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Kentico 13 MVC Core User Control Selection Widget Conversion

We are currently on Kentico 12 and are making the switch to 13 MVC Core. One of our most important and widely used widgets is a custom "Control Wrapper" widget with a "File System ...
Anne Kercher's user avatar
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2 answers

Error on Page Preview after upgrade from Kentico 12 to 13

We have Kentico CMS with MVC site. I recently upgraded Kentico 12 to 13 and started getting a "resource not found" error on doing Page Preview in the admin app. I had not uninstalled the ...
joym8's user avatar
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Cannot implicitly convert type 'Kentico.Web.Mvc.IHtmlContentProxy' to 'System.Web.HtmlString'

Getting these error in my Razor viewpage: HtmlString GetActionUrl() { return Url.Kentico().AuthenticateUrl(Url.Action("Upload", "ImageUploader", new { pageId = ...
sapana's user avatar
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Access to the path 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Kentico12_2\CMS\App_Data\CMSTemp' is denied

I am trying to upload image via administration interafe of Kentico. I am getting this error when I try upload a image. Error Image What I tried so far; I changed wwwroot folder security properties, ...
Berserker's user avatar
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You need to call the 'UsePreview()' method of the Kentico.Web.Mvc.ApplicationBuilder instance at the start of your application's life cycle

I am trying to learn developing with Kentico MedioClinic Tutorial. I tried to follow each step accordingly, but I stucked here. I searched the problem in the caption, first I tried adding // ...
Berserker's user avatar
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MiniProfiler MVC SQL Timings Not Displaying

I am using MiniProfiler.Mvc5 v4.2.1 with C# for an ASP.NET MVC5 website. I am implementing MiniProfiler based on the Samples.Mvc5 project included in the source code repo and am having an issue with ...
Jon Knopp's user avatar
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Kentico and Collection(EDM.GeographyPoint)

Im trying to add geolocations to an Azure index and build the type Collection(EDM.GeographyPoint), so i can have multiple geocodes attached to 1 index document. I get this error Message: Creating or ...
Charles Leek's user avatar
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Failure to to connect after Adding Kentico into ASP.NET MVC project

My ASP.NET MVC was in middle of development, so I researched about how to add media into the project and I come across the Kentico libraries. And I tried to add Kentico.Content.Web.Mvc, Kentico....
Tony Wolf's user avatar
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Kentico Not able to set EDM.GeographyPoint type as filterable n Azure index

GeographyPoint* type as filterable so i can do proximity searches in Azure. When i build the index in Kentico i am using the CustomAzureSearchModule to change the datatype from EDM.String to EDM....
Charles Leek's user avatar
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Kentico MVC - PageBuilder Error on external Staging site

Am using Kentico MVC v12 Service Pack. Have enabled Preview feature and PageBuilder in Application_Start. When running from localhost, can successfully edit relevant pages using PageBuilder as ...
andyashtonmosquito's user avatar
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3 answers

YSOD Could not load file or assembly CMS.DataEngine - after Kentico 11.0.0 upgrade to Kentico 12 SP1

Just finished upgrading Kentico 11.0.0 with MVC, to Kentico 12 SP1 using No issues during upgrade. Kentico CMS is coming up fine ...
joym8's user avatar
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Media Libraries missing after upgrading Kentico 11 to 12

Just completed a trail run of Kentico 11 upgrade to Kentico 12, using The company website is ASP.NET MVC. The upgrade process ...
joym8's user avatar
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Kentico: Download file uploaded to cms

I want to be able to upload a file to the cms, to a field on a page. Then from the actually site page, have a link to download said file
Luke Taylor's user avatar
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Kentico Library media file not available in MVC website

I'm creating a Kentico media library file using Kentico API 11.0.26. The CMS and MVC app are on a web farm. Both are in healthy state. The file gets created fine, but is only accessible on the CMS ...
joym8's user avatar
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MVC POST is 404ing but if I change the POST to a GET, it works

I have an MVC 4 application running on Kentico 11. I'm trying to make a new API endpoint for a node application to be able to hit it. The method is structured as follow: [Route("api/SendEmail/...
Alex Kibler's user avatar
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