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Questions tagged [html]

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the markup language for creating web pages and other information to be displayed in a web browser. Questions regarding HTML should include a minimal reproducible example and some idea of what you're trying to achieve. This tag is rarely used alone and is often paired with CSS and JavaScript.

-1 votes
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How to Create a strategy

How to create strategy for trading in 1sec time frame and back test. I have no try so that how it. So plz tell me how to creat self strategy in trading view chart and set automatic sell or buy like a ...
Sikandra 's user avatar
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How can I make a flexbox column with a long email value expand to fill available space without leaving empty space? [duplicate]

I have three columns using flexbox, but they are not equally spaced. The email column has a long value, so I used max-width to truncate it with an ellipsis ("..."). However, when the ...
Jon You's user avatar
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Struggling to recreate a particular categories grid layout with bootstrap 5.3 [duplicate]

Hoping someone can put me on the right path. I’m trying to re-create this layout using bootstrap 5.3 but can’t seem to get the layout right, I also need it to be responsive so that on small devices ...
Daniel Collins's user avatar
-2 votes
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What are HTML elements and entities SPECIFICALLY - WITH EXAMPLES please

I'm trying to submit something online (kind of a legal thing), but it won't let me submit and it's saying, "HTML elements and entities are not allowed". I tried looking it up and just got ...
Shanny Springer's user avatar
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Centering entire main element

I have put some content and form inside the main element. Here is the HTML: <main> <h1>My main content</h1> <form action="/action_page.php" id="form"> ...
user9026's user avatar
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card slide animation not occuring on both sides

I wanted to make an animated cared slider similar to the image below for my website: Everything is perfectly fine and functioning properly. Except ...
demosewa's user avatar
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About c++ multithreaded code converted to WebAssembly view rendering problem in js call

var Module = { print: (function() { var element = document.getElementById('output'); test_element=document.getElementById('test_element'); // if (element) element....
user25527891's user avatar
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Embed on web page a Twitter Video, just like a YT video

(Complete beginner here, fighting to assemble some web page.) If a "copy video address" in X (Twitter), I get something like: If I get the embed ...
Jada's user avatar
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property "color-scheme" cannot query by media "prefers-color-scheme"

I learned that "color-scheme" property can change the light dark mode of the page. And I also learned that i can style element by media query prefers-color-scheme from MDN. But actually, it ...
yuanzui_cf's user avatar
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Desynchronized hover elements on touch devices

I've created a simple HTML that includes an image with a 3px white border around it and text below the image. Here is the HTML:,output When you hover over the ...
Ghoul Angel's user avatar
-2 votes
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In html, why there is a gap on the left of .div3? [duplicate]

The output is in the picture Why there is gap? I am just wondering why there is a gap? why the elements before .div3 are not on the top like .div3? When I enter some texts in .div3, then the elements ...
small yellow duck's user avatar
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Selecting elements in HTML using tree generator extension

I have recently been trying to understand how to select elements and manipulate them using the html tree generator and JavaScript. How do I select the second last element of the last element child and ...
Kepher Ashitakaya's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is it possible to execute a bat file from JavaScript running in modern browsers? [closed]

I have a question – is it possible to run a BAT file with JavaScript in a local HTML document? My Batch file's purpose is to sleep/hibernate the computer, and looks like this: rundll32.exe powrprof....
winikol's user avatar
-3 votes
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I am trying to look for a better practice and convenient method to make the grid images more responsive

I have been trying to replicate a website which I found from frontendpractice I am pretty unfamiliar with css grid and instead wanted to opt for flexbox for the console display boxes, but used grid ...
ahsan waqar's user avatar
-4 votes
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Có cách nào để bài SEO nhanh lên top Google không? [closed]

Tôi đang thực hiện chiến dịch SEO cho website, có cách nào để các bài viết của tôi nhanh lên top không? Tôi đã thử viết nội dung thật hữu ích, và tôi mong nó sẽ lên top cao, kết quả thực tế như ý muốn,...
Ho woon's user avatar
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On a website, simultaneously embedding multiples parts of a same video hosted by vimeo and using html container builder on elementor

Hope that i am using this forum howt should be. Didn't knew about til i saw a question similar's mine's, but int opposite way lol. I am currently working on my website that'll use as portfolio and to ...
Martin Straub's user avatar
1 vote
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multiple charts with amcharts 5

I'm developing a web application for a college project, in which I'm using the amcharts library to generate some graphs, however, I can only generate one graph in div's with the id "chartdiv"...
José Maciel's user avatar
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How to use custom HTML attributes with Blaze in Haskell

I'm trying to write the following HTML element from Bootstrap in blaze-html in Haskell. <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-...
Adam D's user avatar
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HTML chat form is not stable - Django site

I have a django site which has a chatapp on it. the problem is the chat-content form in the chat app is not stay in the bottom of the chat page and user should send a lot of messages to come down the ...
Abol's user avatar
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2 answers

JS not opening a button as intended

I'm working on a header section in HTML and decided to learn JavaScript in this project. I'm also using TailwindCSS, with a few specifics I included in a different .css file. I got the JS code from ...
2MUCH's user avatar
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How can I add a scrollbar content appearance limit?

It is somewhat peculiar to explain, but it is easy to summarize, it creates a theme content scroll bar, and even adds a button to hide that theme menu, that works very well, but since there are ...
Carlo Mena Mendez's user avatar
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HTML Table filling full height of parent div with scrolling

I have a Blazor component which is just a html table. I want to style the table so that it always fits into the parent div of the component. The rows have a fixed size, so if the table has more rows ...
wh0ami_'s user avatar
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HTML form not populating correctly, What am I doing wrong?

I have a javascript application where I need to save the user selections in a HTML form that I need to retrun to the form when the user returns to the page with the form. I have implemented solutions ...
Youssef Ismail's user avatar
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How do I change the Favicon in Astro.js? [duplicate]

I'm trying to figure out how to change the favicon in Astro, but I can't figure it out. I tried changing it by adding my own custom image and labeling it "favicon.svg" but it doesn't work. ...
Mike the Scripter's user avatar
1 vote
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CSS grid: prevent a specific cell with lengthy text from setting the width of its column [duplicate]

In a grid layout with two columns I have several rows with similar content, while the last row has in its first cell a lengthier text. I use display: inline-grid and grid-template-columns: auto auto ...
kikon's user avatar
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-4 votes
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String Replacement with Backslashes [closed]

I am trying to replace a string within html that is structured like this "\uf0b7\u200b\u00a0". I am able to successfully use re.sub to replace both the first backslash sequence, the second ...
user2355903's user avatar
-3 votes
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What does error style between head and body mean? What does Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored. Mean

HEllo I started an online course today to learn HTML and SCC and I validated my code however I do not understand any of it. I have never coded before and I am still learning the basics I would really ...
HTML ROOKie's user avatar
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How can I avoid cursor to jump to invalid fields

I have code like this: <div class="form-wrapper"> <div class="form-input"> <span class="form-name">Date des faits</span> ...
JSmith's user avatar
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How to link a style sheet in php if the files are not in the same folder?

I have a php project structured like so : ├───public │ index.php ├───styles │ style.css ├───vendor └───views ├───category │ show.php ├───layout │ footer.php ...
mqbaka mqbaka's user avatar
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height of an iframe in a Confluence app continuously expands infinitely when the html and body elements are set to 100% height

Issue Overview: We're encountering a persistent problem with our Confluence app where the iframe height continuously expands indefinitely. This issue arises when we set the html and body elements to ...
John Q's user avatar
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Is it possible to "undeclare" a script block in HTML? [duplicate]

I'm developing a web app which dynamically loads and unloads the contents of a a <div> block, which acts as a sort of page system. The problem The problem starts with the fact that I sometimes ...
Codrut's user avatar
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How to Render Underline Text in Markdown Using Stream Chat SDK

I am currently working on a chat application using Stream SDK ( I have been running into continuous issues rendering underlined text in message bubbles. Stream seems to have no ...
Devin Mason's user avatar
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Banner is not displaying at the top and css is not working

I have html like following, in my Django project <!DOCTYPE html> {% load static %} <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name=&...
Karan's user avatar
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2 answers

Div float left, div float right [closed]

Hello guys be kind I'm new to programming. I just started doing some stuff to practice so I created a little web site. I created a div container with a display block for the ul 'home, service, ecc..' ...
Riccardo Manfellotto's user avatar
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How to compare two tsx elements in react + tsx

i want to compare two react tsx elements. i am still new to react and tsx. but i am unale to do so even after copying and pasting the exact elements to compare. Can you tell me why and how to fix it? ...
Anirudh Agrawal's user avatar
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Img-src doesnt resolve when url has more parameters after .../xxx.png/

My URL: When opening this link in my browser, I see a raw picture. When referencing it in my <...
silj6's user avatar
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Chromium browsers: Select Option menu immediately closes after opening when scrolling

I'm encountering an issue with select elements in Chromium-based browsers. Here's the specific problem: I scroll to the bottom of the page using a mouse with momentum scrolling. The page reaches the ...
O S's user avatar
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Multiple adding to cart in JavaScript doesn't work

when I add products to the shopping cart at some point it stops updating the table, it is refreshed when I click the previous product and the product I want to add. Live site: https://frontend-mentor-...
Kajetan Ślęga's user avatar
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canonical links on multi-domain site

I have a question about using link[rel="canonical"] elements. Consider a company with an international site com-domain and a site located inside China cn-domain (actual domains trigger Stack ...
ddbrierton's user avatar
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How to prevent user from executing PHP script multiple times within few seconds?

I want to be able to run php script and then it should check itself to make sure X number of seconds have passed before it can run again. I am not talking about halting it's execution for x number of ...
ThN's user avatar
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Zooming HTML background-image on hover with CSS

I have this code: <div class="ver-thin"> <div class="img-div" style="background-image: url('');"></div> <...
Sergio Oliveira's user avatar
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How Do I make my sliding login/register page display the correct container

I Basically copied one of those sliding login/register pages, customized the CSS a bit and now I started doing backend for my project, I got to the part where I want to redirect users to register, but ...
Tom brown's user avatar
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How to overlap flex items in a fix width?

The final result I want is this and the result I am able to obtained is this. Basically I want the cards to overlap in a fixed width, when it is overflowing its parent. And when it is not overflowing, ...
lorem1213's user avatar
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I tried to make a image that is a hyper-link, but all it does is show up, but it doesn't go anywhere when i press it

<a href=""></a> <img src="luckydip.png" alt="luckydip"> </a> Whenever i load the page, the button doesn't work ...
Jomes's user avatar
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Grid layout where one element can expand without affecting its row

I have grid layout like this: Here is the reproduction link: And here is the code snippet with the grid styles: display: grid; ...
AnJ's user avatar
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How to Execute JavaScript Functions from Non-Editable Elements in TinyMCE?

I have non-editable buttons inside the TinyMCE text editor. I want to insert a JavaScript function so that when these buttons are clicked, the text "Hello world" is logged to the console. ...
Vipul 's user avatar
-5 votes
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I need help editing my business cards with the help of swiper [closed]

I have 12 jobData variables: I want to control them with the next and prev button. I want my 6 cards to be arranged in 2 rows and 3 columns. I want the remaining 6 cards to appear on my screen in the ...
Yusuf's user avatar
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alternate links on multi-domain site

I have a question about using link[rel="alternate"][hreflang] elements. Consider a company with an international site com-domain and a site located inside China cn-domain (actual domains ...
ddbrierton's user avatar
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Disable other checkboxes with specific word when one checkbox with same is checked

I have using following code to create dynamic checkbox fields.... and storing batch unique ids as comma separated values in database for specific user... <?php // Fetching values from mysql ...
Dr M L M J's user avatar
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The debug feature in Visual Studio Code displays "file cannot be accessed"

Sorry to trouble you with this beginner programming issue. I am creating some html code in Visual Studio Code, and I am able to run it when I use the "open with live server" option. However, ...
Shirasagi's user avatar

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