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Why my symfony captcha always return valid?

I followed this tutorial to add a captcha to my form. First I install it using composer require captcha-com/symfony-captcha-bundle:"4.*" After I Install it, I got an error on a file called ...
Meh Di's user avatar
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Problem with google captcha in laravel, problem with guzzle

Hi so I have finished all the step that I need to have google captcha at my website. The problem is that I get this error Argument 1 passed to GuzzleHttp\Client::__construct() must be of the type ...
Gebrina's user avatar
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PHP 5.2 alternative syntax for recaptcha

I have the following server-side recpatcha code that works fine in PHP 5.3 and later: require_once("Captcha/autoload.php"); $recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha("my_secret_key"); $...
HerrimanCoder's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA v3 score not returning

I am trying to implement Google reCaptcha to my website, it all works, but when trying to output score from response it always return NULL if(!empty($this->request->data) && !empty($...
Vitas's user avatar
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Change positionining of captcha in comment section

I would like to change the order in which the comment elements are being rendered. I am using the 'Advanced noCaptcha & invisible captcha' plugin from wordpress. The captcha is rendered inbetween ...
Raste's user avatar
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Basic server integration of recaptcha v2

Could anybody help me with this? I have been trying for months but only come across confusing information on YouTube and Google etc. I'm building a subscription form for a newsletter. It's only an e-...
Greg Barbo's user avatar
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Google recaptcha v3 success issue

I have very basic form to test google recaptcha v3, but always got success false. Here is my HTML code <html> <head> <title>Google recapcha v3</title> <script src=&...
Chris Clock's user avatar
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How to make recapcha v2 a required field in html form?

I'm having issues with adding a recaptcha to my html form. the widget is displayed and works properly, the problem is the send button is working even when the recaptcha isn't validated. Can someone ...
Piopio's user avatar
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Can you use Google reCAPTCHA v3 without JavaScript?

Is there a way to use the Google reCAPTCHA v3 without any JavaScript? I followed many tutorials online such as this one and they all seem to require some JavaScript to make this work. <script> ...
bhutto54's user avatar
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jQuery Validation Plugin add a rule for Google Recaptcha V.2 [duplicate]

I Have a register page where the Google Recaptcha V.2 is used. I want to add a rule for enter Recaptcha using the jQuery Validation Plugin. In the register page the following code is presented for ...
Nabla's user avatar
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Send Image file with Google reCaptcha v2 token to PHP via jQuery + Ajax

I want to POST and upload image via AJAX with Google reCaptcha v2 validation. but I am facing an issue that I am not not able to send image with caption text with google recaptcha token in Ajax. I ...
Shubham 's user avatar
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Why is my PHP recaptcha contact form not sending the message to the specified email? [duplicate]

I get a message that says the form was submitted successfully, but no email is received. My current contact form works but I get too much spam. I tried modifying with recaptcha examples from here, but ...
lumisi's user avatar
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extract reCaptcha from web page to be completed externally via cURL and then return results to view page

I am creating a web scraper for personal use that scrape car dealership sites based on my personal input but several of the sites that I attempting to collect data from a blocked by a redirected ...
Joel Mac's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA V2 Failing On Server Side Validation

My reCaptcha V2 "I'm not a robot" is failing on the server side. It seems to be failing at: post_captcha($_POST['g-recaptcha-response']) Both the public & pvt key are correct and on the correct ...
Johno Cown's user avatar
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file_get_contents( failed to open stream: in laravel project

It's working fine yesterday but today's it's not working and showing this error in my Laravel project. Error: file_get_contents( failed to open ...
Darshan Prajapati's user avatar
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Google reCAPTCHA v2 not displaying on page

I am trying to add Google reCAPTCHA v2 to my form but it is not displaying. I have the script <script src="//"></script> at the end of the head ...
eboigblc's user avatar
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How do I place a Google recaptcha in my website successfully?

I am having real trouble putting a Google recaptcha into my website. There seems to be no easy to follow tutorial. I am brand new to JavaScript, but am building a website which receives a huge amount ...
CThomas's user avatar
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How to get reCAPTCHA data with Ajax

I would like to get "human" or "bot" with Ajax based on reCAPTCHA score, but it doesn't work... Could you give me any advice? You don't need to think about validation at this point. html <form id=...
neg404's user avatar
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stumped with recaptcha verification step

I hate asking for help.. but I've spent I dunno how many hours trying to figure out how to implement the verification step for this form with recaptcha. I understand the I need define the private key ...
Ryan Soundman's user avatar
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Recaptcha w/ AJAX: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

I'm trying to get my recaptcha to validate in my form via JQUERY/AJAX and PHP. I can just not get it to work. As soon as I press the recaptcha I get this error: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected ...
Giovanni Wijma's user avatar
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Recaptcha v2 not validating in PHP

I am trying to validate google recaptcha V2 in my PHP application registration form. But its not getting validated. Its giving a success message and its redirecting to the login page. Can someone ...
Sudha's user avatar
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MISSING-INPUT-RESPONSE recaptcha error in codeigniter php

i have created recaptcha for my form in codeigniter, the recaptcha function is like below in my controller: public function validate_captcha() { $recaptcha = trim($this->input->...
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HTML form showing the php code after submit

I have a simple html form what I use in all of my websites in different servers. In a new server I found a problem I cant solve by my own. The problem is that after hit the submit button php code ...
Bálint Forgács's user avatar
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google recaptcha error in codeigniter php while submiting form

i have created a form in codeigniter and given a google captcha v2, i have created the site key and secret key added it to config files, and also added the js and the recaptcha div including my site ...
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Recaptcha not working until I clear server cache

I implemented Google's recaptcha on a website. However it seems that the recaptcha v2 doesn't work unless I clear server cache. Not sure why this is happening. It works fine for about an hour or 2 ...
Kern Elliott's user avatar
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Recaptcha V2 is not working, more and more bots keep spamming the entry

I do not know whats wrong with my code, I am using code igniter framework and I have implemented recaptcha like so: In the view: <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="****************************...
Kwikfox's user avatar
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How to Upgrade old google recaptcha to the new version

Ive been using this code its version 1.0 for 2 days I've been playing with Version 2.0 but have no luck getting the proper way. I follow what google developer sites recommend which this code is also ...
dk-pramis's user avatar
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How to use recaptcha in WordPress realia plugin

I am a beginner in WordPress and want to add recaptcha into the create-property page of homelist theme. I noticed that there is "class-realia-recaptcha.php" file in realia plugin but I don't know how ...
smile's user avatar
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Setting up reCAPTCHA in HTML Contact Form

I have a Contact Form in my website where I have included a reCAPTCHA. The client-side is working; however, the server-side has an issue. The server-side integration page of the Google reCAPTCHA ...
Fatima's user avatar
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How to stop spam messages on contact form - Silverstripe

I have a contact form on my website which uses reCAPTCHA version 2 to help prevent spam messages. However, quite a few get passed through! How could I stop these? Any help would be greatly appreciated!...
Lloyd's user avatar
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ReCAPTCHA responses all fail

I have had reCAPTCHA V2 on my contact form for 1 year without a problem. Now since 5-7 days it has stopped working and i don't now why, all responses fail all of a sudden. I have done 0 changes on the ...
Rizzzler's user avatar
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Register form submitting when reCAPTCHA isn't validated

I added reCAPTCHA to my registration form and when I tested the page, I noticed I can still register a new account without verifying using reCAPTCHA. When I leave one of the text boxes blank I receive ...
sgtvance's user avatar
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verifying Google reCAPTCHA v2

I'm trying to develop a contact-form for my wifes website. I found this code that works very well and does what it needs to do (Send a copy to the sender of the message) The only thing I want to ad ...
NicoV's user avatar
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My form always tells users there's a problem

I'm a total PHP idiot so I'm re-using some PHP code that works in another site of mine to get an email when visitors use an HTML form. Although all the HTML and PHP code looks properly matched to me, ...
user2814192's user avatar
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Recaptcha Missing input response using Angularjs and PHP

I am having trouble with recaptcha requests. I am using the vc Recaptcha service for Angular JS with PHP validation. I receive the error 'missing-input-reponse' from the reCaptcha object when ...
jonlastthelast's user avatar
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recaptcha response not submitting

Hello everyone this is my first time implementing a captcha any help is appreciated. My dilemma is that my submit button is frozen after solving the captcha. After some troubleshooting, I conclude ...
John Macasinag's user avatar
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Google recaptcha v2 verification in php - null response

I have been using recaptcha v2 across a number of php sites for the last few months. recently they have all stopped working. The admin page states "We detected that your site is not verifying ...
Mark Leighton's user avatar
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PHP - Google Recaptcha proxy setup

I am using PHP wrapper library for Google Recaptcha. I need to set up a proxy, but as I investigate, this library does not have support for proxy ...
Stevan Tosic's user avatar
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Curl bypass reCAPTCHA with white list of sites

How can I bypass this recaptcha of this site with PHP + Curl ??? I tried to display it for the visitor to solve but it has a whitelist of websites and an error occurs. What are my other options? ...
Bruno Andrade's user avatar
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(PHP) Stuck making submission form anti spam

So I am almost done creating this anti spam google recaptcha v3 form. I get failure to the end. could you see what is the problem? I dont use this to send data to DB but to my email. let me know if ...
SarahMilner's user avatar
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ReCapcha Problems

I have setup a Piwallet and it needs a Recapcha v2 Key but when I try to login after providing the correct key I get this in the debug screen and it reads: [:error] [pid 7405] [client 181.123.31....
jojo osinga's user avatar
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What is wrong with this reCAPTCHA

I have been trying to get this CAPTCHA to work for a while but i cant get it to work whatever i try to do. When i changed !== to just != as someone suggested the form submission will go trough with a &...
Rizzzler's user avatar
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How can i add recaptcha properly to my html form?

I have an AJAX HTML form with validation fields. So my problem is that i'm stuck. I want to embed a recaptcha in my form. I want to produce the following result. If the user completes the recaptcha ...
Zergster's user avatar
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PrestaShop 1.5 adding PHP (reCaptcha)

currently I'm working on an outdated PrestaShop instance in version 1.5. There is a requirement to integrate Google's reCaptcha. So far that was easy. Except the Respond code, which is a PHP script, ...
Kendel Ventonda's user avatar
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How do I make this PHP form with a Google Recaptcha POST to a different URL?

I have to create a PHP form with a Google reCaptcha. The form has to POST to a specific URL to process the submission and when the form submits, it can not redirect the user to another page. I have ...
Marijana Brown's user avatar
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I'm struggling with integrating recaptcha in multipage form

Background info: I have made a test form containing multiple pages. When recaptcha isn't intergrated I receive the info in my database. But when trying to integrate recaptcha (checkbox v2) it keeps ...
Kristof's user avatar
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how to stop if google reCAPTCHA is wrong?

I am trying to get a google CAPTCHA to work but it wont, it's always failing saying "Wrong captcha try again please!". Can anyone see if i did something wrong anywhere ? PHP if(isset($_POST)...
Rizzzler's user avatar
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can anyone help me to resolve the issue "An Error Was Encountered Non-existent class: recaptchalib"

I am updating recaptcha library to recaptchalib. I am getting this error. An Error Was Encountered Non-existent class: recaptchalib Include the library recaptchalib.php in library folder. User ...
vdr's user avatar
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Unable to verify the Recaptcha in PHP

I am trying to verify the google Recaptcha but unable to verify it.I have used this link for library files. $secret = '6Ld0AgkTAAAAAMRP-...
swapnil jain's user avatar
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Submit only works on second click

I have a form with a verification through Google reCaptcha. But now I have to click the submit button twice. I can't find the reason. My form is build like this (Smarty): <form method="post" id="...
IJsbrand Schipperus's user avatar

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