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How to add recaptcha to mailform

The website of the wife of a deceased friend has been misused for sending spam. This is probably because ReCaptcha is not used with the registration form. The site uses Joomla 3.9. I would like to ...
Remo's user avatar
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Can submit contact form without google recaptcha v2 validation

I have used a contact form in php and added google recaptcha on it. But I can submit the form without recaptcha validation. How can I make this recaptcha as required. I have already tried some ...
Ehsan's user avatar
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Weird Behavior of Google ReCaptcha V2

I am using PHP Mailer to mail the details of a form to a particular Email Address. But before that the code checks the server side validation of Google Recaptcha Version 2. I am facing this weird ...
Rushabh Y Shah's user avatar
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I don't know why google recaptcha isn't working in my php email form

I've used the folowing step by step guide: But for some reason, the recaptcha doesnt call/show up on the site? I've called the script ...
Ruilk Gold's user avatar
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Is required to re-verify a captcha after a failed login?

I'm login an account with wrong credentials with re-captcha verification and after a failed login i login with correct credentials and re captca throws error "Captcha could not be verified". I ...
Jass's user avatar
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Simple recaptcha doesn't work on VPS server, but works on another hosting server

I have the following codes in 2 websites. Recaptcha works fine on normal hosting but doesn't work on VPS server. Its really strange. I crossed checked like 1000 times. FYI, I got SSL Installed as ...
Webgen's user avatar
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"missing input response" error recaptcha v3

I'm creating a form to send emails with the recaptcha. Everything was working perfectly, but I noticed that the recaptcha v3 only lasted 3 minutes and needed to reset. From there it started to give a "...
Nelson Silva's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

I got "timeout-or-duplicate" error using ReCaptcha v3

I got a contact form on my website on Laravel and I'd like to place a ReCaptcha v3 but for now the result I got from the verification is the error "timeout-or-duplicate". Can you help me from A to Z ?...
Saku's user avatar
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PHP Mail: Concept of a honeypot method

I was thinking of how I (or we) could build a fully functional PHP form that could do two things: Be randomly generated Keep original formatting when parsing to e-mail For anyone who's not familiar ...
Jim's user avatar
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How to submit a form if reCaptcha success

Greeting All, Im not sure either this is a right way to do it. Assume had a form here and if my recaptcha return success how can I sent the action to login.php? else if return false display an error ...
Nixoderm's user avatar
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Recaptcha v2 verification

I am trying to use Recaptcha v2 to defend against brute force. I have got the recaptcha all set up and working so that the user needs to verify every time they login. HOWEVER, when attempting an ...
morganp's user avatar
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Adding reCaptcha to action.php

Very much an amateur developer who can cut and paste, I am trying to add a reCaptcha v2 to an old html / php website, I have got the captcha working, only problem is when the form is submitted it ...
Peter Downie's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA v3 - Error: No reCAPTCHA clients exist

First of all, I am aware that the same problem was already discovered here: Error: No reCAPTCHA clients exist (reCAPTCHA v3) But since the answers there, didn't lead me to a solution, I try my luck ...
Tobias Glaus's user avatar
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Contact Form submits without checking reCAPTCHA

I'm making a webapp with a contact form, and have a google reCAPTCHA (v2) on my website to prevent robot-spam. I have added this code to the website: <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="">&...
Kevin's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Post the data with recaptcha verify using curl

I need to post the form data using curl but when i submit those data we can't able to submit because of captcha (google recaptcha). So is there any way to submit the form data with captcha verify. (...
InSystem Grp's user avatar
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why google recaptcha did not call back in my process?

EDITED: I have registered my domain in admin panel but it still not worked so i have some process with google recaptcha verification. but when i click the button process. $...
Rico Amanda's user avatar
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reCaptchav2 error message: We detected that your site is verifying reCAPTCHA passed solutions less than 50% of the time

I integrated reCaptcha into a test form so we can use reCaptcha to stop bots. After completing all the front-end and server-side code I am amble to test if the user successfully completed the reCatpha ...
S. Jensen's user avatar
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Google Recaptcha V2 'error for site owner: invalid site key'

I have tried deleting and getting new site keys on a previously working google recaptcha form I used on another website. Whatever I do (and i have moved the script in to the head etc...) wont make ...
Paul Stephen Davis's user avatar
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Problem Getting Recapcha 2 Communicating with the PHP Page

I have a one input field form which I am using to test installing reCaptcha 2 with verification on server-side. My flow chart is to post the reCaptcha response via Ajax to the PHP for verification. ...
Hassan 's user avatar
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PHP and Google's reCaptcha v2 - empty response every time

We have a contact.html form that uses reCaptcha v2, whose backend processing is in a php file. I've taken enough steps to understand that when we send the verification to google's api, the response ...
DWF's user avatar
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Validating Botdetect recaptcha in Symfony 4 Without using an entity

Is there any way to validate a BotDetect recaptcha in the symfony form builder? I have the below form, which lets a user enter their email.: $form = $this->createFormBuilder() ->...
D_Breedt's user avatar
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Recaptcha V3 not always returning Score and Result

I tried implementing Recaptcha V3 on one of our websites forms recently, but ran in to an error where it wouldn't let some users submit the form as it coming back with the error message "You have been ...
Mark's user avatar
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Getting a blank response trying to verify google recaptcha from google's api using curl with PHP

Here is the documentation of the API I am trying to use: I am using curl with PHP to send a POST request and get a response back but I keep getting ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Reset reCaptcha after form submission in PHP server side

I have this script that works fine. I wanted to reset google's recaptcha after submission. I know this will be so simple but I am failing to get the JS function to work within my script. <?php ...
Shane Muirhead's user avatar
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How to fix: Unable to connect to . Error #0: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to (No route to host)

I'm trying to use recaptcha in Zend Framework 3. When I submit the form, I get the error: Unable to connect to . Error #0: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to
Родіон Рябінін's user avatar
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reCaptcha v3 identifies legit users as spambots (score = 0.1)

I have recently implemented reCaptcha v3 in a 'contact us' page. I built it so that if a user gets any score below 0.3 for the recaptcha, his/hers form will not be sent and instead the user's data ...
Ziv Shoshany's user avatar
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Add recaptcha to the expression engine forms

How can I add captcha/recaptcha to the forms using in ExpressionEngineV2?
anittas joseph's user avatar
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Verify reCaptcha v2 checkbox is ticked

I have tried for the majority of the day to get this working but all seem to not fully work with my code. I have a perfectly working sendmail script and just want to add in the google reCaptcha. So ...
Shane Muirhead's user avatar
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WordPress Filter: wp_authenticate_user not getting user data

For a WordPress + WooCommerce setup, I'm trying to implement email activation and Google Captcha function on login using wp_authenticate_user filter, but the order of checking these are wrong. Ok ...
Chamisxs's user avatar
-3 votes
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Enable button on callback if recaptcha successful (Google recaptcha v2)

I have a simple page that has a button with a link variable linked to it, I want to add a recaptcha validation to the page, in a way where the button will be only visible if the recaptcha is validated ...
Allae Eddine's user avatar
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How to get reCaptcha to work with ajax .load

I am looking to use reCaptcha with the jquery '.load' ajax function so that the information is passed across to my PHP contact form. I have established how to send across things such as name value, ...
Coder's user avatar
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Undefined index: g-recaptcha-response with PHPMailer

I am trying to incorporate Google's ReCaptcha API with PHPMailer, however, I am being faced with 'Undefined index:' error. I am using 'if (isset($_POST['submit']))' so unsure of why this error is ...
Coder's user avatar
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ReCaptcha v2 implementation in PHP

So I have been having trouble implementing Recaptcha v2 Here is my form code <form action="upload.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div id="html_element"></div> &...
RealistikDash's user avatar
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Post multiple form field data to 3rd party server after Google Invisible reCaptcha success?

So I am new to this so please excuse me if my question is not posted as expected. Any suggestions and advice will be kindly appreciated. So I have a form with multiple fields that posts to an PHP ...
Dennis Ferreira's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I implement Google Recaptcha v3 in a PHP form?

I would like to insert a contact form the new version (V3) of Recaptcha. I have looked for different solutions, but they only show part of the code, they are incomplete or I get an error, and most of ...
kikerrobles's user avatar
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How to pass POST data to external site after recaptcha authentication?

I have a form where the action is a script on another website and I need to filter out spam. I have set up recaptcha v2 and changed my form action to point to a local php file which is successfully ...
DanDcru's user avatar
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Using 2 recaptcha on same page and getting different values for both via AJAX

I have 2 Google Recaptcha's on same page in different forms (Login and Register Forms). I had to put both the forms on the same page due to the designing requirements which can't be changed. Now the ...
Apple Bux's user avatar
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How to make Google Recaptcha work in UC Browser?

For a project, I implemented Google Recaptcha V2(with image selection). I am able to use Google Recaptcha in every other browser, except in UC browser mobile. sample code(html): <head> ...
codewiz's user avatar
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How to integrate ReCAPTCHA into Default Login Form/Comment in WORDPRESS

I want to add reCAPTCHA to my wordpress site(Default Login Form and Comment). I search google for this but no affective solution. I'm new in web dev. Appreciate for detailed guide. Thanks so much!
Tsubasa Ozora's user avatar
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file_get_content with no return

I'm trying to implement reCAPTCHA in my website, everything seems working fine, except the return from file_get_contents(). Here is my code: if ($_REQUEST["send"] == 1){ // access $...
Marcos Felipe's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA couldn't find user-provided function: onloadCallback

When I load my page, I get this error in the console "reCAPTCHA couldn't find user-provided function: onloadCallback" I have followed a tutorial from phppot for a PHP with Google Recaptcha. When I ...
GSto's user avatar
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reCAPTCHA works on localhost but not on my hosting

I'm trying to use reCAPTCHA and it works on localhost but when I publish the website to my host it doesn't work. This is my code. I was thinking that since it's not https it doesn't work but localhost ...
Miguel Barra's user avatar
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php code giving me an error upon form submission

I followed a tutorial on google captcha and have a simple form. I plugged all of my information into it and I am getting an error when I submit the form. I believe it deals with the last block of code,...
GSto's user avatar
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Google Re-Captcha is not validating

I have got a working contact form with PHP form processing and I have added Google recapture, however. The recapture is not validating And when the form is submitted, then the user receives the ...
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Wordpress ReCapcha

I am currently trying to finish migrating a Wordpress site and have ran into an issue. The recapcha is not set on our temp domain and we currently cannot set it. Is it possible to disable the ...
Brandon's user avatar
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How to validate Recaptcha in this case?

my website has both recaptcha v1 and a generic captcha method for validation, then i decided to upgrade my recaptcha v1 to recaptcha v2 so i placed all files from Google ReCaptcha git and placed on my ...
Dilshad's user avatar
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Recaptcha user verified bug query

I am trying to insert the captcha and button but is going to and continue to next page without verification Here is my html: <form method="POST"> <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="...
BlockCode's user avatar
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Correct php for reCaptcha

I have an email form with php but want to add a reCaptcha to it but I can't figure out where to add the new section of code to the pre-existing php. I have added it after "die();}". This kind of works ...
user3851177's user avatar
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Why am I sometimes not getting a response with 2captcha API?

I am trying to solve recaptcha V2 with API 2captcha , I am using this code: <?php function token(){ $apiKey = "MY_API_KEY"; $googleKey = "6LfBixYUAAAAABhdHynFUIMA_sa4s-XsJvnjtgB0"; $...
Ben Ammar Amine's user avatar
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Storing recaptcha verification in a session (Security)

I have added google recaptcha verification in a form. Form can be submitted multiple times by the same user. So instead of verifying recaptcha everytime on page refresh , what I am doing is once the ...
wordpress user's user avatar

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