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Unable to add multiple receivers in alertmanager.yml file

I'm trying to add slack and email as receivers of my Prometheus alert manager, but it always return an error! :/ Checking 'alertmanager.yml' FAILED: yaml: unmarshal errors: line 11: field receivers ...
Husnain's user avatar
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How to send only 1 alert from prometheus for KubeJobFailed metric?

We monitor the KubeJobFailed via prometheus by the expression: kube_job_failed{job="kube-state-metrics",namespace=~".*"} > 0 As for now, we receiving multiple alerts for the ...
Moshiko Siyahu's user avatar
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Evaluate a shell command in YAML file to create dynamic values in YAML

I have a YAML file in which I want to evaluate few values dynamicallu. Like for the following YAML: alerting: alertmanagers: - static_configs: - targets: [""] In the ...
Ankit PrabhatKumar's user avatar
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Mock time in prometheus alert unit test

Morning everyone, I have a prometheus alert that looks like that : whatever_expr > 0.10 AND ON() absent(hour() >= 2 <= 3) That excludes alert during some maintenance schedule. Now that I ...
Boris Le Méec's user avatar
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Append new webhook to alertmanager config file using shell

I am using alertmanager for notification purpose and by default alaertmanager only have one webhook, As per my requirement one more webhook is required. Before global: resolve_timeout: 5m route: ...
Viney Dhiman's user avatar
5 votes
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Loki not alerting Alertmanager

I am new with Loki and have made an alert in Loki but I don't see any notification in the Alertmanager. Loki is working fine (collecting logs), Alertmanager also (getting alerts from other sources), ...
OmarLittle's user avatar
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Custom prometheus alert without word in config.yml

i try to not have all Disk alert from prometheus alert manager so i put this code on config.yml, my code is: - match: severity: critical env:internal alertname:'?!.*Disk.*' ...
jack94's user avatar
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How to correctly configure Alerting yaml rules for Prometheus / Alertmanager

since i'm having a horrid time configuring the Alerting rules for the Prometheus Alertmanager, maybe someone can give me an hint in the right direction. Here are the rules i'm currently trying to ...
schmandkind's user avatar
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Prometheus alertmanager - invalid leading UTF-8 octet

I am trying to configure the slack notification from Prometheus alertmanager with below yml. global: resolve_timeout: 1m slack_api_url: '
user4948798's user avatar
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SMS Alert Message on Mobile Phone through Prometheus Alertmanager

We have Setup Prometheus in our environment with Node_exporter. We use AlertManager to send an email message to our team. We are able to receive the email. We also try to configure the SMS in ...
Hamid Mehmood's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can not send email through alertmanager

docker-compose.yml: Service is up and running. version: '3' services: prometheus: image: prom/prometheus:latest container_name: prometheus ports: - 9090:9090 volumes: - ....
offline's user avatar
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Replace value in dynamic list of dictionary loaded from alertmanager yml?

This question is quite specific, I successfully done want I want but it's very specific to my use case and probably ugly for Python expert so I'me curious if it can be more generic and/or clever. I ...
voidAndAny's user avatar
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Define absence of the alert Prometheus

I have alert for Prometheus set up in such a way that it depends on the absence of value for another alert: - alert: Some_Alert expr: | round(some_expr) > 24 AND ALERTS{alertname=...
Cassie's user avatar
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How can I config prometheus alert with line-notify

I've trying to find a way for send alert notification on my prometheus server to line-notify.I checked alert rules configure status on prometheus is OK and alert rules can detect event normally, this ...
Watcharin Yang-Ngam's user avatar
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Customizing Prometheus AlertManager notifications in Slack

I have few Win servers (like Build, DB, App etc) where WMI is installed and configured, and able to read Metrics (based on rules like Disk Space >90) on my Prometheus dashboard. Setup an ...
Abraham Dhanyaraj Arumbaka's user avatar

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