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Django + Bootstrap modal form still shows Djangos default errors, not bootstrapped errors?

I am struggling with displaying bootstraps form errors in a popup form modal. When I submit the form, with some missing required fields, I am still getting Django's built in basic form error messages, ...
master_j02's user avatar
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DJANGO initial values in form not shown in template (some do some don't)

I have these Models, Tipos, Prioridad and Estado, related to Tarea as defined below: class Tipos(models.Model): tipo = models.CharField(max_length=16, verbose_name='...
carolvs's user avatar
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Djnago: Bootstrap3 form dropdown options display issue

I am using bootstrap3 in django template to display dropdown menu so that user can select the option they chooses. After selecting the option, selected option is not displaying clearly. See below ...
sreekanthkura7's user avatar
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Loading form from URL in Bootstrap 3 (Django)

I have a form in a url. I want to load it in an existing page. I'm following this tutorial This is the form ...
Kotlinboy's user avatar
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Django with Bootstrap 2nd Modal (or subsequent modals) not working

Using the Django for loop It am generating a paginated list from the database. This works. The generated list has a delete button to the right of each entry. At the same page load I an using the the ...
Tony Sherman's user avatar
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Django form-fields: Styling for Bootstrap without losing functionality?

So form.as_p in django gives a plain, yet very catered form, with field inputs matching the entity attribute type, like so: Notice how vintage is a dropdown item, and so is brand. But then again, it'...
zerohedge's user avatar
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Why does a checkbox input designed this way on a horizontal Django crispy form?

My project uses Twitter bootstrap on the front-end, the backend is Django, we also use crispy forms. fifth_year is a simple boolean model field class MyModel(models.Model): first_name = models....
Csaba Toth's user avatar
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django modelform with bootstrap

I want to format my modelforms with bootstrap, and without any additional packages (just using the bootstrap source files). A particular form that I want configured: class FoodForm(forms.ModelForm): ...
Marcus Dash's user avatar
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form-horizontal not working with django-crispy-forms and django-registration-redux

Disclaimer: I'm a complete novice with Django and python. I'm using crispy forms with django registration redux. I've applied form-horizontal to a subclass of the registration form but it doesn't ...
Walter White's user avatar
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Getting Django forms to inherit class for custom field attributes

I would like for my forms to have a class='form-control' attribute. As opposed to adding: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(<form name>, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) ...
Ben's user avatar
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How can I include a "* required field." message in all forms with required fields?

I'm using django-crispy-forms with CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK = 'bootstrap3'. My templates looks like this (this is an example of the sign up form, but I have a lot of forms in my templates): {% load ...
ferrangb's user avatar
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field alignments in django crispy forms and bootstrap 3?

I am using django-crispy-forms and Bootstrap 3 in my template rendering. Here is how my form looks like: As you can notice, the fields are not aligned correctly. I want them to be inline. please ...
brain storm's user avatar
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Boostrap3 form doesn't send the POST request to the view

I'm trying make a simple Sign Up form, with Bootstrap3 and Django 1.6.2. What's happen is that the view doesn't receive de POST request and I didn't find nothing about my problem. home.html <form ...
ddetoni's user avatar
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django-bootstrap3 how to fix the large gap between form field and submit button?

Here is how my form looks: As you can the form and Go button are too far separated, I want it to be right next to the dropdown menu. Here is my template code that uses django-bootstrap3 {% ...
brain storm's user avatar
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django-bootstrap3 how to get required and error classes working in template

In my registration form I have: class RegistrationForm(forms.Form): required_css_class = 'required' error_css_class='error' username = forms.RegexField(regex=r'^[\w.@+-]+$...
brain storm's user avatar
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