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Find the largest area of various Shape objects from an ArrayList

Ideally I do not want it to be static or void. It is the only way I could get it to work at the moment. I have a Shape superclass. It has a method of area() which I @Override in the Rectangle class ...
Blank Reaver's user avatar
-1 votes
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If I make an object using a list and the same constructor, does that mean after I make it I can no longer reference it?

I've created the following code to make Region objects that have information in them. (Coordinates, election data, etc). I'm wondering if I can no longer reference these after they are put into the ...
Waker's user avatar
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Adding objects to ArrayList [duplicate]

This if my first question on stackoverflow. I can usually find answers myself but I'm having trouble with this one. I've got 2 objects, "Book", and "Periodical". These are subclasses to a class "...
tlochner95's user avatar
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Use for each loop to print objects

so I need to use a method to print out the contents of my rectangle and circle objects. I want them formatted something like this GeometricObject [color=red, filled=false, dateOfCreation=Wed Feb 11 ...
RiFF RAFF's user avatar
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Need to load objects into an ArrayList read from a text file and output to JTextField?

I'm working on a project and I am suppose to read in the data from a text file called "stars.txt", create objects for all the sales reps in the file, load the objects onto an ArrayList and display ...
faultline's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Explanation of a few lines of code

I'm having a little difficulty understand these lines of code. ArrayList<Member> results = null; try { results = MemberSQL.member(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated ...
Adem Ökmen's user avatar
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7 answers

Java - How to use a for each loop to check the different occurrences of a value in a list of objects

Sorry if the title isn't clear, I wasn't sure how to word it. I have an arraylist of objects and within each of these objects I store an integer value referring to a category and one referring to an ...
user3407039's user avatar
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Java referencing to single ArrayList instance

I have encountered a problem with the ArrayList I'm using. This is a list of objects containing sprites with a color and location that differ from each other. The list is returned successfully and I ...
Ano333333's user avatar
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3 answers

Displaying objects using foreach loop

I am having a problem while retrieving data from an ArrayList and displaying them into textboxs. I am getting an error: Unable to cast object of type 'Lab_9.Book' to type 'Lab_9.Magazine'. I tried use ...
HelpNeeder's user avatar
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