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Questions tagged [permgen]

In the Java Virtual Machine, the permanent generation (or permgen) is used for class definitions and associated metadata.

-1 votes
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Integer literal in Java?

int x = 10; Here 10 is directly assigned to variable x or 10 is stored somewhere else and then it get assigned to variable x? I have read in one of the stackoverlow answer that Java stores literals ...
xyz's user avatar
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G1GC and Permgen

I'm having doubts regarding which metrics I should follow to allocate memory for the permgen. I'm having crashing problems and that permgen is full, my server has 32gb of memory for the heap and 512m ...
Murilo Costa Bittencourt's user avatar
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Classloader Leak while Deserializing KieBase

I'm using drools-core 7.68.0.Final to serialize a KieBase using DroolsObjectOutputStream. Each time that I subsequently deserialize the KieBase back into memory using DroolsObjectInputStream I get a ...
Mitch Christensen's user avatar
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jvm full gc can't unload classes even permgen is full

Our production server went OOM because permgen is full. Using jmap -permstat to check the permgen area, we found there were many classes loaded by The ...
Xinli Niu's user avatar
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How analyse an OutOfMemory GWT Error and customize heap?

I work on a old Java 1.6 application which use GWT 2.4.0 Since few weeks, it started to show a lot of OutOfMemoryError, and I can't find why... I can't do a lot of modification on this old app, I can'...
user2178964's user avatar
1 vote
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-XX:MaxPermSize setting was not reflected

I am using below JVM opts in my application on Linux server -server -Xms3g -Xmx3g -Xmn512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xss256k -Xloggc:${gc_log_file} -verbose:gc -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:+...
Ravindra babu's user avatar
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GarbageCollector stoped running after setting XX:MaxMetaspaceSize to the same old XX:MaxPermSize value

During a migration of a Java application from Java 6 + Jboss to Java 8 + Tomcat. We replaced the old XX:MaxPermSize value by setting a value for the XX:MaxMetaspaceSize in the new Java 8 version. ...
NashBird99's user avatar
-3 votes
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Where is permgen located in JDK 7 JVM? [closed]

I'm studying about JDK 7 JVM's Runtime Data Areas. I want to compare JDK 7 JVM and JDK 8 JVM. There are some memory areas in JDK 7 JVM, but I'm confused. I'm looking for JDK 7 JVM Runtime Data Areas ...
god_teemo's user avatar
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PermGen Space Error while running Maven Build

I have a requirement to upload a document to SharePoint by converting a .txt file to Excel and then send the document to a REST service by converting the excel into a byteArray. The implementation ...
Srinivas's user avatar
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How to clear PermGen in tomcat without restart

I want to clear PermGen memory in tomcat without restarting tomcat. How can do this activity? I get: PermGen: OutOfMemoryError My problem is that I don't want to shut down tomcat.
ErenSalman's user avatar
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What should be the JVM heap size (Xms Xmx) for JDK8 64-bit on Linux having physical memory of 16 GB RAM and 8 CPU [closed]

I have 16GB of RAM and 8 CPU's on my Linux server with JDK8 x64 installed. I have set up JVM heap size as below but keep getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -XX:...
User_G's user avatar
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Drools - Is there a direct correlation between number of rules and permgen space?

I ran drools decision table with 100 rules and it worked fine. But as soon as I increased the number of rules to 1000, I started getting permgen space error. I had to increase permgen to 256MB for my ...
kira's user avatar
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Prevent object from being garbage collected for life of JVM [duplicate]

I have a ton of pooled objects that will be constantly reused during life of JVM. These objects should never be garbage collected. I would like a way to optimize the JVM to never attempt (and waste ...
vishr's user avatar
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Tomcat not unloading classes when aws s3 client is used

I am seeing a strange problem when using JAVA AWS s3 client. When I make multiple deployments(tomcat is not restarted, just war files are updated), the heap size remains the same but non heap size ...
Ajith's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why Oracle Specification does not tell anything about metaspace?

We all know that since Java 1.8 PermGen was removed and replaced by Metaspace. I have read a lot of topics about Metaspace and I am completely sure that it's exists, but today I was asked about the ...
Oleksandr Riznyk's user avatar

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