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How to get and test an element style using RTL?

I have a sidebar menu component, which has a small tab to be pressed in order to show/hide the menu. The tab, as the entire menu, can be rendered on the left or the right side of the screen based on '...
TjFSimoes's user avatar
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SVG Component Rendering Inconsistently Across Browsers

I'm working on an SVG gauge component that works perfectly in Chrome but has rendering issues in Safari and Firefox. The gauge displays progress using a gradient fill and a rotating pointer. In Chrome,...
user26411203's user avatar
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How can I create a smooth transitioning dialog component in React? [closed]

I'm working on a React project where I need a dialog component that smoothly transitions between expanded and minimised states. The dialog must be fluid, hugging its content, so I can't use fixed ...
Anthony Tambrin's user avatar
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How can I center the items in .jsx file? [duplicate]

I'm very at the beginning of web development. I'm currently learning Node.js and React with Vite. I couldn't center the header menu properly and things I found on internet didn't work. It is probably ...
Wittima's user avatar
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Why Can't I change my border color in input field of material-ui?

I am trying to change the input border color to white even if its focused, hovered or just by default. I have create a theme using makeStyles for the text and input fields but it does not seem to work....
the56hjkl's user avatar
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Profile header not showing ( user not found ) error

so i have created a instagram clone in which i go to the profile section its saying user not found but in my code when i remove the "finally" block its showing only the skeleton but it ...
Kaushik shaw's user avatar
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I get two different initial css values in two different major browsers

I was developing a React component that manages a state array. For each element in this array, I used the map method to generate a list of items, which were contained within a div that had the class ...
Arshaan's user avatar
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How to Reinitialize JavaScript Functionality for Dynamically Added Elements Without Duplicate Event Listeners?

I am developing a social media platform using Django for the backend and a purchased HTML template from ThemeForest for the frontend. The template was built using React and then exported to plain HTML,...
Adekojo Emmanuel's user avatar
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What causes the spaces between words to disappear only on certain view (e.g. mobile) in a React project? [closed]

I've been trying to debug this for a while, and can't find instances of anyone else having this issue. I'm working with this Montserrat Google font in my React project. Here is my index.html file: <...
acachi's user avatar
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How to customize animation of svg in react? [closed]

I am pretty curious how brilliant creates a page like this: The animation of svg is compeletely interactive to the programming block in the toolbox. I want to make a page similar to this in react. Is ...
Libra's user avatar
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Overlay and scale image to take up as much of the screen as possible with a smooth transition [closed]

I have a few columns of images of different heights and I'm trying to make it so that when you click on one of them, it transitions into taking the full height of the screen while keeping its aspect ...
Hugo's user avatar
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Image weird resizing behaviour when refreshing

When I refresh the page (below's a gif) The Image is resized in a weird way. <WifiWidgetContainer> <Image src={`/assets/[email protected]`} ...
ERTY's user avatar
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Can't change Z index with Mantine Pop over component styles

Summary I'm trying to update the popover component styles in my Mantine project so that the z-index is 1 instead of 300, but I can't seem to make it work. The backgroundColor style works correctly, so ...
keanu.b's user avatar
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Why does the prerender sometimes not load the page?

I ran into the problem that the prerender does not always work. There is one page where the prerender does not always work; sometimes it just returns a piece of broken code, not even reaching the body....
Степан Снигур's user avatar
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Pseudo-Elements not working properly on Mui table head and Mui table row but working fine in windows browsers

i am giving background color and border color with border radius to mui table head and mui table row. it looks fine in windows and android all browsers but seems like position not working in mac and ...
Desi Memes's user avatar
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Copying an HTML styled react-bootstrap element to clipboard with styles intact

Given a simple functional React component with a react-bootstrap Table using the striped property, what options are available to copy the table and all of it's contents, styles intact, to the system ...
alzee's user avatar
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React d3 tree display div on hover

I am rendering custom nodes in react-d3-tree. I want to display a div on hover only next to the hovered node. How can I proceed with this? Each time I hover over a node, all the divs display, not only ...
bogdmu00's user avatar
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how can I make element color transition smoothly with Tailwind CSS in react?

I have a React component where elements change color every 5 seconds based on a countdown timer. I want the color changes to happen smoothly, but my current approach doesn't work. Here's the code for ...
mohdh34m's user avatar
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How can I manage 3 element mode by on click function in next js

I am creating an accordion menu in nextjs , I want 3 mode of an element : the first mode is default, when no click event happened : .mainLi_default when the first click event happening and menu will ...
Majid Hatamimaleki's user avatar
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Display flex is not taking affect in my website - I am making a food delivery application in react [closed]

enter image description here This is the code for the navbar's right side menu items. And down below is the output in the browser: enter image description here I have inspected and checked the console ...
Gurvak Singh's user avatar
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How to change Background color of AgGrid Table dynamically?

In Navbar Component, there are select tag with two options "light" and "dark" if i select dark option then I am setting this value in localStorage and localStorage value updating ...
rohit sharma's user avatar
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How to properly do stroked text with a wipe fill effect

I'm trying to create a React component that renders a stroked text with a progressive fill color based on a prop that works with any font. Because of a bug with -webkit-text-stroke with certain type ...
empz's user avatar
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index.html file ignoring footer in docusaurus.config.js file

My understanding is that the docusuarus.config.js file essentially translates the defined info into HTML that builds your website. The file the translated info goes to is the 'index.html' file. ...
JRHaus's user avatar
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How could it be changed swiper-slides width in each at React?

I want to coding using for Freemode Swiper Library similar with here design imgae on React. but Width is same in Swiper source . I have an difficult about adjusting that size. What can i find solution?...
youngin lee's user avatar
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Webpack raw-loader/style-loader importing CSS file as JavaScript string instead of CSS content

I am using Webpack to build my chrome extension and I am trying to import a CSS file as a string so that I can inject it into a shadow DOM. However, when I import the CSS file, it is imported as ...
Joel Benjamin's user avatar
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CSS transition not working for backdrop-blur

My React/Tailwind app has a mobile menu popup for screens less than 768px wide which uses the Tailwind properties backdrop-blur to blur out everything behind the menu items. I have a transition-all ...
Harley Zhang's user avatar
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Styled Components styles are not applied

I've a react popup which uses styled-component for styling. I'm rendering the react app in shadow dom. Because I didn't want any other css file to modify the popup. It is working on most sites except ...
Zullu Balti's user avatar
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I am trying to get the arrow button conditionally if the screen size is smaller or the more steps is coming in, but its not working

I am trying to get the arrow button back and forth conditionally if the screen size is smaller or the more steps is coming in, also if there is no step beyond then the arrow should not shown, but its ...
user25866625's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a contentEditable div have a fixed height in React.js?

I have this contentEditable div and I need it to have a fixed size/capacity. The div should not keep making new lines if it reaches the capacity and the user shouldn't be able to keep typing in the ...
IRA's user avatar
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I'm trying to make a code with react .js, and this code will have to select 2 statement [closed]

I'm trying to make a code with react .js, and this code will have to select 2 statement and then with click to a button will add this 2 select statement and so on, my question is every time I press ...
Mohammad Kaki's user avatar
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Is it redundant to have a function to load all the file not in the dist folder in a Vite React Project?

Before I say what the problem is could I get some links to some resources that help me understand how Vite build files and how the whole build process works? Especially when it comes to the asset ...
Drayden's user avatar
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Drag functionality for search results

So I tried to learn how to implement React. When I click the open panel, I need to search from text box, and after the results display, I need to drag the results into the table and column. But I am ...
Ram01's user avatar
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how to keep the nested collapsible table row inside main tabe row in mui table react?

I have a Material UI (MUI) table with a border color and background color. Each table row needs to have a collapsible table row. MUI's documentation shows a separate table row and uses React.Fragment, ...
Rana Faraz's user avatar
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React/NextJS component to move images while keeping their upright position (CSS or Framer Motion)

I have a react component that displays 4 images in a north, east, west, south and west position. When clicking any of the images, the container rotates one position so the north image becomes the east,...
AzulaFire's user avatar
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How to dynamically adjust container height when flex items wrap in React with CSS?

I'm working on a React application where I have a container (answers-container) with multiple buttons (answer elements) inside it. These buttons are laid out using flexbox (display: flex) with flex-...
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how to position elements in the many layers of this tier circle, distributed evenly and equidistant from the center?

Image of the css concentric circles i have I need to display items dinamically given a list of jsons, but what i need to know is how to get all the items in the correct position. I thought of doing ...
Fábio Seyiji's user avatar
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How to animate when a component is unmounted in React ts?

I hope you are all doing very well, I just wanted to know how to create an animation when a React component is unmounted. If it can be achieved with CSS, that would be even better. I have attached two ...
Brayan Gomez's user avatar
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Sticky footer without overlap

I've been scouring the internet for days trying to find a simple solution to a sticky, fixed footer for mobile web applications where the main content doesn't overlap the footer. I even asked ChatGPT ...
Ahmed Khan's user avatar
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Cannot find module 'ajv/dist/compile/codegen'

enter image description hereCannot find module 'ajv/dist/compile/codegen' I have tried up creating an react app,where I have enter all the basic information like npx create-react-app, then after ...
Seelam Darshan's user avatar
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Website looks fine on Chrome IOS emulator but not on iOS

So here's how it looks on chrome emulator, BEFORE INPUT SCREENSHOT : AFTER INPUT SCREENSHOT : And here's how it looks on native ios BEFORE INPUT SCREENSHOT : AFTER INPUT SCREENSHOT : AFTER HIDING ...
Bucky's user avatar
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Nextjs Project not working - So in short even after applying tailwindcss I am still getting user agent stylesheet

<div className='flex justify-between'>Get Me a Sunscreen <ul> <li className='none'>Home</li> this code even after applying flex i am getting elements in ...
Kabir Potdar's user avatar
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useInterval JS useState React and Animation CSS

I am changing text between two values using React useState and setInterval and it works fine. function Home() { const [role, setRole] = useState("Text A"); const inter = setInterval(() =...
KIX's user avatar
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How to align label to the right in a vertical MUI Slider in ReactJS?

I am using ReactJS/TS with MUI (Material-UI), and I need to implement a vertical slider where the label turns to the right. By default, in MUI, the label is on the left when using a vertical slider. I'...
Dolev Dublon's user avatar
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NextJs: HEX getting translated to RGB automatically

I am using Redux (RTK) with NextJs and Tailwind also. I want to set background color of a element dynamically by getting the color as input from <input type="color"/>, and the problem ...
Quiet Coder's user avatar
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I want to implement a feature where it is like a background fade on scroll

I have tried literally everything I can search for and think of but nothing is letting me implement this feature. I want the background to have completely faded to black by the time the "who"...
Oliver Beerworth's user avatar
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jsPDF not working with central text alignment

I'm trying to export my React table component as a pdf using jspdf and html2canvas but while the table looks fine the exported pdf has all text in fields start from center rather than being central ...
Divyanshu Bhujbal's user avatar
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How to create a curved transition effect between tabs in CSS? [duplicate]

I'm working on a tab component where I want to create a smooth, curved transition between the active tab and the next tab. I have tried using CSS pseudo-elements, but I couldn't achieve the desired ...
Tomas Gil Amoedo's user avatar
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Material UI Card - skewed background

I've been trying to make a Material UI Card component that would get, among others, color props and have the background skewed as in the picture. Now, I know that I can give the main Card component a ...
CzechCoder's user avatar
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Cannot override CSS module style with style in global (or external) stylesheet in React / Next.js / React Native

I'm struggling to find a solution to this simple problem. I have a component which I, by default, style using a class from a *.module.css file. However, I want to override this style with one from a ...
Tommy Wolfheart's user avatar
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scrollTop value after assigning an integer becomes floating in mobile browser and integer in desktop

let currentScrollTop = Math.round(scrollableDiv.scrollTop); let lineHeightInt = Math.round(lineHeight); console.log(currentScrollTop+lineHeightInt) scrollableDiv.scrollTop = Math.round(...
Aman's user avatar
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