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Recaptcha v2 not respond

I'm trying to create a simple mail function with recaptcha v2, but unfortunately it seems like the Recaptcha v2 is not responding and error show "Verification failed". Possible the recaptcha ...
jack lee's user avatar
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Intermitent 404 response from Google Recaptcha API

Hello since yesterday we are experiencing intermitent 404 responses from google recaptcha api. The strange thing is that we havent modified the code. Sometimes recaptcha box loads sucessfully, but ...
Willian Melo's user avatar
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Google reCaptcha v2 in HTML/PHP always shows failed Captcha [duplicate]

I have a problem with my Google recaptcha v2. PHP Code: <?php function reCaptcha($recaptcha){ $secret = "SECRET KEY"; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $postvars = array("...
Soda's user avatar
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what a mistake that makes my reCAPTCHA returns message "not validate reCAPTCHA tokens"?

Tried many ways to implement google recaptcha, but in my admin console shown message: "your site does not validate reCAPTCHA tokens". Script included on the top of HTML page <script src=&...
Sergey_nd's user avatar
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Spammers/Bots bypassing Google Recaptcha V2 server side validation (PHP)

I have a form setup with Codeigniter that is using Google Recaptcha V2, installed via composer "google/recaptcha": "^1.2" $rules = array( array('field' => 'g-recaptcha-...
Wenzz's user avatar
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Add recaptcha v2 to woocommerce product review comment before submit button

I want to add google recaptcha v2 to woocommerce product page exactly after comment area before submit button, I found a peace of code that work fine in posts, but I can't make it work in woocommerce ...
Omar Giancarlo's user avatar
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How do I authenticate a service account in Google Cloud Services in PHP?

While developing Recaptcha Enterprise for use of the V2 "I am not a robot" checkbox, I am stuck on this error: Fatal error: Uncaught DomainException: Could not load the default credentials. ...
Vael Victus's user avatar
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Laravel Recaptcha v3 returns nothing

I am trying to add a recaptcha to one of my forms and I have no clue why it is no working. In my form ... form ... @if($settings->recaptcha_enabled && !empty($settings->...
Johnczek's user avatar
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recaptcha in php only with no jquery or ajax

I am having trouble checking if recaptcha is checked or not in authController.php. In the signup.php page, when user submits the form, form method is post, and action = authController.php My signup ...
user1217682's user avatar
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Invalid reCAPTCHA client id: 1 - Multiple Captcha render, something wrong with my code?

I have 2 modal that each have a grecaptcha. I load the script once the first modal is opened and render the captcha for that specific modal afterwards. This is working as expected. But once i submit ...
Dapp Future's user avatar
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I have a problem with "Google Recaptcha V2" with PHP

I have a problem with "Google Recaptcha V2" because it's always Invalid Captcha, Please Try Again. the following code that I have. Is that the "API" problem? or problem code? or ...
Angga's user avatar
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Still getting spam emails after installing reCaptcha v2 Checkbox

I am using reCaptcha v2 ( Checkbox ) at form but still i am getting spam email. Code that is i am using in form page <script type="text/javascript"> var onloadCallback = function(...
Yogesh Saroya's user avatar
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Why Recaptcha is not working with an url with params?

I did a Recaptcha integration and, it is working wonders with the domain of my site: But it does not work with an URL with params
Carlos M Gomez's user avatar
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I apologise if this is a stupid question, but I have no clue what to put for these values. define('SITE_KEY', '**************************'); define('TOKEN', $reportToken); define('ASSESSMENT_NAME', '...
Luke Pring's user avatar
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Issue with PHPmailer and Google reCapcha V2 validation

I'm having issues with Google reCapcha verification in a form using PHPmailer. When the form is completed and the check in "I'm not a robot" is ok, press SEND and this message appears: "...'s user avatar
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Contact us form with PHPMailer and ReCaptcha V2

I want to use the below contact us form; I tested it, and I sent emails. There are few issues that I am unable to sort out so that I use the form on a development site. The issues are: When the user ...
Abe's user avatar
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Integrate reCAPTCHA V3 with PHP action workaround?

Situation I have a newsletter sign up form provided by a third party to integrate on our website. We are getting a lot of spam contacts and the partner only supports reCAPTCHA V2 checkbox for inline ...
flip's user avatar
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There appears to be an error with the database. reCaptch dosen't work

I have some issue with my check CAPTCHA. In my local machine is working but when i put or change in my cpnael is not working. This validate recaptcha is for v1 (end of life) I put v2 whit check point. ...
Andrei Bădiţă's user avatar
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How do I verify recaptcha response test in server request method?

I have the code from below, once the form is sended I want to check in it if the user passed the recaptcha test. How do i do it? Searched many things and i can't find a way that works for me .. <...
Andrei Gradinaru's user avatar
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How can I validate google recaptcha on the server side?

I have a contact form and I'm trying to validate google's Recaptcha on the server-side. I'm using reCAPTCHA version 2. My HTML form looks like this: <div class="container-contact100"> ...
Benny B's user avatar
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How do I use Google Recaptcha v3 on page load without a form using PHP

I'm trying to implement Google Recaptcha v3 on a particular page on my site. The content of the page is generated using PHP however I want to start filtering out some bot traffic. All examples that I'...
K997's user avatar
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How to configure openssl to work with file_get_contents

We run an apache2 server and want to use google recaptcha due to high volume of bots on our newsletter. Therefore I implemented some lines of developers php-code which in general should work ... but ...
Prof.Geller's user avatar
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Validate ReCapatcha in form?

I have a registration form on my website where i put ReCapatcha on the registration form. I am trying to change it to server side validation as seen bellow but i am only ending up with "Captcha ...
JoeriDo's user avatar
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How to run recaptcha 2 in html and php?

index html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <script src="" async defer></script> <body> <form method=...
user15187942's user avatar
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Implementing reCaptcha in Laravel 8.2

I went through all the steps of this answer by @kjdion84, but I don't know what is meant by the last part: Finally, add the new validation rule to your controller: 'g-recaptcha-response' => '...
hannebaumsaway's user avatar
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google recaptcha v2 in livewire component comes with issues

I'm trying to implement google recaptcha v2 with livewire but I get some issues : The issue that I get is when I try to call RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY from the .env file it display me this error message in ...
jhon-jhones's user avatar
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Why is my Recaptcha failing upon submission?

I spent a day getting Recaptcha to work on a site I created. We had to move the site to another hosting company recently. Now it constantly fails when the form is submitted. I created a new set of ...
MarkHFLA's user avatar
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how to login after get key google recaptchaV3

I´m traying to do logging in my web with ajax. But i need generated google key when i do click in login, and before to do login. I have this function: $('#main-login-form').on('submit', function(e){ ...
daviserraalonso's user avatar
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get env varaible with script jquery

I´m trying to get one variable from my .env in Laravel 5.8, but it always returns a string. {!! getenv("RECAPTCHAV3_SITEKEY") !!} I have this code: e.preventDefault(); key = '{!! getenv(&...
daviserraalonso's user avatar
-1 votes
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Auto-submit of a hidden reCAPTCHA form does not work

<form id="myForm" name="myForm" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response" id="...
wanonoui's user avatar
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PHP contact form with AJAX and Recaptcha. Error with recaptcha checked

Fairly new to coding so working off of templates for the most part. I've been bashing code and trying different things for several days trying to get my contact form to work with my js/ajax, php, and ...
Vinay Mahendra's user avatar
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parsing site with reCAPTCHA using cURL

So I have a site (site A) and have some data from this other site (site B) with a reCAPTCHA. When trying to refresh data on site A from site B I'm blocked by the captcha. So I'm trying to open site B ...
Szekelygobe's user avatar
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Display Google reCAPTCHA response on same page

I'm building a site with a contact form, I want to be able to display the Google reCAPTCHA response on the same page (e.g. "Message sent successfully" or "Invalid reCAPTCHA. Try again.&...
joshiswho's user avatar
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Google ReCaptcha Always Return False after domain transfer

I moved my website and domain to a new hoster and since then Google Recaptcha has stopped working. I haven't changed anything in the code and the domain has also remained the same. This is my PHP code ...
Azalen's user avatar
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Testing reCAPTCHA v3

I am trying to add Google reCAPTCHA v3 to a website but first I wanted to test it on a simple form. I added the necessary JS and php to send the request and handle the response in the back-end. When I ...
Abdelkrim Laloui's user avatar
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Problem with recaptcha working correctly with a contact form 7

I'm currently using wordpress with contact form 7 together with recaptcha on two different kind of pages a customers site we are building. Contact form: (...
Webking's user avatar
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Google ReCaptcha form not sending to email

~I'm a complete beginner to php and coding in general.~ Problems: form not sending to email, header location works (I think), but it doesn't show the captcha validation message anymore. I've tried my ...
user14888485's user avatar
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How do I validate recaptcha?

I have the recaptcha displaying in my form but when someone hits submit I just get a blank white screen. Right now I have the questionable php commented out and the site works you can see it at www....
Joe's user avatar
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I'm unable to get a simple reCaptcha v2 response to work

I have previously used reCaptcha v1 and all was good until the Google changes a few years ago. I've now been asked to update a site, and am having some problems even with a simple bit of test code. ...
ROBERT WOODS's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA - textarea g-recaptcha-response doesn't work

I have the following problem with a page that worked reCAPTCHA v2 and no longer works For some reason, the $ _POST ['g-recaptcha-response'] arrives empty to the file that validates the data after ...
Carlos Salgado's user avatar
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validation recaptchaV3 in Laravel

I´m traying to add recaptchaV3 into one web, but always returned me error in json_decode() i cheked my .env variable values with echo and it´s ok, but response from validation it´s wrong. In ...
daviserraalonso's user avatar
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Laravel reCAPTCHA Undefined index:

I am trying to integrate Google reCAPTCHA into my Laravel website by following this tutorial. I have completed all of the steps, but now when I try to submit the contact form I get this error in my ...
Jake Scervino's user avatar
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Goutte Client how to store and retrive $crawler?

My code is like <?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Goutte\Client; use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient; //generate random string function ...
Burhan Ul Haqq Zahir's user avatar
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reCaptcha v2 "I'm not a Robot" suddenly broken, not getting 'g-recaptcha-response' [closed]

Recaptcha v2 has been running on my site for several years. Suddenly on Friday, November 6th I no longer received 'g-recaptcha-response' and began to see the following error: recaptcha__en.js:24 ...
Msark's user avatar
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Can't generate an error response when user is not verifying recaptcha

everything is working perfectly but for some reason i can't generate a error response when the user is not checking the ReCaptcha button. the form wont send until the user is checking that he is not a ...
Tom's user avatar
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reCaptcha v2 and PHP in email form

So I have found this solution in this forum: reCAPTCHA and PHP to send an Email Form I have added the script in my header and added my keys in the email form and in my PHP code as specified in the ...
Michael Mogensen's user avatar
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User unable to try login again if he type wrong details

I have a login form with recaptcha 3 script. When user type his right details he login in successfully. But if he wrong the recaptcha doesn't allow him to try again and print my error: '...
Roi's user avatar
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Google reCaptcha 3 - Error with login after first failed

I implement google reCaptcha 3 in my side. for some reason if the user type wrong details, and got an error of course, he cant try to login again. he gots reCaptcha message - "recaptcha_error(2)&...
Roi's user avatar
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implement reCAPTCHA in laravel project

I want to use reCAPTCHA v2 in my laravel project. Currently, I had implemented successfully it in my login page with this tutorial: But ...
syltai's user avatar
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Domain Format for Add-on Domain on reCAPTCHA v3

I'm currently trying to integrate reCAPTCHA v3 to my newly created site's contact form. The problem is that it always returns 'failed' response even though the input data were valid. I tried add ...
Liandi Noviandra's user avatar

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