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Get Property within an Object within a Dictionary - Objective C

I need to access a property within a dictionary and I am having a difficult time doing so. Dictionary: { Id = "123"; Animal = { Id = "456"; Type = "Dog"; Sound = "Bark"; } } ...
Jeremy P's user avatar
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access object properties from a multidimensional array in objective-c

I am new to Objective-C programming and I am trying to access object properties from a 2 dimensional array. First I created two arrays, each of those arrays contains objects, then I made a 2 ...
Ghev_m's user avatar
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2 votes
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Storage of Objective C property variables and non property variables

Can anyone please clarify me that where exactly the variables stored in objective c ? In .h file @interface example: NSObject { NString *string; // where is this stored int number; ...
rishu1992's user avatar
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Cocos2d Accessing CGRect properties of objects in NSMutableArray

I have a bunch of buildings declared in their own classes.. I add instances of these buildings to my game layer and also to NSMutableArray allBuildings.. All these buildings have a bunch of CGRect ...
Pratik Patel's user avatar
2 votes
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Difference between var->myProperty and var.myProperty

I am new in objective c and I have some doubts. I've seen that you can access to the properties of a class like var->myProperty and like that too variable.myProperty, but I do not know what the ...
SamYan's user avatar
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3 votes
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Properties of objects on array (Objective-c)

I have a NSObject class which's name is test. class test has 3 property. Name, age, id; I have 3 Objects in test class. s, b, c. I am putting all of the objects to the array with: NSArray *ary = [...
Zaur's user avatar
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1 answer

Attributes: @property for Java

Is there an @property attribute in Java like there is in Objective-C? If there were, could I name the object, then access it's properties through objectName.propertyName? Thanks.
Jake Chasan's user avatar
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Set one objects properties to match another

Lets say I have one object, maybe a UIImageView... it is .hidden = NO; the alpha is .alpha = 0.425; the background color is [UIColor blackColor]; Is there anyway that if I have another ...
Albert Renshaw's user avatar
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Accessing properties of objects in array to display in UITableViewCell

I am using an XML parser to get information from a blog to create a feed reader app. I created an object with properties that are the data for each blog entry (title, published, author...). I'm ...
mbrauh's user avatar
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iOS objective-C: how can I get useful information out of object description?

My question may be naive, I guess, since object description is usually used for debug and output in NSLog. I also have to admit that my approach of attempting use object.description may be wrong. ...
Tony Xu's user avatar
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5 votes
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Properties vs. Instance Variables

I am confused as to why some classes declare a property but do not declare an ivar and vice versa. Is it standard practice when declaring an instance variable to also declare it as a property as ...
GPP's user avatar
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Changing Value of Objects property doesn't work for object created using NSKeyedUnarchiver

I am trying to Change the value of an Object's property (Unarchived from .plist) and it doesn't seem to work... I Am trying to figure out whats wrong for a while now and I would really appreciate any ...
byteSlayer's user avatar
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18 votes
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What is the correct way to declare a readonly property for ios using ARC

I am new to iOS development in general and have never dealt with manual reference counting (retain, release, autorelease). As such I don't have a good understanding of what magic ARC is performing. I ...
Wayne Uroda's user avatar
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How do I batch assign values to a property of objects returned by the fetched results controller?

Ok so I have a bunch of objects that exist in my database, they have all fields completed except for two... as the value could not be determined at the time that the objects were created. Now I want ...
msec's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to use properties in Objective-C?

When should I use the nonatomic, retain, readonly and readwrite properties in Objective-C? For example: @property(nonatomic, retain) NSObject *myObject; If I use nonatomic and retain, does this ...
kiran kumar's user avatar
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