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Does not exists in the given context

enter image description here $.each(data, function (i, item) { var stdid = item.Studentid; var rows = "<tr>" + "<td class='prtoducttd'>" + item.Studentid + ...
Muzammil Malik's user avatar
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Display Each Element From Array Using HTML Helper in C#

This is probably a very simple problem, but I am extremely new to C# / MVC and I have been handed a broken project to fix. So it's time to sink or swim! I have an array of strings that is being passed ...
Apolymoxic's user avatar
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Html.ActionLink creating unexpected host address in Razor Page

Creating an AnchorTag in a Razor page table. The table cell with the OrderNbr needs to be a link to the website (e.g. https://host/main?OrderNbr=012345) with the order using the routevalue of the ...
Steven's user avatar
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Do All HTML attributes require a @ in ASP.NET MVC

I am working on a project that declares html attributes as @class = "className" or @id = "ID" however for this form control it does not happen: @Html.CheckBoxFor(Model => Model....
urizark's user avatar
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How to create custom HtmlHelper for nullable Boolean radio button group in .NET Core

Trying to make a custom MVC control [Display(Name = "Do you agree?")] [Required] public bool? Agree { get; set; }
Murometz80's user avatar
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Html Helper in partial view, only adding my script once

I have a view that is rendering multiple partial view inside as follow : <div> <table class="EditTable"> @foreach (var view in Model.ViewsToRender) { ...
LePetitPrince's user avatar
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Getting @Html.DropDownList or select value

I need to get the value of my @Html.DropdownList for adding a condition by its value. But I don't know how can I get that. What should I do? Here's my code. help me for this... @using (Html.BeginForm(&...
mohammad97mha's user avatar
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Display IP ADDRESS in Html.Label using Viewdata

I am trying to pass IP address to my view using ViewData but it isn't displaying correctly. Below is my coding for label: @Html.Label(ViewData["CREATED_LOC"].ToString(), new { @class = "...
ManjiDaizzkudo's user avatar
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No opportunity to override name attribute for @Html.TextBoxFor in core 3.1

We are migrating our project from .net Framework 4.72 to .net core 3.1. I have next html helper code: @Html.TextBoxFor(Model => Model.Property, "{0:0}", htmlAttributes: new { maxlength = ...
Enver Krynitski's user avatar
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CheckBoxFor Nullable Boolean Serialization

I have a nullable boolean in a class that I'm using for a model for a partial view. By doing the following: @Html.CheckBoxFor(p => p.policies.is_a_company.Value, new { @class = "form-control&...
Alex Leslie's user avatar
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HtmlHelper does not contain definition for “Action”

i am trying to use Html.Action() to render partial view(GetNotificationpartial) inside layout.cshtml...but got this error , how can i fix this error <li class="dropdown"> ...
mohammed alani1991's user avatar
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Html.DropDownListFor : how to show all options by default

Is there a way to show all options in the Select created by the helper Html.DropDownListFor ? I was searching for the event triggered when you click on the select to show all options to manually ...
Soufien Hajji's user avatar
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Unable to add styles and place holder to @Html.TextAreaFor

I am using the following html tag: @Html.TextAreaFor(Model => Model.TaxID, new {styles = "width:30%; border-color: black; maxlength: 9" @placeholder = "xxxxxxxxx"}) I am unable to retrieve none ...
Harsha's user avatar
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foreach in Razor Syntax in SubscribeEventMapping

This is the error. I'm trying to get data from DB using MVC Controller returning to View. Error CS1579 foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'SubscriberEventMapping' because '...
Siddhartha Reddy Keesara's user avatar
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In an MVC5 controller how do I create an IDictionary or routeValueDictionary for an HtmlHelper's htmlAttributes or routeValues?

MVC5 The ultimate objective is to create the view's links in the controller because they change based on program logic. The following link compiles and runs: Dim myLink = HtmlHelper.GenerateLink(...
Alan's user avatar
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