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DOM update incomplete in D3 when used with React

I have a problem updating the DOM elements in D3 in a React Component. I have a component which gets data from a Slider in the main App. The slider filters the data, removing or adding elements. When ...
Andrew Richardson's user avatar
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D3js: How to update children inside <g> when using brush selection?

I'm trying to modify a dataviz layout in order to group a rect and a a below a g element. Display works, but when I updated my brush selection everything go to hell as event that should be remove from ...
Édouard Lopez's user avatar
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D3 V4: Updated data is being seen as new data? (Update function)

Currently, I am building a system, and I am having some trouble with the update function. Essentially, I am trying to add new nodes to a D3 tree. A new child node can be added when the user clicks ...
hiswendy's user avatar
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.data() is not a function

I am building a dynamic chart that updates in real time. I managed to update the arc dynamically with every new input data. However how am I suppose to update the text as well? Below is my code, ...
cypatrick's user avatar
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d3 not appending/updating points to leaflet map

I'm attempting to get a FeatureCollection GeoJSON of point data to append to a leaflet map using D3 v4. Here's a jsfilddle with the relevant code: I have two major ...
JotaSolano's user avatar
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Update the existing D3 graph when clicking on ajax

Update D3 graph on click I am trying to update my graph when the users click on a button, instead of creating a new graph every time. Currently, I have an ajax function to get data from the database. ...
user3784773's user avatar
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D3.js Enter, Update, Exit issue

I have a relatively simple barchart. I want to .transition() between datasets with an .on("click") event. What I'm getting is a complete redraw of an additional chart appended to the DOM id, instead ...
Colin's user avatar
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Make coloring of rects dependent on data value of those rects using d3.js, and regraphing

Currently I am graphing a treeMap in d3 and I have a colorList of two colors. I would like to make so that the colors of the rects are dependent on the size of the rects, so the maximum size is one ...
user3014093's user avatar
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Update words(size change or remove words) in D3 word cloud without changing their position?

I am using the word cloud library in D3 by Jason Davies. This is the normal code which I am using and works fine for creating the word clouds.[width, height]) ...
Anuj's user avatar
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Updating a pie chart with a new data set with more values

I'm relatively new to D3 and have been following a few pie chart tutorials. Namely the Mike Bostock Tutorials. But I have question about a donut chart updating ...
spleedo's user avatar
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Updating and appending in D3 efficiently

At the minute I'm having an issue wrapping my head around some of D3's syntax. I have a pie chart working perfectly fine , it takes data from a database and updates chart with it.(I have left out all ...
spleedo's user avatar
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How to create vertical axis lines when the chart type can change?

I am trying to create the axis lines that can be seen in this d3.js example with the chart from this d3.js example. I am new to d3.js and I am struggling with creating both the horizontal lines and ...
daniel's user avatar
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D3: How can I change data in an existing bar chart

I have successfully build my initial bar chart. Now I want to add more bars to that existing chart using transitions to have a nice user experience. Here's my code: var data = [23, 85, 67, 38, 70]; /...
Hokascha's user avatar
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