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Spring Cloud Gateway with Kubernetes discovery client for http and grpc requests

I'm trying to implement gateway service using Spring Cloud Gateway with k8s client dicovery that will redirect both http/1.1 and http/2(GRPC) requests I set the following configurations: server: ...
Lior Derei's user avatar
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Cannot connect to remote Kubernetes service - SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE

I'm trying to make the following test setup: Spring cloud gateway to forward messages internally to internal microservice. I tried this gateway project: Internal ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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Cannot find remote pod service - SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE

I created a test project with Spring Cloud gateway and Spring microservice which are using implementation '':
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Gateway with Kubernetes - Not able to find discovery-server-url

Exploring Spring cloud gateway with minikube. I'm struck when adding spring-cloud-starter-kubernetes dependecy to the pom.xml and getting the below error. I have looked at the spring cloud gateway and ...
Hari Kishore's user avatar
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handle redirect in K8S cluster in localhost

I have K8S cluster running on my host (docker desktop) I have 6 components, each of them in it's own deployment. Each of them has service (Loadbalancer or ClusterIP) Spring API GW (host api-gw on ...
Shay Zambrovski's user avatar
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how to configure api route in spring-cloud-gateway in kubernetes

Im learning kubernetes and im trying to run my microservices on kind cluster. I have a backend API microservice which runs on containerPort: 8080. I have exposed the port 18080 and mapped it to the ...
manjosh's user avatar
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How to configure spring-cloud-gateway with letsencrypt cluster-issuer on k8s?

I'm trying to configure a K8s Ingress for a spring-cloud-gateway instance deployed on Kubernetes, but can't figure out how to serve it with a valid SSL certificate. Here is my ingress: apiVersion: ...
ch4mp's user avatar
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3k views$NativeIoException recvAddress(..) failed: Connection reset by peer

I am trying to find the solution for below error which occurs in our Appdynamics logs when we perform load testing with Jmeter for 5tps. I am using spring cloud gateway 2.7.8 and netty version - 4.1....
Sachin Pandey's user avatar
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How to route to my UI application using root url / using spring cloud gateway

I have react based UI application running on kubernetes with root contextPath (/). When I do kubectl port-forward svc/my-ui-app 8080:8080 and then launch the application on http://localhost:8080, ...
Vishal's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Gateway inside k8s - routes are not being load balanced

I am using spring-cloud-gateway 2021.0.0 inside a k8s cluster. I also have one k8s service with 2 pods. My issue is that the spring gateway is always routing the traffic to the same pod. If I remove ...
lILLO's user avatar
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Spring cloud gateway with kubernetes discovery on openshift

I'm trying to setup Spring cloud gateway on openshift and want to discover the services available within cluster. I'm able to discover the services by adding the @DiscoveryClient and dependencies as ...
rubalvjaiswal's user avatar
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Kubernetes: spring cloud gateway not working

I have a spring cloud gateway that works fine in the docker configuration, like this: (all routes/services except ratings are removed for readability's sake) @Value("${hosts.ratings}") ...
Raven's user avatar
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api gateway for spring boot microservices in open shift

We have a microservices based application running in openshift for which we need to design an API gateway. This API gateway is expected to perform minimal checks like authentication , routing to ...
lives's user avatar
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Spring Cloud gateway on kubernetes timeout

My first question on stackoverflow, hope to get some help 🙂 I have a spring cloud gateway (using webflux) on kubernetes. My all other microservices is also sit on kubernetes on same cluster with ...
Raviraj Chundawat's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Kubernetes, Gateway Route Mapping

I am learning Spring boot kubernetes and trying to setup spring cloud gateway for my services. I believe with Spring cloud gateway we don;t have to use ribbon for load balancing any more. So If I don;...
James Stan's user avatar

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