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Questions tagged [spring-boot]

Use the Spring Boot tag for questions related to spring boot framework and the features it brings to your Web application. This includes questions about configuration, embedding of the Web servers, setting up metrics, health checks, externalized configuration etc. It does not include questions about the Web server itself, Java code running in your application, or standard spring components. Tag these questions with its own tags to get the best response!

67,108 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Spring RestTemplate - getting null and Error parsing HTTP request header when execute simple GET request

I want to execute a GET through an endpoint in my own application using RestTemplate but when I do I am getting these error / exception: o.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor : Error parsing HTTP ...
James Freitas's user avatar
9 votes
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ActiveMQ Embedded web console and Spring Boot

According to this documentation I must be able to access ActiveMQ console by the following url: http://localhost:8161/console I use ActiveMQ in embedded mode via my Spring Boot application. ActiveMQ ...
alexanoid's user avatar
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Spring boot - running integration tests in interactive mode

When developing a web application SpringBoot dev tools module is handy for speeding up the compile and run loop. However, I could not find any similar feature for integration tests. More specifically,...
samvel1024's user avatar
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Creating a delegating authentication provider (Spring Security)

I am trying to create a Delegating authentication provider to do logic before deciding on which authenticationProvider to choose based on some arbitrary logic; for the sake of this example, if the ...
Tobias Roland's user avatar
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kotlin-reflect with proguard causes reflection errors

I'm using ProGuard for my spring boot application code. After I upgraded to Spring Boot 2, I cannot start my application anymore. Spring Boot 2 uses kotlin-reflect to create beans, which uses kotlin....
rosencreuz's user avatar
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What is the difference between RedisCacheWriter and RedisTemplate

JedisConnectionFactory jedisConnectionFactory() { RedisStandaloneConfiguration redisStandaloneConfiguration = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration("localhost", 6379); return new ...
G SriHAri's user avatar
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JPA autocompletion is not working in Intelliji spring-boot kotlin project

Created a simple JPA spring boot application like the attached screenshot, I found the JPA auto completion is not working anymore as java JPA. Any suggestions to make this auto completion work? It ...
王子1986's user avatar
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Spring MVC + StreamingResponseBody - exception causes HTTP OK

I've got a strange problem regarding StreamingReponseBody in my spring MVC controller. The simple controller code: @RestController public class ServerController { @GetMapping("test") ...
user1107782's user avatar
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Spring JPA ColumnTransformer to read value from file

I am using hibernate annotation @ColumnTransformer to make use of MySQL data encryption, however, I don't want (actually I can not) hard code the password into the code, instead, I want to load the ...
Frank's user avatar
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How To Add SelfSigned Certificate to Chrome / Mozilla

First of all please ignore this question if its too simple or useless. I am new to TLS and am trying to implement the SSL for my secure data transmission between my client and server. My backend is ...
Rohitesh's user avatar
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Spring Boot Reactive Mongo Hangs on startup

I have a Spring Boot application that uses reactive Mongo DB drivers that hangs on startup. Logs: . ____ _ __ _ _ /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_|...
Adrian Elder's user avatar
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How to add conditional based @NotNull constraint in spring boot?

We are using spring-boot. I want to add conditional based constraint in java class. For e.g. @Entity public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name = "...
parthivrshah's user avatar
9 votes
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JWT authentication using httponly cookie with Spring Boot and Angular 5

So, I am developing an Angular 5 app, which requires authentication. Angular app is retrieving data from Spring Boot API. For authentication I send email and password to API which, if correct, sends ...
Miha Jamsek's user avatar
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Spring Security 5 Stateless OAuth2 Login - how to implement cookies based AuthorizationRequestRepository

I'm trying to have Google/Facebook login using Spring Security 5 OAuth2 login feature. But the problem I'm facing is that I'm coding a stateless API, whereas Spring security 5 uses ...
Sanjay's user avatar
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2 answers

How to verify old password with Keycloak Admin Java API?

I have application which uses Keycloak 3.1.x, the application is using following dependency to interact with Keycloak remotely: <dependency> <groupId>org.keycloak</groupId> &...
DevDio's user avatar
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