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Handle sparse data in Snowflake

I have a loosely structured data(json) incoming from a source landing intno Snowflake stage. The structure of json(# of KV pairs) are not consistent across files i.e. one file can come up with 5 kv ...
Abhi's user avatar
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Snowflake: load big JSON file into table

I am trying to load this big JSON file (sample can be seen below) into one of my tables in Snowflake. I tried creating an internal stage "TEST" with Snowsight and manually importing the file ...
Estrobelai's user avatar
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Snowflake SQLAlchemy - Dynamically created column with Timestamp?

This is a follow-up question to my previous one. Snowflake SQLAlchemy - Create table with Timestamp? I am dynamically creating columns and I have this schema. I need the "my_time_stamp" ...
MountainBiker's user avatar
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Snowflake Copy Into with CSV File

I'm trying to run the snowflake copy into command using a snowflake staged CSV file. my command looks like this COPY INTO test_table FROM @my_stage FILE_FORMAT = (TYPE = CSV SKIP_HEADER = 1) PURGE = ...
Sitruc's user avatar
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handle array in json using duck db

I have this json: { "age": 34, "names": ["david", "john"] } And I want to create a parquet file using duck db query like this: select i -&...
גיל גליקשטרן's user avatar
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In Snowflake, how do I parse a JSON object?

In Snowflake, how do I parse a JSON object? I would like to separate the JSON object whenever this sequence "", occurs within it. Below is my array. [ "JOE_SMITH 14:29:02", &...
HoosierDuckling's user avatar
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After runing the stored procedure, I am getting an error

I am getting "STATEMENT_ERROR" after execution of this stored procedure. I am trying to insert json data into my snowflake table: CREATE SEQUENCE order_id_seq --START = 0 INCREMENT = 1; ...
subhadip's user avatar
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extract nested keys in Snowflake SQL

My need is to extract nested keys in Snowflake SQL. I use LATERAL FLATTEN and I was able to extract a lot using several levels. Now it is a moment when I do not have ideas anymore. To clarify, I know ...
marco's user avatar
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Concatenate nested json array with column groups in Snowflake

I'm using Snowflake to parse json and have a query which returns a concatenated string for Resource and Action keys in the Statement array. There are multiple Statement lists associated with GROUP ...
user3165854's user avatar
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snowflake File_Format to remove double quotes from txt file and load to snowflake which also has a column with Json data

I have a txt file with pipe demilited data. One of the column has a json value like below. "Failure: {"errors":[{"message":"Does not contain a valid address.","...
gayathri's user avatar
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Snowflake - Parsing JSON / Variant Data

So basically I have a table in Snowflake with a column containing data in JSON format (variant col), and these json contains a lot of of key / value pairs (> 130) Here is the table DDL : create or ...
Emile Dadou's user avatar
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How to insert JSON into snowflake variant column using pyspark

I have a JSON data that I am pulling from an API. Below is a sample from that data: {'Clients' : [{'id' : 123, 'name' : 'client ABC inc'}, {'id' : 456, 'name' : 'client XYZ inc'}]} I want to insert ...
Anand Rajakrishnan's user avatar
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Snowflake: Attempt to Flatten Variant Column returning no result set (Not sure prior step stripping outer array from JSON worked properly)

I am pulling a JSON file from an API and loading it into an S3 bucket using python. From there, I am creating an external stage in Snowflake in preparation to copy the json file into a variant column ...
newsoldpro's user avatar
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Snowflake - Flatten JSON

i have a json like this: { "col1": 5905, "col2": "4540", "col3": "23", "obj1": { "col4": 5905, &...
Robertino Bonora's user avatar
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Snowflake - Error parsing JSON: invalid character outside of a string: '/'

Snowflake is giving me a headache loading JSON data into a table. Loading the JSON file through an external stage via an airflow dag task returns this error: ERROR - Failed to execute job 856 for task ...
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