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Images won't load in mvc 4

I never upload ASP.NET MVC 4 on Plesk, work with ASP.NET Core 5 MVC. I have to develop a project with ASP.NET MVC 4 due to my boss's order. I don't have any problem with localhost and can run the ...
Reza Paidar's user avatar
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Html.Raw and quotes in View

I want to pass object as a parameter to onclick event for in View, so I write code like this <a href="#" onclick="my_cool_function(@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(model)))">cool action&...
alex_kart's user avatar
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How to run a local .rdl report with MVC4 web application?

I am new to SSRS. So far I was able to create a few simple reports an run them locally with Visual Studio and remote database that is also used by my MVC4 web app. What I am trying to accomplish now ...
Tom S's user avatar
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Antiforgerytoken in ajax post request ASP.NET MVC throwing 500 (Internal Server Error)

I am having trouble with the AntiForgeryToken with ajax. I'm using ASP.NET MVC 3. I tried the solution in jQuery Ajax calls and the Html.AntiForgeryToken(). Using that solution, the token is now being ...
Warda's user avatar
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MVC - How to render a 'a href' link in a CSHTML on a HTML and PDF that's been stored in a database

I have an MVC app with CSHTML view There are 2 question, that have text as "This is the website Google to search." The text is stored in DB and displayed on the cshtml page which will be ...
Mufaddal's user avatar
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Passing form values from view to controller

I am newbie to ASP.NET MVC and I have view which consist of some form values and there are 2 buttons save and cancel. On button save click, I want to send the form values to controller method. When I ...
user3766691's user avatar
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How can I Sort this MVC Drop-Down list alphabetically but IGNORE brackets?

I have a dynamic dropdown list that I need to sort alphabetically, but the issue is, there is some text within brackets that appears on top. I was asked to sort the text in brackets alphabetically (in ...
PLC8's user avatar
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Can I use a terniary in an html helper?

Curious if it is possible to use a terniary (sp?) in my lambda expression in an html helper. For example I have a search form that uses the same fields but displays different headings depending on ...
eric_the_animal's user avatar
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Clear the textbox for Html.TexboxFor by embedded x button

I want to have x button in the textbox so text inside can be cleared when user clicks on it. The project is ASP.NET MVC on .NET 4.8. @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.CrewId)
Jashvita's user avatar
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Add option to dropdownlist in razor mvc

I have this dropdownlist: @Html.DropDownList("CategoryID", new SelectList(ViewBag.Categories, "Id", "Name"),"Select category", new { @class = "form-select ...
ELOL's user avatar
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I got Error An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request

i'm newly learning Core and i got this error : I have been searching the solution i internet but didn't get any result. Can anyone help me? this is my code: Details.cshtml @model SixthApp....
Rizal Maulana's user avatar
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How to create custom HtmlHelper for nullable Boolean radio button group in .NET Core

Trying to make a custom MVC control [Display(Name = "Do you agree?")] [Required] public bool? Agree { get; set; }
Murometz80's user avatar
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How to pass selected bootstrap dropdown value to the controller in ASP.NET MVC

I inherited this code base in which I need to pass extra property to the controller. This field happens to be a select dropdown for users to select yes or no. I need to pass that value to the ...
techstack's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC : Actionlink does not navigate to correct action method of same name but different parameters

I have two action methods with same name. And they both are decorated with the Http verbs 'Get' and 'Post', and also their parameter list is different. [HttpGet] public ActionResult Transaction() [...
Jashvita's user avatar
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Is there a method to show string values instead of boolean with EditorFor in ASP.NET MVC?

I have a form where user needs to select the gender in a dropdown list, and I am using EditorFor() for this purpose, which is working well, but is displaying values as True and False, instead of Male, ...
Hadis Sulejmani's user avatar

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