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Is there a way to suppress 'resolve' messages sent to pager duty

Our pager duty is integrated to alert manager, and we want to stop an specific alert from auto resolving. To my knowledge, the best way to do that would be changing the alert manager configuration so ...
Jose Antonio Vidal Sanchez's user avatar
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Alertmanager v0.25 inhibit rule

I am running kube-prometheus-stack 43.3.0 which includes Alertmanager 0.25 on a k8s cluster. My alertmanager config yaml looks like this: apiVersion: kind: ...
Bogdan993's user avatar
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Go Template if condition

how can i combine and and eq/ne functions together? I wrote this snippet {{ define "opsgenie.default.tmpl" }} <font size="+0"><b>{{.CommonLabels.alertname }}</b>...
olti's user avatar
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Time Based escalation in alertmanager

Let's say I have an alert related to disk space, which is triggered at the following levels. First at 85%(receiver for this is admin), then at 90%(receiver for this is super-admin) and finally at 95%(...
zimba's user avatar
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Alertmanager `inhibit_rules` not working?

I'm trying to configure something that seems very simple: "If the datasource (prometheus) is down, don't spam alerts, and only notify that Prometheus is down" Immediately I went to ...
Alex Zel's user avatar
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Prometheus/Alertmanager inhibit rules

I have the following inhibit rule: inhibit_rules: - source_match: severity: 'critical' target_match: severity: 'high' equal: ['alertname] and also two alerts accordingly with severity ...
olti's user avatar
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whats the meaning of "verb=LIST" in kubernetes apiserver logs and alerts?

Recently i renewed certificates on cluster using kubeadm alpha certs renew and then I saw logs in Kubernetes Apiserver pods as below: kubectl -n kube-system logs --tail 10 kube-apiserver-master-1 ...
jalal zivari's user avatar
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Prometheus alert relabeling to apply fallback label

I want to configure prometheus to add a fallback label team=devops to the alert labels, when not provided by the alert rule. Example of alert rule with team label: - alert: ...
ddegasperi's user avatar
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Prometheus Opsgenie Integration

We use Prometheus alert manager for alerts, we have configured two receivers as attached below, Slack and Opsgenie. The issue is that we are getting alerts in slack only but we are not receiving ...
srethomas's user avatar
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How to monitor disk space usage for Kafka Brokers in AWS MSK cluster

We need to Monitor disk space usage for Kafka Brokers running in AWS MSK cluster. There're several metrices emitted by Kafka which can be used to monitor various aspects. But I was unable to find any ...
Himanshu Singh's user avatar
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Prometheus alert rules - check if a label exists in the message field

An example of the rule I want to append with a label if that label exists. - alert: TargetDown annotations: message: '{{`{{`}} printf "%.4g" $value {{`}}`}}% of the {{`{{`}} $...
Eli Halych's user avatar
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Need to have blacklisting of Endpoints on Prometheus/Alertmanager

Creating a blacklist configuration in Prometheus/Alertmanger that allow excluding individual hosts and/or host/service combinations from creating alerts, e.g.: blacklist_endpoints: name: ...
Navneet Nandan Jha's user avatar