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Questions tagged [spring-boot]

Use the Spring Boot tag for questions related to spring boot framework and the features it brings to your Web application. This includes questions about configuration, embedding of the Web servers, setting up metrics, health checks, externalized configuration etc. It does not include questions about the Web server itself, Java code running in your application, or standard spring components. Tag these questions with its own tags to get the best response!

67,026 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
10 votes
2 answers

How to restart a SimpleMessageListenerContainer

I try to connect to a RabbitMQ with spring boot. The connection should always restart/retry the connection. I have a problem reconnecting after a fatal exception. The application can never loose a ...
Florian's user avatar
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Performance problems with Redis/Spring Data Redis

I have a performance problem in my Spring Boot application when it's communicating with Redis that I was hoping someone with expertise on the topic could shed some light on. Explanation of what I'm ...
fridberg's user avatar
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1 answer

Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul, CSRF and Form Submission

I have some problems with Spring Cloud and CSRF protection. I secured my application (a gateway and a sign up service) with Spring Cloud Security, OAuth2 etc. I granted access to everyone (permitAll) ...
wbiller's user avatar
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Error when deploying a Spring Boot Websocket/STOMP application on WebLogic 12.2.1

I am creating a Spring Boot REST API that leverages WebSockets/STOMP to send messages to an Angular front end using SockJS. I have gone through great lengths to get the application to deploy in ...
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1 answer

Spring Boot: Secured RESTful API using Spring Social and Spring Security

I am trying to define and secure a RESTful API using Spring Boot. Ideally, I would like to use Spring Social and allow clients (web and mobile) to login via Facebook. What is working So far, I ...
Ralph Marschall's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Dispatcher Servlet in Spring Boot

In my Spring Boot application with packaging type as war, I am configuring Spring MVC. As I understand we don't have to configure Dispatcher Servlet manually. However, I old style of web.xml I used to ...
user3534483's user avatar
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KafkaException: jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders can’t find

Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: No LoginModule found for at org.apache.kafka....
sabeena kumarawadu's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Unknown wrap conversion requested after migrating to spring boot 3

I am getting below exception for a jpa query org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException: Unknown wrap conversion requested: java.util.ArrayList to java.lang.string: 'org.hibernate.type.descriptor....
Thejas's user avatar
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Spring boot 3 issue with micrometer tracing with handling Traceparent header

I have below code which handle requests from other apps which pass the traceId through Traceparent header. I expect it will hydrate the parent traceId from the request, and in zipkin dashboard I ...
user3908406's user avatar
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How can I prevent Micrometer from adding _total suffix to Counter metric name

In my code I define my custom (counter) metric as follows: Counter.builder("request_count") .tags("method","GET") .tags("path","/my/...
Giles Thompson's user avatar
9 votes
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Custom Async Executor with Tracing in Spring Boot 3

I'm migrating a Spring Boot project to version 3. The project uses asynchronous task and tracing. Following the documentation on Micrometer GitHub wiki, we tried to define the Async executor like that:...
Ludovic Mouline's user avatar
9 votes
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How to enable JPA auditing with SpringBootTest?

I want to write integration tests for my RestAPI endpoints, and I'm struggling with @EnableJpaAuditing. I want some of my entities to be audited by Spring, so I've created the following configuration ...
Serg Derbst's user avatar
9 votes
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WebFluxSecurity does not add Authentication to SecurityContext

I have this strange issue with Spring Cloud Security with the reactive stack. I setup Spring Cloud Gateway and at the same time, I made it be a RsourceServer so all incoming requests will have JWT ...
VostanAzatyan's user avatar
9 votes
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Spring Boot/Data: Generic service class for crud operations

Let's say I want to create a REST API which performs basic CRUD operations on several entities. For that I've created generic interface: public interface CrudService<T>{ //generic CRUD ...
bred's user avatar
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1 answer

Self-Update a Spring-Boot Application

What i am trying to do is writing a self-updating Spring Boot 2.2.5 application I wrote a little spring-boot-starter-web application with a RESTController to control the update process (i know the ...
marc overath's user avatar

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