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'Module {Module_Name} not installed' when running python script using PyQt5

I am trying to build a UI using PyQt5 and python. I built a base using main.qml and some styled qml files in the same directory and it imported fine, but I decided to break everything up into folders ...
Isaac M's user avatar
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QML Create a component in a different file

I'm dealing with a little problem: I've 3 files: main.qml, actions.qml and edit.qml. The idea is that in edit I should do something, and that would create a row in an scroll in actions after pressing ...
Efraín's user avatar
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Set Mask For Window Using Qml & PySide6 Integration

I migrated from PyQt5 to (PySide6 & QML) and I want to learn. All I wanna do is creating a real rounded window or masked window. Also I need to know how can I interact with main.qml and make ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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How to use properties of a qml file which is in different directory than main.qml. I am trying to use qmldir, but not able to implement it

File Structure Common -imports -Style.qml Main.qml qmldir Main.qml import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard import QtQuick.Layouts import "Commmon/imports" Window { id: ...
shivani's user avatar
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How can I dynamically generate and display QML elements within a Popup window in PyQt5?

I'm currently working on a PyQt5 application that incorporates QML. The application dynamically generates QML code from a configuration file (configuration.yaml). The generated QML code is then sent ...
Shehroz Shafiq Khan's user avatar
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How to access a user defined QObject that is instantiated in another thread in python

I've never had this issue using c++, but recently i've been using QML/PyQt5/Python and i've run across the following error: QQmlEngine: Illegal attempt to connect to MyClass(0x1fd42731e50) that is in ...
emg184's user avatar
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QtWebEngine::initialize() with PyQT

I have code bellow: import sys from PyQt5.QtGui import QGuiApplication from PyQt5.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv) engine = QQmlApplicationEngine() engine.quit....
kharandziuk's user avatar
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Integrating matplotlib in pyqt interface using matplotlib_backend_qtquick

I need to show some matplotlib.pyplot 3d graphics in my pyqt interface window. Trying to implement something like this with the help of library matplotlib_backend_qtquick. Here is my import ...
MC_Vovi's user avatar
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QVideoFilterRunnable does not show the changes I made

I am trying to make a Video filter that detects faces with MediaPipe. I will work with multiple cameras and I preferred this way because I use qml. But I have a problem. The operations I do in the ...
Enis Yalçın's user avatar
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Python-Qt application can not start after cx_Freeze

I have python/Pyside/qml application. like python script - it works like .exe (builded by cx_freeze) and launched on PC (where the application was born) - it works like .exe (builded by cx_freeze) ...
WITC's user avatar
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How to add items in top of scroll view in qt5 qml

Hello i am working on a serious chat application using qt5 qml and Python. I am adding chats dynamically to scrollview using Qt.createQmlObject But I want to load old chats when scrollbar reached to ...
David john Gamer's user avatar
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QtQuick/QML Create Expandable SubMenu from PyQt5

I want to create ListView which includes nested ListModel for expanding and collapsing submenu. (The topic that I use while I creating nested expandable listview in here.) My problem is expandable ...
Enes's user avatar
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Get a radio button value from a .qml file using PyQt 5

How can I get the radio button value from a .qml file using PyQt 5? The .qml file is as follows: import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 600 ...
SOORAJ M's user avatar
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Qt Quick3D. View3D not showing

I need to port this C++ project to python The original project uses Qt3DQuickWindow which doesn't exist in python so I'm ...
bdf's user avatar
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Not able to run Lottie animations on PyQt5 QML

Downloaded a bunch of lottie animations from Trying to run these lottie animations on PyQt5 QML and i get an error on Qt Creator: qt.lottieqt.bodymovin.parser: assets not ...
Walidoz Gal's user avatar

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