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Questions tagged [production-environment]

A production environment is one in that is exposed to its intended audience in a real-world situation.

3 votes
3 answers

How to resolve 404 error in a deployed react- vite app?

I have a production-ready React app built with vite. I have run the build process and uploaded the contents of the dist file within the subdirectory it is supposed to be in. When i visit the URL it ...
Nate's user avatar
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1 answer

host.docker.internal in production environment

I am trying to set up opentelemetry for my core java based application. I am using docker to launch containers for grafana,tempo,loki and prometheus services. I want to export the metrics to ...
abhinand07's user avatar
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laravel application not sending emails when in production

hi guys i'm having some trouble with my production application:: in a few words what it should do is sending an email using SendinBlue API everithing is fine when in local but the application begins ...
Armando_pagano's user avatar
2 votes
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Build error with next-intel and not-found.tsx with NX

I have this mono-repo setup, using NX. one of my nextjs application inside does not build and keeps complaining about _not-found.tsx file and the error is coming from the next-intl as it seems. my app ...
Sanira Nimantha's user avatar
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Nextjs 13 deletes cookies on production server

Context I have recently migrated from vite to Nextjs 13.4.18 app directory because I wanted to use SSR. I have a backend express API with integrated Google Auth using passport which was working ...
GamesProSeif's user avatar
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Passenger taking 100% of CPU, "This website is under heavy load (queue full)"

I have a production rails 6.0.3, ruby 2.6.3 application with nginx and passenger. The app ran fine for ages until recently, the server began getting it's CPU maxed out. I used htop to see what is ...
John Coday's user avatar
4 votes
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TypeError in Nextjs app production: [TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'n.content')]

I don't have any problems in dev mode, but when I deploy my Nextjs app to production, the above error appears, but only in Safari incognito mode.. I asked ChatGPT, but didn't get anywhere. Also didn't ...
kmp's user avatar
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DataDog alert includes filtered out environment tag

I have a DataDog query alert like so: min(last_5m):sum:my_service.verification.failure{service:"my_service" AND env:"production"} by {region,env} >= 1 And I enabled the ...
DLL's user avatar
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1 answer

Why Spring Preloader shouldn't be installed on the production environment?

I was reading through some of the articles on what spring is and why there is a need of application preloader, although it speeds up your development and can be a good usage on your development ...
Arjun Dubey's user avatar
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In the Google Play Console, there is a report of Crashes and ANRs that contain an error related to ""

I recently migrated my Android app to Kotlin, and after the migration, I started encountering a persistent error in Google Play Console Crashes and ANRs. The error message indicates "androidx....
Rajesh's user avatar
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1 answer

Traefik2 as reverse_proxy for Nginx in django production docker-compose

I have managed to build a small Django app some basic things. Localy works all fine and I'd like to start this WebApp on a production server I already have running. On this server are already some ...
WillHoh's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Failed build Next.js 13 in Docker container because of relying to another container

So I composed 2 containers consist of Next.js and Nestjs app in Docker. Here is my docker-compose.yml: version: '3.8' services: api: container_name: api build: context: ./api ...
gidgud's user avatar
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Flink - Run multiple flows in isolation

I am running multiple flows in flink. As of now they are written in single Main() method and they are running a single job. But, failure in one is affecting another and results in stopping the flink ...
Chaitanya Kulkarni's user avatar
1 vote
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Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/task/src/content/hello.mdx' - Next.js blog Vercel production deployment error

I am building a blog section for my personal website. I am not able to open a blog post due to the following error: (Vercel logs) Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/task/src/content/...
Shivam Bhatnagar's user avatar
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MS Graph works in debug mode, but not in production

I'm developing a job function to get documents from OneDrive in ASP.NET on my website and it's working in debug normally. But when I put it in production, it doesn't work, it also doesn't return any ...
Luken's user avatar
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