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Nuxt 3 : How to redirect all 404 to home page with a 301 (SSR)

I am searching how to catch all my 404 pages on my Nuxt 3 project and redirect them using a status code 301 to the home page (using SSR).
Ifnot's user avatar
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Redirect with 301 status code in react js single page application

I've developed a web application in react js and I'm using the client-side routing. I have a few deleted product URLs and I want to redirect users to the product listings URL with HTTP Status code 301 ...
Hidayat Meman's user avatar
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Node js HTTPS get request for Instagram post information (?__a=1) request returning 301 status code in Vercel

I'm trying to get public post information from Instagram using this -{id}?__a=1 link in Node.js using https get request. The problem is that it works in my local server but as ...
Shashank's user avatar
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How show I handle a 301 redirect from an existing page to another page in my index.js file

Hi everyone and happy friday! Im just trying to find out what is the best way to handle a 301 redirect in node from an existing file to another file. Lets say I have a file that exists called /contact ...
kenny229's user avatar
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Redirect in Next.js from uppercase to lowercase URL

I need to redirect visitors from /Contact to /contact. When I am doing it as described in the docs I get an infinite redirect loop. This is what I tried: // next.config.js async redirects() { ...
Yuval Levy's user avatar
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Fetch data from moved pemanently (301) API

I'm trying to fetch data from API. In command line with CURL works but I want to do it with fetch() or axios in ReactJS. I tried really hard without success. curl -i -X GET -u user:pass -H "...
Razvan Papascu's user avatar
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This code returns 301 permanently moved while the same script worked properly

this is part of java script to collect some data in .xls file from a website ( The website has a box in which we put some character, then it computes and redirects ...
Vijay Kumar Garg's user avatar
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301 response with 'Cross-Origin Request Blocked' despite having correct CORS headers configured

I'm accessing nasa pictures with their public api, but i get this error: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at [nasa api website] (Reason: CORS ...
dedepe's user avatar
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Website keeps requesting a 301 URL address

My website is giving me a "This website is not secure" and I can't find the root of it, even though I double checked through everything to see if there are any http and switched them to https. I also ...
newcool's user avatar
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When using CloudFlare 301 redirect, why does a script not render?

I run (ethical ad platform) and we are trying to consolidate our domains. One of the issues we have is that some of our publishers use and others use domains. I ...
coderberry's user avatar
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301 redirect to third party causing Ajax request to make duplicate calls

There are a lot of similar questions but I think I have a new twist on it. I'm trying to call a third party url via ajax for tracking purposes, so I don't really care about the response. just that it'...
Qazzian's user avatar
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How to link to d3.js-v3 source file without getting code 301/304 or TypeError

d3 is currently on v5, but I need to use v3. I am trying two ways to access v3: Including <script src=""></script> in my HTML tag. Including <script src="...
brienna's user avatar
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WordPress - JS and CSS files being 301 redirected?

I’m having an issue with 301 redirects as they relate to .js and .css file version numbers. For instance, /wp-includes/js/my-file.min.js?ver=4.9.1 redirects to /wp-includes/js/my-file.min.js. We are ...
ddansab's user avatar
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4 answers

Difference between Postman and a simple Http Request with superagent

I was wondering what's the difference between a simple POST request with superagent and a POST request with Postman. Because Im trying to scrap a website, so I made a post request with Postman and ...
Paul's user avatar
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13 votes
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react-router how do I use redirectLocation or the 301 or 302 status

We are about to deploy our site in reactjs and we have (re)moved one url but merged it in our main page so from /[product]/menu we merged it to /[product]. Now they said I should respond with 301 for /...
index's user avatar
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