returning empty array

import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; import { collection, query, where, getDocs, startAfter, limit, startAt, } from "firebase/firestore"; ...
Vishesh Gupta's user avatar
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React Native Firestore useEffect Fetch Issue with where Clause and Pagination

I am working on a React Native project that uses Firestore to fetch a list of services. I am trying to fetch services with a price greater than or equal to 70 and implement pagination using Firestore'...
Hristo Ivanov's user avatar
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Distinguishing Firestore Snapshot Listener 'REMOVE' Event Reasons in Query

I have a snapshot listener for a query like this: firestore .collection("...") .whereEqualTo("available", true) .orderBy("sort", Query.Direction.DESCENDING) ...
Dark White's user avatar
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can't assign docs of nested query firebase collection to a List<class>

I'm have been trying to get all data of collection a and subcollection b and insert them into a List of model to use that list later to show data in a ListView builder , problems are: 1- I can't get ...
fyry J4's user avatar
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Firebase read permissions breaking write permissions

I'm trying to write storage rules in firebase. There are 3 levels of user in my app- admin, agent, and client. A client should be able to write to their own 'Request' Admins can read everything Agents ...
Adam James's user avatar
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How to differentiate when to use relational databases and real time databases? [closed]

I want to implement a database for a software development project I am working on. I want to figure out whether I should use a relational database and a real time database. I tried using MySQL and I ...
Shanaya Hassen's user avatar
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ValueError: JSON string "{" is not valid json [closed]

I have a serviceAccountKey.json file with the following code { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "...", "private_key_id": "...&...
Aakash Kothari's user avatar
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How can I update/create multiple documents in a collection in firebase?

I'm trying to use a default collection in firebase that a user can overwrite with their own values and save elsewhere. I have a default collection from which the initial values will be drawn, and have ...
Apersu's user avatar
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How to filter query on a nested object in Firestore

I have nested an object inside my Firestore objects and am trying to filter based on it ..but it returns no object. here is what my nested objects look like : Now in my function whenever I do ...
Ahmed Wagdi's user avatar
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Multiple "whereField" clauses not working as expected in SwiftUI and Firestore. No error thrown, the data returned is incorrect [closed]

Trying to query a firestore collection as below. Data returned is inaccurate. db.collection("myCollection") .whereField("date", isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: Timestamp(date: ...
Nikki's user avatar
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Android Fetching Data from Firebase Firestore Error

I create an app that is fetching some data from Firebase Firestore and display them on a list. While the app is starting is not fetching the data and this error occurs. W/ConnectionTracker( 4843): ...
Andreas Hadjimamas's user avatar
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fetch only one data of single document instead of all documents

I'm trying to fetch all data of documents inside the collection but unfortunately the code only fetch data of one single document. const Charities = ({navigation}) => { const [...
Omar Bakoban's user avatar
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Remove item from Reference List

I have a database „Users“ which contains the List<Doc Reference (users)> „Friendlist“. I am displaying this friendlist with Dynamic Children Querying in a Listview, each viewItem contains a ...
Kalle's user avatar
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How do I get just one singular field out of a Firestore document and add it to a new document?

I am trying to make a chat where at the top of each message it displays the user's name on the top of each document they add when they send each message but I am unable to get the single field without ...
Epimetheus14's user avatar
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How to I get data from a firestore collection within a document that requires an argument?

I am trying to create and admin chat where the admin can view all the user messages and then reply to them I have been able to add documents to this collection but I am unable to display the messages ...
Epimetheus14's user avatar
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SwiftUI and FirestoreQuery property wrapper - Pagination?

I'm new to using the property wrapper for FirestoreQuery and I'm confused how to handle pagination. @FirestoreQuery(collectionPath: "users") private var users: [Users] Would this simply ...
Christian's user avatar
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Swift Multidatepicker doesn't recognize dates loaded from Firebase

I have an issue where when dates are loaded from firebase into my MultiDatePicker, the onChange function does not recognize dates that are already in the "selectedDates" array, instead re-...
Joshua Shen's user avatar
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How to retrieve and fetch data from a document's field on firebasefirestore? [duplicate]

I am trying to fetch data from a document on a Firebase's collection that contains users: As you can see, there is a collection named Users and two users, and now I click on one you get to see the ...
Emmanuel Agyapong's user avatar
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Can't see my recyclerview item except after screen rotation [closed]

I am building android app using kotlin with firebase firestore. I discovered that anytime I fetch data to display on the homepage fragment, the data do not appear unless I rotate the screen of my ...
Louis's user avatar
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How to add data in a Firestore Database (SwiftUI) [closed]

I'm having trouble in the setup steps for adding a document to my FireStore Database. For reference, these are what my files currently look like: FirestoreDemoApp.swift import SwiftUI import ...
Remi_Zacharias's user avatar
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firebase firestore querying based on nested attribute

Here is how the data is structured in my firebase firestore users: { xyz: { profile: { email: "[email protected]" } }, pqr:  { profile: { email: "[email protected]" } } but as email is ...
Moblize IT's user avatar
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Connect new firestore database to android app [closed]

I want to disconnect the default (named default) firestore database from my android app and connect a new (named) database with the app. Actually I am doing all this so that I can get database URL ...
cnl cabs's user avatar
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How do I update a collection inside a firestore document?

I am trying to create a chat between users and me for customer support purposes, to do this I want to have it so that the login users can go to the contact page they can type in their message and hit ...
Epimetheus14's user avatar
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Firebase Cloud Function using Event for document change AttributeError: 'Event' object has no attribute 'after'

I deployed the following Python Firebase cloud function that's supposed to be triggered on change to document from Collection Appointments, then send an FCM accordingly to associated user. # The Cloud ...
Tareq Ewaida's user avatar
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Is it possible to save FCM notifications in Firestore?

Send FCM notification to Android device from (Messaging tab) Firebase console. is it possible to save the notification messages in Cloud Firestore ( i.e Firestore database).
R KiranKumar's user avatar
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How can I efficiently insert more than 1 million records into Firestore?

Description: I am working on a project where I need to insert more than 1 million records into Google Firestore. Currently, my approach is not efficient enough and the process is extremely slow. I am ...
frfernandezdev's user avatar
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firebase_firestore error Platform channel messages must be sent on the platform thread

I am creating a flutter application using firebase_firestore, I have a function that return a stream, when running the function, the following gets printed in the terminal: [ERROR:flutter/shell/...
Tom's user avatar
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I want to access my Firestore Database of project A, from Project B which is also deployed in same GCP [closed]

not able to access one DB (FIRESTORE) from two projects on same GCP. I have two projects deployed in Google Cloud Platform project A & project B. Project A has firestore DB. now i want to access (...
Abhishek Lahase's user avatar
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Firestore alternative for collectionGroups

I have a question about Firestore search, collectiongroups, and something similar like that. I have 2 main-collections: /users and /hobbies Every user-doc in users has a subcollection "/hobbies&...
Nemeton LP's user avatar
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Flutter Create multiple document in same collection in Firestore

I want to create multiple documents inside the single or same collection in Firestor. The issue is when I can call the addTeacherBasicDetails() method, so create the perfect but after that, I can call ...
Alpit Panchal's user avatar
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flutter app not showing messages from firestore, messages are only getting stored

I was following a tutorial from Mitch koko channel on youtube. i created a messaging app. i followed the video exactly. my messages are getting stored in the firestore in the firebase database. but ...
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Does the ordering of fields in a composite index matter for performance?

I have a Firestore query which is taking a while to execute (> 4 seconds). The query is structured as follows: db .collection('testCollection') .where('fieldA', '==', 1) .where('fieldB', '==',...
llamington's user avatar
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Chat History Fetched from Cloud Firestore Not Displaying in React Frontend

Problem: Despite successful data fetching and processing, the chats do not appear in the UI. Could someone point out what might be going wrong or suggest any debugging steps? I'm working on a web app ...
Shripal Shah's user avatar
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Firebase DocumentReference and Timestamps being lost? [closed]

I'm in the midst of a rework for one of the contexts in my project. It was previously all fetched and filtered on the front end but I was noticing performance issues with large data sets. I decided to ...
Luke Andrews's user avatar
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How come my JVM does not shutdown when using Google Cloud Firestore BulkWriter?

I'm trying to implement the BulkWriter from Google Cloud Firestore in Kotlin. When I create documents individually (without the BulkWriter) my application works normally. However, when using the ...
Paul's user avatar
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Check from a firebase cloud function quota data

Is there a way to check from a firebase cloud function (using firebase CLI I guess) my current quota data (number of read/write/deletes of my project in the current day). The idea is that I have some ...
Fernando's user avatar
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How do I use google cloud functions to read data from firestore and then connect that function to a webhook in dialogflow cx?

I have a collection named 'flight-details' in firestore which has documents with the id corresponding to each flight number. I want to retrieve a certain field from each document by matching the ...
Nivin's user avatar
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Firebase Triggered Cloud Function is not aware of user

I have integrated a payment system to my Firebase app and their system sends a POST request to my backend. I handle that request as below:"/subscription", (req, res) => { ...
Amor Soma's user avatar

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